Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Speech Delivered at the New York Federal Reserve Bank

Books by Robert Wenzel

NEW! The Fed Flunks: My Speech at the New York Federal Reserve Bank

By Robert Wenzel



In April 2012, Robert Wenzel delivered a speech at the New York Federal Reserve that rocked the financial world. The Fed Flunks contains the speech he delivered, plus two other essays. In addition, Wenzel explains in The Fed Flunks just how it came about that he, a major critic of the Fed, was invited to deliver a speech at the Fed, how the event was almost sabotaged, who was at the speech and the reaction of the Fed economists there.

Product Details

ISBN                                  9781312047235

Copyright                          Gallatin House LLC (Standard Copyright License)

Edition                              First Edition

Publisher                           Gallatin House

Published                           May 15, 2014
Language                           English
Pages                                 73
Binding                              Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink                         Black & white
Weight                              0.35 lbs.
Dimensions (inches)           6 wide x 9 tall



Coming Soon from Robert Wenzel:

Always Fighting for Liberty: The Early Wenzel

Prior to launching, Wenzel spent most of his working hours as a financial consultant, often providing advice to firms that were dealing directly with the SEC, the Federal Reserve and the FDA. But that did not stop Wenzel from speaking out against these agencies and other government organizations. Adopting pen names to protect himself and his clients, Wenzel for years bashed the same agencies that he had to deal with during the day. 

Now, as his financial consultancy business winds down and his pursuits become almost entirely focused on fighting for liberty, Wenzel has assembled an important collection of the essays previously scattered across the internet.


  1. You've got great big brass balls.

    Nice speech.

  2. Oh good, you made it out alive.

    Awesome speech!

  3. Priceless! Great speech and great prediction at the end.

  4. Hi Bob,

    Thank you for your service to this country.

  5. Bravo! A heroic speach that makes me proud to call myself an EPJ reader.

  6. Thunderous Applause and Cheers!

    Congratulations. Your prepared comments are courageous and show a man of principal willing to tell the truth to those who need to hear it the most. I’m curious, what questions did they ask? Were you met with resistance and disbelief, or were there any open minds?

  7. Nice work. I hope you will share with us details of the response you received.

  8. Bravo! Powerful, provocative, and convincing.

  9. Leave it to the "four legged rats" (opposed to the two legged ones currently occupying the Fed... very clever)

    Very well done, I wish I was there to see the faces of the audience. Who was in attendance? I hope Dudley was there.

    Can you please tell us how the speech was received? Did anyone express desire for you to offer further insights? Could they even bare to give you an applause when you finished or was there just silence?

    I am a little surprised you didn't expand on the looming bond bubble and skyrocketing interest rates that will result. Perhaps you were restricted by time or that simply wasn't a goal of your speech.

    Anyways, knowing that the names of Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard echoed in the halls of the Fed makes me smile... I hope your audience silently admitted to themselves that the Austrians have been right all along. However, I suspect they rolled their eyes in disgust. Let it not be said that the Keynesian manipulators were not warned.

    Bravo Mr. Wenzel. Bravo.

    1. Ditto. I also would like to know how the speech was received, and to have watched those in attendance during the speech.

    2. The New York Federal Reserve Bank has a room called the Liberty Room?

    3. Yes, it's where they conspire to take more of it from us.

  10. You, sir, are a genuine hero.

  11. Bravo Robert,

    So how was their reception of your speech? How many people listened in?

  12. So... how were the responses? C'mon Robert, you must inform us of their reactions!

    Great speech by the way

  13. So, how was the lunch?

  14. Bravo Mr Wenzel! Delivering that speech in the belly of the beast took cojones gigante!

    I'm curious as to how it was recieved. Polite applause, silence, masss exodus? Was there a question and answer period? If so, what was the tone and what were the subjects?

  15. Great speech. The ending was awesome. How many people do you think showed up?

  16. I wonder how Fedsters made the connection that they are the two-legged rats?

  17. "I beg you all, walk out of here with me, never to come back."

    Did this get a laugh? Even I, who agree with you, would have laughed. As Upton Sinclair said, "It's hard to make a man understand something when his livelihood depends on him not understanding it".

  18. Was there an attendance ledger? Who was in the Fed audience?

  19. Was there a Q&A? What reactions did you get? Don't leave us hanging.

  20. Well said. Can I ask what questions/objections were directed at you after the speech? I take it the whole staff did not leaver afterwards and head home.

  21. Tell me there's video of this.

    Better yet, tell me there's video of the faces in the audience.

  22. How many attended, and how were your remarks received?

  23. Why do you always pull your punches?

  24. It's like an atheist giving a speech at Sunday mass. I'd really like to know how the lunch conversations went afterwards.

    1. Except in this case he was founded and right.

    2. Forget the "Except" part. I agree that he was founded and right. I scratch my head at the "Except" business you have going on, Mr. Anonymous. You can leave that word out.

    3. everyone is entitled to his opinion i guess; the matter of faith had little to do with the current discussion so i don't believe it should have been included in your original post.

      as far as the fed decisions are concerned, at least those opinions are documented and can be severely judged for what they are from a practical standpoint (and point by point dismantled as Bob has so brilliantly done in his speech)

      as for the matter of faith, the jury is still out and will probably be so until the end of time ;)

    4. Different Anonymous

      From the point of view of an Atheist, Tom's analogy is spot on. Wenzel insulted them in their house of worship by using evidence to question the articles of their faith.

      A Christian who is also anti-FED will take offense at the analogy, but it's a valid one.

    5. Yet Another Anonymous

      The analogy fails in that Wenzel's economics are solidly grounded in provable science and logic.

      Atheism, on the other hand, is purely a matter of blind faith -- there's simply NO WAY to "prove" that there's no such thing as an Infinite Aristotelian-First-Cause/Prime-Mover/"God" in this or any other universe/dimension/whatever.

      Now, I do have some respect for Agnosticism as a logical position; but outright Atheism (which is an unprovable Faith-Claim in and of itself) really has little correspondence with Wenzel's economic views -- which I believe he can prove from foundation to conclusion with a maximum of facts and logic, and a minimum of unproved assumptions.

    6. Well put Anonymous and Yet Another Anonymous! And I agree that atheism takes more blind faith than it takes Christians to believe in God. If anyone has any doubt, I encourage them to read up on Dr. Randy Guliuzza's "Darwin or Design: The Human Reproductive System". It takes far less faith to believe in a Creator than it does to prove there is none! And Wenzel did an EXCELLENT job challenging the Fed.

    7. Yet another, other anonymous, in response to "yet another anonymous".

      You should freshen up on your epistemology. The burden of proof is on the believer. I can imagine any number of un-provable things and that does not obligate you to entertain whether they might be true. With respect to confirmable, but not refutable (also called undedecidably confirmable) postulates, having no evidence that something is true is exactly the strongest evidence possible that something is false. One can do no better, due to the nature of induction, which means there is nothing lacking in the atheist position.

      Imagine the assertion that that "there exists a white raven", but nobody in the world has ever seen a white raven (and there is an infinite amount of time for a white raven to show his face). In this case, the strongest statement one can make against the white raven's existence is that no white raven has never been seen. Does this mean that the man who says there is no white raven is wrong for saying so? No, he's converging on the truth at the fastest possible rate, and he will only change his mind if he is forced to change it by the observation of a white raven. The proof you demand is logically impossible to obtain without already knowing the whole of time, and there is no point entertaining the possibility, let alone the consequences, of the existence of a white raven. There are similarly refutable, but not confirmable postulates, such as "all raven's are black", that you would apparently contemplate forever, based on your earlier assertions. Actually, there are an infinite number of these postulates, and perhaps your brainpower is entirely wasted by contemplating them all at once.

      In other words, you don't have any clue what you're talking about. The atheists are correct in the only possible sense of the word, precisely because we're dealing with something, the existence of god, that is purely confirmable, but not refutable, given the effectively infinite nature of the universe and future knowledge.

  25. Every single point was spot on, from the way you ranked them to the way you framed them. You didn't fool around and went straight for the jugular. Magnificent. I would've loved to deliver this speech at the fed.

  26. Epic!! Outstanding! Bravo, Robert!

  27. Phenomenal speech,Robert. I applaud your courage and forthrightness. I will continue following you. You are the Rothbard of the 21st Century. Congratulations on giving the Fed the only bit of truth they will ever hear!

  28. I have the utmost respect for your fearless delivery of this epic speech in the belly of the beast. Well done, sir. They may scoff and laugh at you now, but it is you who shall have the last laugh. It is at times like these, with people like Bernanke pulling the levers, when economics really earns its keep as the dismal science.

  29. Wow. As my friend would say, that was a "drop the mic" speech -- a "walkoff" of sorts. Well done, sir.

  30. So I guess no one jumped out the window?

  31. Nothing less than historic. Bravo, sir. BRAVO!!

  32. wow, attaboy rw. its times like this that i need to thank you for the years of education & entertainment. im joining your daily alerts right now, you've earned it many times over. thank you, thank you, thank you.

  33. There are a few times in our short lives, if we are very, very lucky, that we stand in the presence of true greatness. As I read your remarks, silent tears of gratitude began to flow down my face. Thank you sir for your principled, courageous, heroic act. Let the world know that there are still men of honor walking the earth.

    One of them is Mr. Robert Wenzel.

    I, am Spartacus

    1. I, am Ron Paul.

      Might have to now add to that...

      I, am Robert Wenzel.

  34. Between you and Ron Paul, I feel genuinely humbled.

    I need to cinch up my manhood, and fight just a little bit harder!

    Well done, sir!

  35. Well said! I hope it was a convivial meal. The wine was to your liking.

    I wish it had been videoed for You Tube.


  36. Great speech, Bob!

    Thanks for doing much, much more than your part to fuel the revolution.

    This could be one of those speeches that we look back on -- Founding Father like -- after the ultimate fall of Leviathan.

  37. Well done, Bob.

    I guess we can assume that no Fed consulting contract is in the offing?

  38. Well done Robert.

  39. Bravo Mr. Wenzel. Bravo. You are a true Mensch!

  40. To think... the names of Paul, Mises, Hayek and Rothbard echoing from deep within the belly of the beast, right before it's collapse... How fitting. And poetic. I applaud you, sir.

    And as the others have asked, how was this recieved?!

  41. History will remember this moment.

  42. How come the MSM won't publish these efforts in their publications or news shows? Because no one there will stand up for the economy and free enterprise system like Mr. Wenzel does, continuously! They would rather buy into the program of the FED and the liberals destroying the country from within, all with their help, of course. 3 cheers for Mr. Wenzal! 3 cheers, sir!

  43. I take it that Ben Bernanke was busy, and couldn't make it. Ha, Ha.

    I hope that you used appropriate histrionics and oration, like holding out your arms and bowing your head while talking about the gold in Fort Knox, like W. J. Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech.

  44. Haha nice! Those crooks won't walk away from that kind of power though. Sure the dollar is a fraud, but billions of people don't know it. The system will keep limping along until they lose faith, and there's no telling when that will be.

  45. Thrilling to know you spoke to them, and so eloquently. I hope the bastards listened.

  46. Y E S!!! Brilliant in its simplicity.

  47. That was better than a slap in the face with a wet fish.
    Kudos and bravo.

  48. So did anybody follow you out?

  49. Please tell me there is some type of video of this on youtube or something. I have to hear the silence in the room as you walked out of that room.

  50. This speech is to be documented as historic and is remembrance to be etched in the history books for generation to come.

  51. This wa an excellent speech. What were the faces like in the audience?

  52. Yes. Mssive money supply run up for a couple years then severe contracton of margin loan rate in the brokerages to cover steadily falling money supply to drive down the US economy bug time once again. The fleecing is now well underway.

  53. Ron Paul needs to invite RW to speak before his subcommittee and discuss his speech to the FED and their reactions.

  54. RW,

    That was the reading highlight of my day and I will go so far as to venture saying I believe you've made history. Keep up the great work!

  55. Probably be a while before your next invite.

  56. Please, tell me you had someone filming this!!!

    Give 'em hell Wenzel!

  57. Well said.

    It would be nice to think your rationale might give rise to some genuine introspective analysis at the fed, however I fear the mere mention of the word "Austrian" probably shut them down mentally.

    As others have asked, what reactions & feedback did you receive from others in the room?

  58. No punches pulled, you ripped em' a big one.

    If I was affilitated with the Fed I would be in a state of shock,
    they have to know how screwed up the international monetary system is and are foaming at the mouth!

    If they let you in to do a speech like this, shows you they know the jig is about up.

  59. this is...f***ing...awesome. That's all I have to say.

    "The more the plans fail, the more the planners plan."
    -Ronald Reagan

  60. Very nice. I'm wondering though...why in the world did they invite you to speak? I doubt they expected such a forceful rebuke, but they couldn't have expected you to bow down to their superior ideas.

    Did your house by any chance get robbed while you were there???

  61. Keep up the good fight. Excellent points. Clear wording. Apt examples. The fed rats probably couldn't understand any of this speech because of the lack of double speak.

    Thank you!

  62. We stand at a very historic moment when economic armaggedon is already in motion.When its all done the world will not be the same again.The above speech will stand out as a testimony to individual courage in the face of collective amnesia a la Bernanke and his Keynsian mafia.

  63. Are you still alive? Was there silence? Did you eat the food?

  64. Bravo! And you know you have to tell your fans something about the reaction soon.

  65. Simply amazing. You are my hero! :)

  66. What a speech! Truly courageous!!

  67. That was quite a lecture heh. I wonder ...... did they even validate your parking?

  68. There are those, who I call theorists, who believe so strongly in their theories that, when their theories conflict with reality, they chose to alter reality. These are usually academicians who have avoided experience directly, and are avoiding a good study of history. They chose instead to rewrite history, to rewrite laws, to redefine, and to rename, so as to make it look like their theory works. Keynesians are such people and, dare I say that in their arrogance, they believe their theory to be more important than all the gold in Fort Knox. Like with socialists and communists, when failure repeats itself, they will only say that they didn’t throw enough resources at it, and it would have somehow worked with a bigger effort.

  69. Aren't these people embarrassed about being wrong most of the time. My wife tells me, "If two or more people call you a horse, ya ought to look around and see if ya got a tail."
    Sir, we shouldn't go down that road. The pot holes are more like man holes. It will certainly ruin the car.
    Never mind the car, our job is to keep our job. They're certainly not going to pay us for doin' nothin'. Full speed ahead driver!!

  70. Spoken like a true American and patriot. Nice!

  71. Awesome, brave speech!! Tell us about the reaction, the number in attendance, etc. Any booing and hissing? lol.

    And congrats on 10M views.

    1. "Let’s have one good meal here. Let’s make it a feast. Then I ask you, I plead with you, I beg you all, SLITHER out of here with me, never to come back."

  72. I put off reading this yesterday because of the length. Now, after reading it, all I can say is Wow! I can't believe you were allowed to give this speech to these guys. This took nerves of steel. This would be like being invited to a church to deliver a speech that there is not God. You have to post a followup. I can't believe these guys just sat there without some kind of reaction or at least challenging your ideas. Anyhow, good job!

  73. Thanks for the credit, RW, but I can't take it for the data collection effort. The others did a fantastic job, though. I did, however, manage to squeeze in a shout out at 12m 30s on this Capital Account appearance re: your speech.

  74. I am passing this along. It is brilliant. You are courageous!

    (Wish there was video of this.)

  75. One of the greatest speeches I've ever read, especially considering the audience. I hope you give a similar one to Congress.

  76. You are courageous and I can't thank you enough for standing up for what is morally and ethically right.
    If they would only have the guts to take your advice...

  77. WOW is all I can say. This was without a doubt one of the most courageous speeches to a most inane group of supposed leaders who know nothing other than Keynsian BS. Your honesty and factual diseration was very refreshing to say the least...hopefully some of it sank into their heads, but unfortunately probably wont. I would have loved to have heard their comments after they got up from the floor and what they then discussed wth Ben. Agan, WOW.

  78. Well, well said, Mr. Wenzel. I am proud to be a reader of your blog.

  79. Unfortunately I fear that he may as well of been speaking to the four legged rats, as there is no difference in my eyes between them and the two legged rats leading us to economic ruin!

    1. I believe you have just delivered a terrible insult to four legged rats.

  80. I wish this were true... Sadly, I doubt anyone at the Fed will hear of the article much less read or hear it as a speech. Nicely written though!

  81. And how WAS the breakfast anyway?
    Just curious...

  82. Ummm, wtf is the audio or video of this speech? (Video would be great to see crowd reactions). This sounds like an epic situation.

    Also, why doesn't your blog post give a bit of, namely the elephant in the room, h.t.f. did you even get invited to give a speech ther?!?

  83. Wow! Not that is one fine speech. I would love to see the reaction of those present. Video please.

  84. Beautifully delivered, Robert! I second the question others here have asked: How was your speech received, and did you get any feedback from the audience?

    I can only imagine that they reacted to this blast of truth either like a vampire reacts to a silver cross, or the way the average Amoricon reacts to reality (i.e., by curling up in a fetal ball and ignoring it).

  85. Background please! This is brilliant but I can't help thinking it's some kind of belated April Fool's prank. You weren't really invited to the NY Fed to deliver a speech were you? If so whatever possessed them?! Or do you have a "mole" on the inside?

  86. For those wondering how RW got invited to speak at the NY Fed, watch Bob English's RT interview. 12:30 mark.

    Here's the back story to the Richard Peach invite:

    Well done, RW!

    Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito!

  87. Mr. Wenzel,
    My chest inflated with PRIDE as I read your remarks. God bless you for your intellect, the confidence of your research skills, and the strength of your character in being willing to criticize the policies of the Fed. Keep up the good work for ALL of us!

  88. Thank you for carrying our Standard into the halls of the enemy. When you return to DC there's a bunch of EPJers that would love to buy you a couple beers. You deserve it.

  89. My simple examples why supply drives demand, not the other way around.

    Supply is like a flower that attracts a bee. Why does the bee go to some flowers and not others? Because the flower uses clever marketing (e.g., color, fragrance, etc.) to entice the bee to take its pollen. The flower has created the foundation for a market with the bee community. If there are no flowers in the area that create pollen (the supply) there will be no market and no economy no matter how many bees there are (the demand). The supply has to exist first before demand can be fulfilled to make a market.

    I sit at home and read my local newspaper. Everyone knows newsprint cannot exist without advertising. Who are the majority of advertisers? Is it consumers asking, "please somebody make a product or service that is good quality and reasonably priced so I can buy it?" No, it's not the consumer i.e., the "demand". It is the creator of the product or service, the "supplier" who through research and innovation creates the potential for a market.

    I might not have had any inclination to make a purchase today but an offer to buy something ("supply") that has a unique use or property and at a reasonable cost will entice me to do so. Even those consumers who place an ad in the newspaper requesting something they are looking for ("demand") are basically searching for the supplier of it to complete the transaction. If the demand is not fulfilled by supply, a market will not be made. You first need supply to make an economy work because it is paramount to demand. The public's demand for a product or service that does not exist does not spur the economy forward. There will be no market and no economy until there is a supply of it.

    Remember the cabbage patch dolls? Initially there was no demand for these toys until clever marketing and sufficient supply and distribution created a market for it with the buying public. As sales dropped off, the public continued to make purchases because the manufacturer lowered the price of the toy to stimulate demand. When the manufacturer no longer was able to make a profit the demand ceased to be in the primary marketplace.

    Now what does the Federal Reserve do to contribute to the economic health of the nation? They create fiat debt, not real money. The Feds believe that offering cheap dollars (the supply) through the commercial banking system to producers and consumers is all that is necessary to stimulate the economy. They don’t understand how a free market economy works. They liken their worthless debt is comparable to a product or service the private enterprise creates, but it’s not. Paper money not backed by something that cannot be counterfeited such as precious metal is transitory in material worth. Its value only exists for the life of a transaction. They ignore the fact that inflating the money supply debases the purchasing power of their debt paper. This flawed philosophy is the reason commodity and retail prices move upward. When a supply of a retail good exceeds its demand the price of that good falls in relation to its value. The same applies to fiat dollars that exceed the production potential of the private economy. The price of money falls along with its value.

    That’s the insanity of the Federal Reserve monetary policy.


  91. Mr. As I was reading this man's closing statement I began to tear up a bit as I was filled with a long lost sense of Pride and Joy as I have begun to think there are no good ones left anymore. After today I can pick my head up and continue the fight because of you Fine Sir. Thank you for your courage and dedication to what is right!

  92. Mr. Wenzel,

    I have to admit that I had all but given up the fight until I read your speech to the federal reserve. I am proud to know that there are still some good guys still around who have the expertise, knowledge and fortitude to go toe to toe with such an entity. You sir have given me my pride back and for that I thank you.

    God Bless you and keep at it my friend.

  93. Fourth time trying to post as it keeps eating my message. Short version. Thank you sir for standing up for what is right. I am able to raise my head again knowing there are people willing and able to stand up to the beast.

    God Bless You Sir

  94. Anonymous said...

    Fourth time trying to post as it keeps eating my message. Short version. Thank you sir for standing up for what is right. I am able to raise my head again knowing there are people willing and able to stand up to the beast.

    God Bless You Sir

  95. Great speech.

    Unfortunately the vast majority of Americans only want to know who their NFL team is going to take in the draft or what Kim Kardasian is wearing.

    We are doomed.

    1. More like what NFL is wearing and who Kim Kardasian is doing . .

  96. Well said sir, thank you for telling it like it is.

  97. Well done! Please provide an update and let us know what the reaction was, etc. Frankly, I'm surprised you made it out alive. You sir are a true patriot!

  98. You put them on blast!

  99. God Bless you and thank you Mr. Wenzel. I notice the term is "Supply and Demand", not the other way around. A related phrase, when corrected to "Invention is the mother of necessity", further illustrates the point.

  100. I applaud you, sir. However, those in the Fed have no morals or ethics, therefore they will not quit until the country is literally burning.

  101. A true patriot - Jefferson would be proud

    A videod version would have been great - hopefully they may make a movie of this one day!

  102. As I already said, thank you for the fine delivery. As Jared Diamond wrote in "Collapse", nations choose whether they fail or succeed.You have done enough to make your way into the historical ledger. We can only hope that your audience agreed with you; then again, I've been wondering where the second civil war was since late 2010, given human proclivities.

  103. So what are you going to do for an encore? I mean when they invite you back for another speach? They ARE going to invite you back...right? Well, maybe not...

  104. Sir,

    I hold no great fondness for the Fed, nor respect for their mental abilities.

    Having said that, I would like to comment on your idea around the demand vs production debate as to what drives the economy, as highlighted in your statement, "Do you not believe that products once made will adjust to a market clearing price?”

    There's an old joke about a widget salesman shouting from a stand on the corner, "Get your widgets cheap! I pay $2; you pay $1!"

    After hearing this proclamation for several days a passerby asks the salesman, "Ok, I'll beg the question. How do you make money selling your product for half the price you pay to create it?"

    The salesman bends over to the ear of the questioner and whispers, "Volume!"

    Production without demand leaves you with nothing but "volume."
    Volume seems to be a commodity commonly found between the ears of the Fed, and those who eat with them.

    1. Greg, you need to read Say's law. Eventually, no one works for "money" but or stuff. The more stuff a society has, the richer it is. But if demand existed first, there'd be no starving bums on the street. Imagine you are stranded on a desert island. If you just sit under a rock and demand food, do you think it will appear? You need to produce your own food first by fishing or breaking open coconuts, etc. In a free market producers will stop producing when the sale price of their product falls below the cost of the factors of production.

  105. That was awesome. I want to give you a bear hug.

  106. Heroic, genuine, the time is running out for the moneylenders in the Temple

  107. I would equally “stand here confused as to how you see the world so differently than I do.”

    All bank crisis ever, have resulted from excessive lending or investing in what was ex-ante perceived as not-risky, and none from excessive lending or investing in what was perceived as risky. And yet you all agree with capital requirements for banks which are much lower when they lend or invest in what is perceived as “not-risky” than when they lend or invest in what is perceived as risky.

  108. Excellent speech. Tragically, I suspect the entire thing bounced like water off a duck's back. Bernanke & Co are intent on driving America into the ground.

    Love the "four-legged rats" dead pan at the end, too. Classic.

  109. A magnificent speech, easy enough for me, a non-economist, to understand, and totally enjoyable (except for the harsh realities it repeatedly refers to). My only regret is that you did not take my suggestion and bring Bob Murphy along as the zombie.

  110. If you ever visit central Wisconsin, you sir, are an invited guest at my table!

  111. Great speech! It will stand for posterity along with anoither great speech on the FED by Honorable Louis T. McFadden 1932.

  112. I love you for your courage, wisdom and verbal fight with criminal FED. I only wish all media of the world transcript your speech and discuss it loudly. Strange is that everyone knows what the evil FED really is but almost nobody wants to talk about it publicly. Bravo Robert. End the FED !!!

    Lili Brentano

  113. Lovely speech, it is important work, and yet so long as funding costs for the USA government remain at historic lows, it is unlikely anyone will care...... Japan is an awesome example of a scenario where the government took rates to near zero, held them for some 20 years.....and the only thing that could have stopped the damage would have been outright refusal to buy JGB's

    The USA has many extraordinary alliances and it is difficult to see where the FED wouldn't continue to change the rules as it goes in order to create another several years of ZIRP while effectively locking rates down on he long end of the curve by acquiring "ASSETS" which are in fact worthless paper liabilities of someone elses.

  114. I can only echo the very positive comments of the posters. The Fed expected criticism but what they heard must have shocked them to their cores. The truth really hurts sometimes but they have such thick skin, your words will go unheeded o course.

    I was going to point out the ice doesn't freeze at 32, water does but I see it has been corrected.

    Again, one of the best speeches I have ever read. I'd love to see the video.

  115. I am surprised he could even walk out of that place due to the sheer weight of his balls...

  116. Excellent Speech. Truth Shines like the Sun!

  117. Spectacular! This is one for the ages. Every once in a while something happens or someone does something and it makes me deeply proud to be an American. This was one of those times.

  118. "Let’s have one good meal here. Let’s make it a feast. Then I ask you, I plead with you, I beg you all, walk out of here with me, never to come back. It’s the moral and ethical thing to do. Nothing good goes on in this place. Let’s lock the doors and leave the building to the spiders, moths and four-legged rats."

    What a speech! What a man!

  119. i think the delivery of this speech is history in the making. Congratulations from down under.

  120. Kudos for venturing into the belly of the beast. It's cute how you pretend that the Fed's purpose isn't to transfer wealth from the populous to the member banks and their political allies (those who are surprised you made it out alive, take note). Hopefully the room was full of recent college graduates who haven't been 'brought in' yet - no doubt they're useful to keep around to write all those papers with illusory constants to maintain the charade.

    Just one suggestion, if you get another opportunity, and for the benefit of those young folk: "and today I'll make a testable prediction: that there will be no sustained return to economic prosperity until The Fed ceases its practice of artificially suppressing interest rates. Be keenly aware of cause and effect, because any easing of rate manipulation will be subsequently described as a reaction to prosperity rather than its cause. But, alert economists will take notice of the proper causality and, even if that's five years from now, when you realize that there is a branch of economics that can make reliable predictions and thereby serve mankind - we'll be waiting for you at the Austrian School."

  121. Incredible speech. Congratulations and thank you for your work. We would like a youtube video to promote it.

  122. Phenomenal!! If you sell that speech hard copy I think it would look good next to the declaration of independence!

  123. That was amazingly great! Too bad there's no video (or is there?) of their faces as they listened to the speech.

  124. I read the speech. The number of non-sequitur logical fallacies are so great that my first reaction was to wonder if this "speech at the Fed" was just another Internet joke.

  125. Mr. Wenzel, Excellent speech its about time someone called it like it is. me as a small business owner has been pulling my hair out the last 2 years.(i deal and work with commodities.) it has been the battle of my life.please do the American and the Worlds population and try to get on the mainstream news,ie CNN, FOX, CNBC, local and repeat it in laymans terms so we all know what were up against, thank you for your courage. p.s. what was their response to your speech?

  126. Hi
    I would love to see audio or video of this event. It sounds too historic to not be recorded.

    Is there one available?

  127. I have real sympathic concern for the health and safety of the Fed minion who invited Mr. Wenzel to speak at this forum.

  128. The scheme of money printing run by the Federal Reserve and the other central banks, when combined with a tax on incomes including taxing as income the nominal rise in assets due to money printing, is the grandest embezzlement of private wealth to benefit government in all human history.

    While a growing number of people see this scheme for the plain theft that it is, there is not yet a call for this evil system of government engorgement to be replaced with honest money. But the parasitic engorgement will continue until the parasite kills the host, at which point fiat money will cease to be trusted by anyone who actually creates wealth as opposed to those who are dependent upon living off the wealth of others.

  129. Not to mention the lack of Constitutional authority to transfer the specifically enumerated power of Congress to a private company like the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 did.

    And when the Federal Reserve creates phony capital gain through currency devaluation, the IRS (courtesy of the Revenue Act of 1913) is there to tax gains that never really occurred.

    1913 was a God awful year. 100 years of moronic monetary policy is enough.

  130. A truly memorable speech; perhaps one day historians will look back on it and accord it an important place in economic history.
    One thing is already certain though: the war of ideas could use more warriors like you. My compliments.

  131. There is no gold in Ft. Knox. It was all stolen by Auric Goldfinger back in the 1960s. The U.S. government commissioned Ian Fleming to write a book where the hero foiled the plot in order to cover up what was a successful theft.

    In writing the book Mr. Fleming, who was a fan of JFK, based Pussy Galore on various paramours of the President.

  132. Why isn't this speech front page news?

  133. Great speech!
    Though what system would be used in place of the Fed? The Fed sets the bank reserve rate, provides check clearing among other things. Don't we need some of this? If you don't have some way to create money, then won't the public stop spending? If the longer you hold a dollar the more value it has, won't this cause banks to close. Who will lend money, won't consumer demand decline?

    1. You'll still get higher returns putting money in a bank then waiting for natural deflation. If people start hoarding money cause it will be worth more later, banks will raise interest rates to encourage people to open an account.

      'Aggregate demand' may decline, but aggregate demand doesn't equal growth. You need investment for growth, and incentivizing spending over saving like the Fed currently does reduces investment.

    2. "banks will raise interest rates to encourage people to open an account."

      Not if the Fed supplies them with money for free. Thats' the whole problem with ZIRP. People aren't compensated by banks for savings.

  134. Some comments about what happened afterwards.

  135. You must have felt like a vegetarian at a beef growers convention. Interesting, amazing that they invited a non-Keynesian.
    I congratulate you on your courage. Its what true leaders are made of.

  136. I sent a tweet to Larry Kudlow asking him to interview you on his show to discuss the speech. Do you have a twitter page I can follow?

  137. In keeping with your "Daniel in the Lying Den" theme, I am reminded of this phrase:

    Mene, mene, tekel upharsin

    Audit the Fed, then end it.

  138. Excellent thought. Daniel, Judgement Day. Eventually The Almighty looks at the books and decides if each of us are found wanting.

    Ending the Fed as we know it will require a love of the truth, which is inconvenient right now for them. But will the power of the Fed be assumed by Congress as Ron Paul fears? They will show even less discipline as they print money for political rather than fiscal reasons. We could go from the frying pan into the fire with that move.

  139. Ending the fed is up to "we the people", who must contact their elected representative and DEMAND that this be done. However, knowing how cowardly and ignorant of current events most Americans are, it won't happen.

  140. How was the speech received?

    Well, the FED is still open...

  141. I congratulate you on your courage. Its what true leaders are made of.
