Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sign the Petition: Karl Marx for President 2016


  1. Mark Dice speaks in an "NPR" voice to people who are mesmerized by his somewhat 'powerful' presence... (personal charisma). I have always suspected that he chooses the least bright of the 'bulbs' who walk by him to speak to. Have never quite believed any of his videos to be a reflection of the truth.

  2. PS.... note that every ONE of the people who "sign" are filmed WHILE they're signing... not one incident of Dice approaching them...just sayin'....

  3. For alot of the flak that Adam Kokesh has recieved for his vidoes, at the very least Kokesh doesn't treat others are beneath him/idiots when he does his street interviews. When you watch Kokesh's interviews he's calm (even if the person being interviewed is a complete statist) and doesn't get confrontational unless he's provoked. Dice on the other hand just seems to be more interested in pissing people off and "show off" how superior he is compared to others. Not to mention is semi-personal vendetta against Alex Jones. Then again Kokesh is a libertarian while Dice is conservative
