Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Democrats Panic About "If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It"

This is much, much worse for Obama than George H. W. Bush's "Read my lips no new taxes."  I love it.

David Weigel writes:
From 9 a.m. to nearly 10:30 a.m., a delegation from the White House briefed House Democrats on the latest struggles of the Affordable Care Act. Members leaving the room described a grim and bitter tone. Even Democrats from safe seats vented their spleens about how badly the rollout, and the cancellations of individual plans, looked for the party.

"It's a mess right now," said New York Rep. José Serrano, whose Bronx-based seat is one of the country's bluest. "This whole issue, which we all ran on—I come from the safest Democratic district in the nation, so I'm not making a political statement, but this idea that if you like your plan you can keep it, there's a lot of concern about that."

According to Politico, Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen confided that " 'If you like your health care you can keep it' is very damaging and the caucus is at risk in 2014," and that there was no good way to oppose Fred Upton's bill—the retroactive grandfathering of plans, which may not even work—and explain it to voters. Sources in the room say that the White House was told to stop setting public deadlines, and that the website failures, after three years of planning, were unacceptable.
I personally know at least a dozen people that have had their health insurance cancelled.

Maybe some will get the message: Government central planning doesn't work.


  1. "Maybe some will get the message: Government central planning doesn't work."

    Yeah, maybe. Being weak minded pussies though these people find it so hard to let go of this superstition.

  2. How about this?

    ©If you like your lifestyle, you can keep your lifestyle. Period.

  3. That pesky constitution does not allow ex post facto laws, but, hell, it's just a piece of paper anyway. Since everyone in Washington DC wipes their asses with it every morning, I guess I should stop holding on to any idea that these vile humans that occupy that cesspool would pay attention to it.

  4. Wait until they blame the "free market" insurance options they presented under Ocare and then convert this entire mess into a single payer system. The fun will just be starting.

    1. Mike Norman wonders why health care can't be like "defense". Right. With a military/industrial complex, perpetual boondoggles and insane "pricing". Our opponents have the IQ of a turnip.

    2. Hell, I still here people calling this HUGE regulatory monstrosity called US healthcare a free market! These brainless shitheads are so ignorant that they don't even know how massively regulated and subsidized it is even though all of this information is available at the click of a mouse button. LAZY! But then, stupid is as stupid does.

  5. Health care, immigration, the economy, whatever it is, central planning always makes things worse.

  6. Nah, republicans and the republican base won't get the message that central planning doesn't work. They just think that the other team's central planning doesn't work.

    1. As we have seen in the past, conservatives love central planning too, just in different areas.

  7. I don't think they still get it. They're complaining about how it was rolled out and presented and that stupid website. It's as if they blame themselves for screwing up the roll out. They make no mention that this was all a bad idea in the first place. That people ought to be left alone. They'll make another attempt at this.

  8. "Maybe some will get the message: Government central planning doesn't work."

    Obama says: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
