Monday, November 26, 2012

Three Major Central Banks are Now Headed by Former Goldman Sachs Partners

With the appointment of Mark Carney to head the Bank of England, three major central banks will be headed by former Goldman Sachs banksters. Mario Draghi is ECB president, and William Dudley is the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Both, like Carney, are ex-Goldmanites.


  1. Today I am closing my last bank account and moving to 100% cash: physical dollars, bitcoin, gold & silver

    Boy, it feels great.

  2. That's really great
    Theses guys are smart

  3. The banks have taken over the world to a degree of which the founding fathers would be amazed, but not surprised.

  4. Why not quit playing games and just appoint them as president or prime minister? Why the charade?

  5. The controller of the world's money supply will control the world's people.......

  6. Head for the trenches! Goldman-Sux is running the game.

  7. Goldman Sachs hench men are just pawns in a much larger chess board. It's not Goldman who controls the world, if it did, you can be certain you would never here about them.

  8. these guys are just gonna be the fall guys who go to jail and they don't even know it because they are making so much money, they have probably been told they have immunity but they lie!! ha ha

  9. I would rather be owned by these counterfeiting terrorists than the terrorists the retarded/publik skewl voting parasites vote for...
