Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rand Paul Has Sitdown with Mark Zuckerberg

The Washington Times reports on Rand Paul's Silicon Valley trip:
With his wife, Kelley, a deacon in the family’s Presbyterian church in Bowling Green, Ky., and one of his three sons accompanying him, Mr. Paul started out last week in Northern California, where he sat down with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, visited the executives at Google and eBay, attended a few $1,000-a-plate Silicon Valley fundraisers, and talked privately with 20 scholars at the Hoover Institute on the campus of Stanford University.

Next he headed to Southern California, where he addressed the large gathering at the Reagan Library, attended a dinner with major donors and received a warm welcome from born-again Christians at three services at the Godspeak Calvary Chapel on Sunday.
And this wouldn't be a Rand trip without him muddying up the differences between libertarians and conservatives. Reports WT:
Repeatedly defining himself as a “conservative libertarian,” the senator said that the American republic could not survive unless its citizens and the culture in general were guided by a moral compass.

1 comment:

  1. Morality and virtue are private matters and I agree that we should all strive for virtue and morality in our lives. But being "guided" by moral principles and being "directed" to live according to them by the government are two completely different things. FAIL.
