Thursday, December 20, 2012

Understanding the Budget Cuts in the Current Fiscal Crisis Talks

Bloomberg columnist Carol Baum explains:

Even someone following the budget negotiations closely might be surprised to learn that there are no real cuts on the table in the way normal people think of them. That goes for Republican proposals, too. For example, households may decide to reduce their holiday spending this year from $750 to $500 and forgo the summer family vacation because times are tough. Those are spending cuts. 
Washington is the only place where a cut isn’t a cut. Instead, so-called spending cuts are reductions in the growth rate of outlays as prescribed under current law. Nothing is cut.

1 comment:

  1. " spending cuts are reductions in the growth rate of outlays as prescribed under current law. Nothing is cut."

    According to Ron Paul, this is intentionally done to confuse the people. The parasites are quite capable of cooperating when it comes to plundering the hapless taxpayer.

    And if this lady is correct and there is ANYBODY who is "closely" following the fake budget deficit puppet show who isn't aware that the cuts are fictitious, then we're even more screwed than I thought.
