Friday, October 28, 2011

What to Demand If You are Giving a Speech

This you have to read from start to finish.

The only person I am aware of with a longer list of speech preparation demands is Bob Murphy.



  1. Bob Wenzel:

    before posting links such as this, please ask in advance if it ok with me. I would enjoy that. Especially if there is folk dancing.

  2. WTF. I wonder if his speeches are worth his demand requirements.

  3. That almost had me crying, and I'm only 25% through it. Please don't post these when I am sleepy.

    (Also, I just ask for travel expenses and M&Ms with the red ones removed.)

  4. I guess you guys don't grok who Stallman is, do you? ;)

  5. what a dick! (not murphy)

  6. Humorous, but nonetheless deeply disturbing, insight into the mind of a leftist.

    As effective as Atlas Shrugged in its own way.

  7. Also, what could the guy possibly have to say that could compensate for having to put up with him?

  8. This has been's schtick is Anarchist. Must figure his laundry list is so out there it fits the image (it doesn't, it is simply asinine).

  9. Amazing. I wonder if his list of demands is open source. I might use a variation of it on a dating site.

  10. These sorts of riders are common in from live music performers. The Smoking Gun has a whole document archive of them.

    Some of them are pretty funny. Foo Fighters '00 rider is good. Van Halen was asking for the brown M&Ms to be removed back in '82.
