Thursday, December 26, 2013

Peter Schiff: Unbelievable Liberal Hate Reaction to My Walmart Video


  1. File under: Least surprising reaction ever.

    Great effort though Peter.

  2. boils down to just one thing for most of these fools.....ENVY. Period.

    1. It's amazing that they focus on the "greedy" but they somehow fail to notice that they are filled with envy, an equally deadly sin. Go figure.

    2. The greatest fear of the typical leftist is that his industrious neighbor may succeed. His neighbor's success reveals his own failure. And worst of all his neighbor's success reveals his own failure to himself. At the root of his envy is his pride.

    3. Nonsense - Wal-Mart wage workers need food stamps and state medical coverage to survive, and we taxpayers foot the bill. Those who doubt or ignore that are mere repeaters of talking points they've been so well trained to assert.

  3. The Facebook link he was talking about:

  4. I think their problem starts with their feelings of inadequacy which propels them to try and save the world to give their worthless lives meaning. But saving the world requires them to involve themselves into the affairs of others about which they know nothing and where they can do nothing but harm. This is why they will never even try to understand the concept of economic calculation because it would require them to stand back (if only in their mind while thinking about it) and allow the common folk to engage in voluntary trade without a "progressive" standing next to them with a gun instructing them how to live. As I never tire of pointing out, has anyone of us ever encountered a "progressive" who understood economic calculation and miscalculation?

    This is also why "progressives" will never allow their minds to differentiate between crony capitalism and laissez faire. They can never locate that moment in history where the market actually failed on its own and they are afraid to confront the indisputable fact that it is their policies that facilitate crony capitalism and that Keynesianism was invented to facilitate and obfuscate massive thefts by the bankster class.

    We are dealing with some very disturbed people here.

  5. Good piece on the rebranding effort by liberals, in this case Barry Ritholtz.

  6. I wish that Peter Schiff could be persuaded not to characterize those murderous despots as "liberal". Of course, they like it when their enemies refer to them with that word. It provides them with affirmation that they crave. But, whenever they are unmasked, they show that they're radically illiberal. In fact, their entire project of extreme collectivism screams illiberalism. So, Schiff could do much worse than to stop carrying water for them.

    1. Yep. We need to call these people for what they are: fascists.

  7. The always brilliant and gracious MMTer Mike Norman explains why Walmart can raise wages to $15 per hour and not raise prices. And he explains how Peter Schiff is wrong about everything, even his prediction of the housing crash because housing has now recovered to its pre-crash prices (the credit for which came from where, Mike?)

    Remember who won the Schiff/Norman housing price prediction of 2006?

  8. Mike failed to do his homework on a number of items, one blatant example being his still-uncorrected erroneous assumption that the woman with Schiff was the wife. Then, ignoring market principles and the realities of Schiff's correct, though chrono-agnostic, crash predictions in 2006, Mike resorted to the politics of envy and ad hominem attack to appeal to emotions, a common ploy of those who want confiscatory redistribution of wealth by government but lack the facts and reason to support a valid argument cogently.

  9. Mike failed to do his homework on a number of items, one blatant example being his still-uncorrected erroneous assumption that the woman with Schiff was the wife. Then, ignoring market principles and the realities of Schiff's correct, though chrono-agnostic, crash predictions in 2006, Mike resorted to the politics of envy and ad hominem attack to appeal to emotions, a common ploy of those who want confiscatory redistribution of wealth by government but lack the facts and reason to support a valid argument cogently. It's interesting that comments to Mike's rant have been disabled.
