Sunday, July 22, 2012

Predator Drones: "The possibilities are endless."

The Star-Tribune has an important feature out on drones in America. Here are key snippets:
"All the pieces appear to be lining up for the eventual introduction of routine aerial surveillance in American life -- a development that would profoundly change the character of public life in the United States," the American Civil Liberties Union warned in a policy paper on drones last year titled, "Protecting Privacy From Aerial Surveillance."
"Where aviation was in 1925, that's where we are today with unmanned aerial vehicles," said Al Palmer, director of UND's Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research, Education and Training. "The possibilities are endless."
The University of North Dakota operates a fleet of seven different types of unmanned aircraft. In 2009, it became the first college in the country to offer a four-year degree in unmanned aircraft piloting. It now has 23 graduates and 84 students majoring in the program, which is open only to U.S. citizens...
The university also serves as an incubator for companies that might want to expand the industry. In five days, Unmanned Applications Institute International, which provides training in operating drones, can teach a cop how to use a drone the size of a bathtub toy.
"If you're concerned about it, maybe there's a reason we should be flying over you, right?" said Douglas McDonald, the company's director of special operations and president of a local chapter of the unmanned vehicle trade group.


  1. Oh Geez,

    "If you're concerned about it, maybe there's a reason we should be flying over you, right?" said Douglas McDonald, the company's director of special operations and president of a local chapter of the unmanned vehicle trade group.

    This cannot end well. If I were smart I would vacate The USS of Amerika.

    1. Spoken like a true Nazi Gestapo agent...Guess what buttface, WE can fly these too...what will we find out....look for yourself on You tube...

    2. Exactly- it's a fairly short step from here to a truly bad place. Herr McDonald exposes the mindset of the paranoaic. If he was just another dope in private practise, this could be safely ignored; but he's a coporatist, a client, ally and partner of the state [as well as a benificiary of tax money]. Only the naive see this alliance of the political left and the "private sector" as ironic. History is rife with these dangerous combinations.

    3. McDonald: Only "bad people" (today read: terrorists) fear the State.

      Or put another way: McDonald: If you're concerned about tyranny, then you're the one Dear Leader should be crushing right now.

  2. If it violates my airspace, can I shoot it down?
    Seriously, what is the legal limit in height of U.S. private property? Or is that variable. I don't remember anything in my property title (when I lived in the States) about that.
    Anyone? Bueller?...

    1. Private property laws are expressed in the literature from the center of the earth to the top of the sky.

  3. Private citizens need to remember that the right to bear arms includes the right to own drones, armed drones, to guard our airspace from these tyrants.

  4. Where is the market for anti-drones and drone detection devices? Maybe that would be a market to invest in...

  5. I'm sure the Chinese have the ability to shoot down any kind of drone. Perhaps they will market this technology.

    1. The Chinese already took down the drone in Libya.

  6. Everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.---Mussolini

  7. The U.S.-Mexico border is becoming increasingly militarized, and things are beginning to boil over in one city in particular:

  8. No one should have the ability to SPY on unsuspecting American Citizens without a court order, and a specific reason to do so! This guy Douglas McDonald is COMPLETELY WRONG, it has everything to do with personal privacy. I do not want some Deputy Dog Newbie Badge-Holder staking out my bedroom window while I'm having private relations with my wife! What kind of comment is he trying to get us on-board with? Does he really think his Jedi Mind Trick BS will hold water? READ THE FOUNDING DOCUMENTS Douglas, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG and SO IS YOUR ENTIRE PROGRAM!!

  9. We can LIE to you but you cant' LIE to us (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT)

  10. The FAA rules allow Emergency (Police/Fire) aircraft to fly within 100 feet above tree / roof tops, all other aircraft need to keep 500 feet above the tops. Want to bet that they will routinely fly in the 100 - 500 ft range. As for privacy we won't have any, it be the same as if they are just driving by on the street and see something, that will give them all the justification they need to invade our property.

  11. Douglas McDonald? Ya gotta be joking.

    Sure it ain't McDonald Douglas, or...McDonnell Douglas?

    The question of "air rights." Here's a quote from Bouvier's: "2. All things are not the subject of property the sea, the air, and the like, cannot be appropriated; every one may enjoy them, but he has no exclusive right in them."


  12. Defense: Fly kites over your property with wire strings. Maybe you can catch a few and get some resale profits.

  13. Excellent! i.e. the way they managed to shift the debate to privacy invasion vs security, while nobody would even think of asking who is getting these contracts. Like nobody has dared to ask for 11 years about who are the contractors in these wars and where is the tax money going? This is no democracy.


    Congressman Ron Paul's H.R. 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, could come up for a vote at any time! (7/25/2012)

  15. I heard a drone fly over during the middle of the night, twice! last night, 7/25. I am not kidding, there is no motor sound, just a high pitched fast swished sound. I am not kidding!
    Naples, FL

  16. I'll bet I can shoot one down....especially if under 500 feet. Wait and will be a very expensive mistake for the municipalities as these drones come under fire...

  17. A followup to an earlier comment, concerning drones and Apache helicopters over the U.S.-Mexico border....

    Laredo, Texas City Councilman states:

    "Well, what I can I tell you? It just came up all of a sudden. All of a sudden one day, there were helicopters in the sky."

    "There has not been any talk whatsoever between any councilmen, or any communication between the city manager or the mayor...This is a federal thing...But the Army or the DOD has access to the airport as long as its reasonable. They can come in as use it at any time."

    "It's now gotten to a point where they are invading the public's domain or their territory, and people are not comfortable with it. They do deserve an explanation."
