Monday, January 10, 2011

Penn Jillette: Fuck Civility

Jillette thumbs:
Fuck Civility. Hyperbole, passion, and metaphor are beautiful parts of rhetoric. Marketplace of ideas can not be toned down for the insane.


  1. Agree; such a toning down could have no possible limit.

  2. I agree with Penn on this one all the way but when it comes to 9/11 he is a FUCKING MORON.

  3. A special backup network that allows communications between government and military agencies to continue during emergencies was "miraculously" switched on the day before 9/11, and so was already operational when the terrorist attacks in New York and at the Pentagon took place.

    What's that Penn? Did you shock us by using rude language? 9/11 was an inside job, and sell-outs like YOU helped them in these murders AND wars. That's quite a trick for even a stage magician whose done quite well financially though completely bankrupt in morals. (oops, I should have said Fuck in there somewhere for more effect)

  4. civility has been OWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. People can be inspired to action by positive rhetoric as well as negative.

  6. where's the fucking article? you douchebag...

    is that civil enough?

  7. The always eloquent Stephen Fry on the joys of swearing

  8. A kept tongue is on occasion, a civil tongue. The nature of rage is to include short foul smelling words which are soon forgotten while the image of the foulness of the subject deed is faithfully preserved for future reference through the lingering influence of the sinful language utilized for purposes of communication and mood preservative for the record.
    My spiritual advisor, however, tells me "No.""Not allowed in the Kingdom of God."
    So I now need to ask if foul language is appropriate in expressing displeasure with acts by cretins caught up in 'new age satanic' misbehaviors and abstract idiotic thinking.

  9. And so they come for the Freedom to Speak.

    It was so much simpler when we had the commies to blame. At least you could speak your mind then, as long as you didn't associate with foreign commies. Now a "lone nut" is a good reason to use the Bill of Rights as tp.

  10. .
    F Penn
    F Teller
    F Penn and Teller

  11. I agree with the 'anonymous' who said that Jillette is a FUCKING MORON when it comes to 9/11...that and genetically modified foods!

  12. When you're too outgunned or scared to fight back, civility is what you rely on in the hopes that the people abusing you will develop an affinity for your groveling and stop violating you with extreme prejudice. Ask Mahmoud Abbas what that's like, and whether it's helped liberate his people. There is no subsitute for the will to put up a fight. The only value civility has is to reduce the tension when both parties have reason to fear escalation... if one side can violate the other with impunity, then "civil discourse" just serves as a muzzle to quiet the screams of the victimized.

  13. Oh boy,

    Once again a perfectly good libertarian needs to go fuck himself because he isn't inflicted with the collective psychosis of explosives in building 7 or CGI planes.

    No, conspiracy nuts. Keep your deluded fantasies to yourself or fuck YOU.
    You are a dark brown stain on all reasonable libertarians, to the point where people should wonder if you nuts are not really the secret agents trying to discredit the liberty movement, like the plainclothed cop posing as an anarchist and starting riots to smear all the protesters around him.

    The government doesn't NEED explosives or bullshit CGI planes, it only needs to step out of the way when they realize islamic terrorist scum are about to pull one. In case you didn't know, terrorism is ordered by their holy scriptures. They are not the innocent, naive "scapegoats" that are convenient to your fantasies of "the American government are not just evil, they are ALL of it."

  14. Fuck you Tony, you piece of shit.

    You cowardly pseudo Libertarians, who don't have the courage to face the truth, are gutless fools.

  15. Penn Jillette.. typical _____ (fill in the blank).

    Would like to knock that hulking piece of shit out.

  16. "Fuck civility" ??!!???

    That's it? That's all your arrogant mass could come up with.

    Listen, shit for brains, you are just another fucking celebrity with nothing to say who covers up his flash in the pan with shock value.

    You are just a stupid cunt.

  17. Yeah, Fuck you Tony you ignorant slut, even my sister- who was sold on the governments 911 conspiracy theory-after
    I mentioned to her to look at the way they came down so perfectly like a demolition mans wet dream, admitted I was right; there is no way in hell a building will fall so perfectly and at near free fall speed unless charges were placed at precise locations, even failed demo's can result in partial collapse or on it's side (the path of least possible resistance) maybe you should start reading some books on physics instead of gluing your eyeballs to the TV.

  18. So if having stuff in your mouth most of us would not get on our hands makes your point it is OK with me!

  19. You're not talking about civility. You're talking about dissing truth and substituting anger and shouting for facts and reason. Which I can understand coming from a 9-11 Liar.

  20. Great.. The fucking MAGICIAN speaks out again.. So what about anything this fucking botard says...

    What EVER gave this shit stained mattress fucking humper the credo or literary license to EVEN have a fucking say about 9/11 or who is and who is not patriotic...

    So.. FUCK CIVILITY THEN?!!! you fat dumb little wanna be magician with a mute mime side kick... (owned bitch)

    Your scumbaggery SCREWED THE POOCH fuck stick! No magic can save you now, not even your little game show belitlling REAL AMERICANS who acted accordingly with Shrilling shouts for impeaching and arresting traitors who defy OUR GOOD NAME and who destroyed our country.

    Well shit stick.. You're tops in my book on the shit stain list for outspoken TRAITORS who sold out to THE WRONG SIDE.. MOTHER-FUCKER.

    CIVILITY? coming from YOUR NASTY ASS? LMFAO You dare foist a flag for what is or what isn't CIVILITY and what.. you call the point 10 years late for what CIVILITY is? and YOU SAY FUCK CIVILITY? So what.. Now you're going to WHAT.. TAKE THE GLOVES OFF??!!! I can't wait!

    You're a better fucking comedian and this would be most entertaining.

  21. I just realized all these comments had to be approved.

    Double WTF

  22. Look at all the emotional mentally inflicted so-called libertarians calling others "pseudo-libertarians" because they don't bow down to the cult of conspiracy theory fantasies.

    In the years of Pearl Harbor the facilitation of the attacks by the U.S. government would not have been sufficient. No, they would have actually have placed explosives in the boats in the harbor before the Japanese bombed them, because lord knows what if people didn't see the Japanese dropping fucking bombs on them. You people are such a fucking joke. Explosives in buildings that weren't even hit by the planes as some sort of "necessity" for the government's narrative. CGI planes, people on the ground being plants. Phantom planes flying into the pentagon. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.

    You people need help. You are making reasonable libertarians look like a big joke that are easy to cast off as a bunch of lunatics you don't have to take seriously. That's the REAL conspiracy in my book. That you lot may be plants to discredit libertarians as a lunatic fringe for whom the evils of government aren't even obvious enough. Muslims with a grudge flying planes into buildings isn't enough? Put some TNT in the basement so the American people will get the point, because "patriots" won't be motivated enough by their hatred of all things non-American attacking their great nation and slaughtering innocents, and critics of foreign policy will not be satisfied by the narrative of blowblack.

    Just like the imbeciles claiming WikiLeaks is a false flag CIA operation because the media "pays so much attention" to them. Yeah, because it wouldn't be obvious or anything if they DIDN'T. Either way, the media would be part of the conspiracy. The only thing that would satisfy the nuts about Wikileaks is if they 'prove' all of their delusions to be truth. The honesty of Wikileaks must be dependent on their allegiance to all of the fantasies of the conspiracy nut, Or otherwise, Wikileaks is "legit" only if they are marginalized and become a paper tiger, which of course means all of their conspiracy fantasies would also remain in tact.
    No matter what happens, the important thing is that the conspiracy theory remains intact, like the holy faith in a divine creator. Conspiracy theorists are experts in circular reasoning.
    Whatever happens, evil must always win, otherwise their theories would be proven false and we certainly could not possibly accept or even consider THAT, would we?

    You want a 'conspiracy' that is actually reasonable instead of the domain of paranoid schizophrenics? Read "The Chasm" by G. Edward Griffin. It also answers to Occam's Razor.
    Evil is not complicated. Stop pretending that it is.

  23. Dear Tony,

    I completely agree.

    9-11 was clearly done by A-rabs, who with their superior access to Allah, were able to flunk out of flight school and leave their passports out obligingly for the Feds but nonetheless outwit the entire US air defense to take down a couple of heavily insured trade buildings..thus proving that if McDonalds won't go to Jihad, Jihad will come to it...

    And Wikileaks is the sweetest sounding thing to come out of Australia since Waltzing Mathilda...

    Now, I must hurry back to some swamp land I'm selling down in the panhandle..
