Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Rand Paul Says He's Considering GOP Alternative To Detroit Bailout

HuffPo reports:
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Tuesday he has begun talks with his legislative staff about drafting a conservative alternative to a possible federal bailout of Detroit if the White House and congressional Democrats push to rescue the city from financial ruin.

During a phone interview on Glenn Beck's radio show, Paul said he might push a Republican plan to assist Detroit that would emphasize conservative pet policies to stimulate economic growth and bring the troubled municipality back to fiscal well-being.

"I think there is a way, in an economically depressed zone, to have some tax forbearance, reduce some taxes, encourage people to come in and take abandoned property," he said. "I will not be for borrowing any money from China to try to bail out Detroit, particularly if they continue the same policies."

"Republican plan to assist Detroit that would emphasize conservative pet policies to stimulate economic growth"? This is going to be interesting to watch, since the only policies that would help Detroit are lower taxes and a shrinking government. Is this what Rand will propose?


  1. "Who the &%#$ you think you are to come in here and cross-examine me?" Mayor Coleman Young said to ABC's Judd Rose in November 1990.


    1. Since we have/had no reason to cross-examine the mayor or ask questions about how the city operates, I would think that means we have no duty or obligation to bail out the city.

  2. He also said he would like to make Detroit a free trade zone, no taxes, no regulations. That sounds good.
