The state of California has borrowed $6.9 billion. Michigan has borrowed $3.9 billion, Illinois $2.2 billion.
Below is the full list of the 32 states (and the Virgin Islands) that have borrowed from the federal government to make unemployment payments, and the amounts that remain borrowed as of May 20 . (Numbers in red are billions)
Alabama $ 283 million
Arkansas 330 million
California 6.9 billion
Colorado 253 million
Connecticut 498 million
Delaware 12 million
Florida 1.6 billion
Georgia 416 million
Idaho 202 million
Illinois 2.2 billion
Indiana 1.7 billion
Kansas 88 million
Kentucky 795 million
Maryland 133 million
Mass. 387 million
Michigan 3.9 billion
Minnesota 477 million
Missouri 722 million
Nevada 397 million
New Jersey 1.7 billion
New York 3.2 billion
N.C. 2.1 billion
Ohio 2.3 billion
Penn. 3.0 billion
R.I. 225 million
S.C. 886 million
S.D. 24 million
Tennessee 21 million
Texas 1.0 billion
Vermont 33 million
Virginia 346 million
Virgin Islands 13 million
Wisconsin 1.4 billion
Total $37.8 billion
The COLLAPSE of America....Only a matter of time ... Was this a great country or what!!
ReplyDeleteThe American flag is the symbol of a self-governing People who belong to the greatest nation the world has ever known.
ReplyDeleteIt is flown upside down Only during times of dire distress.
We are in those times today !
Mississippi hasn't
ReplyDeleteI'd love to reference this. Do you have a source I can cite?
ReplyDeleteI think in some cases this benefit is being abused. People are opting for the unemployment rather than accepting a job that is slightly below the one they lost. Sometimes you have to take a step back to go forward.
ReplyDeletePeople, wait until obama care kicks in.
ReplyDeleteWhy does nobody see this?
Magic Johnson for Mayor of L.A. Shit can Antonio!
ReplyDeleteHonk if i pay your unemployment :)
ReplyDeleteUtterly disgusting. Who authorized the TAXPAYERS money to loan them...
You better understand that the Democrats (formerly known as "communists,") are attempting to bankrupt us intentionally...
ReplyDeleteWe have to get the Zionists out of Congress, and that Muslim out of the White House.
The ironic thing is, my unemployment ran out last Friday. Since I came home from Iraq working as a contractor, I have had many interviews but no firm offers. No one really wants to hire you too cheaply because they know you will bolt as soon as you can obtain a better offer.... So now I just propose free lance projects instead...It's going to get worse before it gets better.
ReplyDeleteHmmm...the president wants to talk about economic policy when his own state borrows over 2 Billion. With the exception of Texas, that list looks awfully full of Democrats. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteWhy not just declare bankrupcy and cancel or renegotiate all legacy contracts with retirees since these people don't work or produce anymore!
ReplyDeleteWhy do they need ANY MONEY from us if they found they could afford to retire anyway?
Congress authorized the money the countless times they've extended the unemployment benefits.
ReplyDeleteThis is old news.
And how is it "abused" by people taking unemployment benefits over jobs that will provide less income? Would you fault homeowners for strategically defaulting on a house they were given the impression was only going to go up up up in value? Or should they just continue to pay extortionate rates to the Banksters? Is this the taking "a step back to go forward" that you're talking about?
Instead of directing your anger at the poor maybe you should direct it at the capitalist patriarchy that has set up this Rigged Game.
Not that it matters, but where is the source for all this information?
Texas is funding Northern Mexico along with AZ NM and CA..... If we cut off the illegals watch the situation improve.
ReplyDeleteI've got my resumes in at an Indian call center and a couple outsourced manufacturing factories overseas unfortunately they all have laws preventing the hiring of foreigners...
ReplyDeleteThe reasons there isn't rioting in the streets all across the US now is because of the unemployment bennies. When enough people are out of work and have no money or a house or food in they're belly, look out.
ReplyDeleteThe American taxpayers should not have to pay for the fallout of failed 'progressive-socialist' policies in those states. That is why people LEAVE those states. This makes the effort of moving AWAY from those states of no effect - you just get the shaft from further away. If a state refuses to change its 'progressive-socialist' actions, there SHOULD be consequences. Otherwise, why should they change?
ReplyDeleteMoney or no money, America can be restored.
ReplyDeleteFirst, we must identify the internal enemy of the people -
We must realize that both parties and government is fully corrupted by this enemy.
And we must work to undo every policy of the past 30 years, which they have established as a means of control and the elimenation of political power from legitimate citizens.
Cheer up the big zero wil provide for all of us your check is in the mail. Yes gang you elected this collection of crooks and bozos enjoy the fruits of your votes.
ReplyDeleteYup...don't see my state of AZ on there either. Maybe AZ should boycott CA rather than the other way around...dumb-o-crats.
ReplyDeleteOver 20 years, my business grew from back-bedroom to multinational. I will never forget that first year when I couldn't pay myself a salary or afford health insurance but I had to pay mandatory state and federal unemployment taxes so that people who didn't work could get paid.
ReplyDeleteScrew the sob stories. Were there's a will there's way.
Now are you starting to understand what the war between the states was all about??? Not slavery..ok
ReplyDeleteIt was about differenet views between the states and the role of the federal govenment and favoitism for some states over others.
Unemployment is being extended to the end of the year.
ReplyDeleteIts going to get worse.
This administration is intentionally destroying our economy. Those that don't see it are either willfully blind or in the Marxist's camp.
ReplyDeleteI like ice cream.
ReplyDeleteWhat can we do? It feels hopeless, but I don't want to feel that way. What possibly can we do?
ReplyDeleteRobert is a pinhead commie.
ReplyDeleteRight, Robert?
ReplyDeleteThe end of the world as we know it.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who didn't see this coming is really a fool. Obama made it clear his agenda was for the US to no longer be a superpower.
When he is done we will be a third world shithole and people will be emmigrating to Mexico instead of out of it.
Thanks American Democrats. Hope you all rot in hell.
What can we do? We can vote. November 2010, we start taking our country back. And to Anonymous complaining about paying "extortionist" rates to banks, Please, get your facts right or shut the hell up. You sign the contract, you honor the contract. No one guarantees the value of your home will go up, but neither do the banks ask you for more money if the value does go up, why should you be able to ask them to reduce your mortgage if it goes down?
ReplyDeleteCapitalists balance their budgets and pay people for work performed. Socialists disperse goodies to the masses because it feels good, damn the consequences. I can't wait until the rioting in the streets. Thank God for the 2nd amendment.
ReplyDeleteLouisiana is not on the list.
ReplyDeleteObama can print plenty more money where that came from.
ReplyDeleteIn April of 1921, the victorious European Allies of World War One, notably France and England, presented a bill to Germany demanding payment for damages caused in the war which Germany had started. This bill (33 billion dollars) for war reparations had the immediate effect of causing ruinous inflation in Germany.
The German currency, the mark, slipped drastically in value. It had been four marks to the US dollar until the war reparations were announced. Then it became 75 to the dollar and in 1922 sank to 400 to the dollar. The German government asked for a postponement of payments. The French refused. The Germans defied them by defaulting on their payments. In response to this, in January of 1923, the French Army occupied the industrial part of Germany known as the Ruhr.
The German mark fell to 18,000 to the dollar. By July, 1923, it sank to 160,000. By August, 1,000,000. And by November, 1923, it took 4,000,000,000 marks to buy a dollar.
Germans lost their life savings. Salaries were paid in worthless money. Groceries cost billions. Hunger riots broke out
all that funny money being printed maens yoru savings will become worth less. this is going to destroy America. that damn Kenyan muslim Ni*%r in the white house has got to go.
ReplyDeleteHitler fired a pistol shot into the ceiling. “Silence!” he yelled at the stunned crowd.
ReplyDelete“The National Revolution has begun!” Hitler shouted. “…No one may leave the hall.
Unless there is immediate quiet I shall have a machine gun posted in the gallery.
Live Free or Die !
ReplyDeleteN.H. not on the list.
Good job for a state with no income or sales tax!
ReplyDeleteNotice Arizona is not on the List !!!!!
ReplyDeleteSemper Fi !!!!
Someone add this up red state/blue state. I'm sure the results will be shocking. NOT!
ReplyDeletePerhaps the momentum will build for enough pissed off people to stand up and act like American men and women instead of sheep. We're overdue.
ReplyDeleteThe balance of power between the states and federal government has been lost for good the minute states couldn't balance their budgets and had to grovel to Congress for money. This Republic is being destroyed but Obama will insist he can fix it with higher taxes and illegal labor. What a clown! Those of you who voted for him, you have NO right to complain when your taxes go up!!
ReplyDeleteHistory does not repeat - but it does rhyme. Buckle up folks - I hope for your sake you have food, a way to get clean water, a way to protect your family, and the knowledge to use these preparations.
ReplyDeleteIt's gonna get ugly once "somebody Else's money" runs out to keep the underclasses mollified.
Both parties and us, the people are to blame. Yes. Us. We stood by and watched liberty die for 110 years.
Now we reap our harvest of tears.
Here in Mass, not only are they borrowing from the Feds, but they just raised the sales tax!
ReplyDeleteIts amazing to me how much racism is still prevelent, here on this page through your responses, and appears to be getting worse and america finds itself a way out of this mess. There will come a time where our govt. will need to tie drug testing to unemployment benefits and stop financially supporting illegals. Just come here legally and pay into the system the same way as everyone else. Most of the people i know who get food stamps and unemployment are feeding off the system. I have two babies. I am really frightened for them.
ReplyDeleteVote buying is disguise (thinly veiled). Keep paying unemployment benefits for years and keep people dependent on the fed. Why work, just get a check. Why work, just quit and get Obama Care like Nancy said.
ReplyDeleteIam 56. I have paid into SS since I was 18. That's alot of money! Taxes, SS, State Taxes, Etc Every year since I was 18! Since I was 18 I have collected unemployment only 5 times! So when I see illigals coming over here getting free healthcare, paying no taxes, and getting welfare for their 13 kids I say hell yeah I'll take Obamas unemployment benefits for 18 months. I friggin EARNED. Did YOU?
ReplyDeleteAmen to that...the Democraps are the old style Communists that we fought against in the latter part of the 20th century. they've just changed their name and come back as "enviromentalists", "progressives", and "community organizers"...sound familiar? USA is in deep shit!
ReplyDeleteWe are doomed.
ReplyDeleteSmile're on and Obama LOVES YOU!
ReplyDeleteNotice that it's the "Liberal" states along with illigal immigration states that are in trouble the most?
ReplyDeleteleft wing queers are supposed to have jesus like what elton John said in so many ..
ReplyDeleteIf left wing queer men (mainly Roman catholics.. it seems....Hi Elton John ..and Jesus too)
are sooooo C L E V E R can then conclude everyone licking Uncle sams money sac for a living is a heterosexual Protestant republican .
the truth of the matter as stated earlier, is that we all are to blame for this mess. who we elect, the percentage of people on unemployment that are ther after losing a min wage job, and the armerican spendin habit of living life to its credit limit. i have been unemployed for a year. = am college educated, never been fired, and am a leader in my field but cannot find a job even at a much lower pay rate. 643 job applications and resumes and counting.....still not even an american dream has become an american nightmare.
ReplyDeleteIt's not racism to be against Obama and the way he is destroying this country. It's about his actions and policies, not his color.
ReplyDelete1 year of sucking off the system, Buckwheat says we can suckle another year @ 450 a week
ReplyDeleteGotta love dat Obama money in Fresno
All around us are signs and workings of this Nation's demise...However, we are not dead yet. November is our chance to start to put things back in order. VOTE and drag family and friends if needed to vote as well. Like it or not, Republicans are the only antidote.
ReplyDeleteI live in Canada and we Canadians are as broke as you Americans. The politicians pay themselves handsome salaries and have generous expense accounts and taxpayers pay the price. I live in the province of Quebec and we pay the highest taxes in North America! But the world is in deep debt (except for China) and we all will soon see our standard of living dropping like a stone. We finally spent too much and worked too little and will pay the price. In ten years time, most North Americans will be poor and live dreary lives. We have politicians who care only for themselves and getting re-elected. I read that retired policemen and other civil servants in New York receive pensions ranging well over $100,000. Unbelievable!
ReplyDeleteOf all those comments I can't find a realistic solution in any of them. Returning the illegals will only make our cost of goods rise which would most likely cost more than the "welfare" they illegals)are receiving.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans and Democrats are all the same. In fairness to the current administration they didn't make the mess they're only trying to deal with the fallout they inherited.
Save the country, Eat a politician!
ReplyDeleteCalifornia would suck the life out of Dracula!
ReplyDeleteI live needs a stake driven through its heart to put it out of its misery.....You people across the Nation just watch what is going to happen...
Get a life Anon.
ReplyDeleteObama is not as smart as people think. He's just a con man who can read a telepromtor like most news people. With one difference, he dosen't look at the millions of people watching rather he moves his narcistic head left to right. He should get whiplash anytime now. He has locked down his school grades and thesis papers. He is not a professor he was a lecturer. The truth about FDR is that all that spending he did in the 30s did not lower the unemployment rate. This was validated when his own secretary of treasury in 1939 said all that money did nothing about unemploment. What was true then is true now. A little known fact that is not taught is that days after FDR died the presidency was limited to two terms. There was a real fear he could have become a dictator. Obozo,the marxist community organizer can't see the obvious about all this spending? This country is in real trouble if he is not impeached or rendered powerless by a republican senate and house.
ReplyDeleteDo things in the right order. Absolutely lock down the border and I mean airtight. Then the illegals trapped in this country undergo background checks to separate the criminal ones to be deported. Then offer the lawful ones to either serve in the armed forces and/or learn english(reading & writing) as a requirement to apply for citizenship.
ReplyDeleteGovernment is the problem, not the solution.
ReplyDeleteThere is no such thing as an "illegal alien"
California "borrowed" 6.9 Billion dollars.
ReplyDeleteWe have a better chance of getting hit by Haleys Comet than ever getting that money back.I can't wait til Arizona shuts their lights off and gives the LA City Council a big time out to re-think their stupid boycott.
Hellooo, paging Californica. Can you explain to me how you're going to boycott Arizona again you stupid whores? You're broke, have no means to produce your own water or electricity, are paying all the deadbeats and illegals on borrowed money and you have the nads to throw spitwads at Arizona? Oh and Ah-nold is an idiot RINO and you deserve him.
ReplyDeleteCheck out Greece. Sucking government tit leads to havoc. Excessive union demands(demo special interest group). Weak CEO's. Dishonest government buying votes. Stop government from spending our taxes or granting benefits to special interest groups.
ReplyDeleteIf the states owe enough to the Feds then the Feds can forclose, eliminate the state government and not have to worry about the 10th amendment any longer. Think we can last until November?
ReplyDeleteThe demise of the failed states, and nations, was written about in 1957. If you want to see what's going to happen, just read Atlas Shrugged.
ReplyDeleteYou'll know they are through when the lights of New York go out.
Welcome to Nanny Country USA. Pretty soon everyone will be working for the government. Ohh..never mind.
ReplyDeleteWhoever "Anonymous" is has to be the most ignorant commenter I've ever read on ANY political/economic blogsite.
ReplyDeleteWhen will the madness ever stop! We all (well most) know Bush did a pretty banged up job, but ever since the Dems have had the majority and writing the laws everything has completely turned to shit!
ReplyDeleteAnybody want a piece of my chicken?
ReplyDeleteBush didn't do a banged up job, he is a RINO. Sheep in wolfs clothing. At least we know O is a pinko commie! End the Fed, vote out incumbants!
ReplyDeleteDeath to America!
ReplyDeleteRe-elect Barack Obama!!!
hmmm, 100+ posts and no mention of gold.
ReplyDeletethe only reason all of this is happening is because we all participate in the lie that is fiat currency. when people realize there is no real money just debt instruments traded as money there will be a rush into something real. that means gold, silver and to a lesser extent other commodities. if you aren't slowly accumulating these now you will be sorry.
we are in a very crowded auditorium with only a few exits. move slowly towards the doors. seriously.
O,, O,, O,, Ice cold milk and an oreo president. Communism and socaliasim a classic combination, when a dark, socialious president meets an icy, cold population. Like the ONE and Only, Commie, Narci, Choc-O-late, O-R-E-O!
ReplyDeleteI know it looks bad, and I believe it will be hard...but I will not give up! Good people must stick together because we will need goodwill with what is coming.
ReplyDeleteThink I better use that next unemployment check to buy some bottled water, extra canned foods, and a shotgun!
ReplyDeleteUnemployment was 4.7% in January 2007 when democrats said they could do better and took over congress. The 1st thing they did was raise the minimum wage with an escalating increase scale that has paralleled the unemployment numbers.
ReplyDeleteThe minimum wage increase the the catalyst for 8% of this unemployment.
Why don't the states just stop paying the benefits???
ReplyDeleteWhat do you expect? We live in the United States of Entertainment. We tear down factories and build malls, movie theaters, and stadiums. Look around and maybe in the mirror. Take pride in the country your ancestors built! GET TO WORK!!!
ReplyDeleteTo the person that asked for a solution. Here is at least a possible, workable answer.
ReplyDeleteWe can possibly avoid much of the pain and suffering of the unwinding of this country through relocalization and seeking sustainability in our lives on a personal and local level. Such actions not only harm no one, but offer rich prospects for indirect resistance. Everything from getting our money out of the big banks, to becoming more locally self-reliant for our food and other necessities - basically trying to become as off-grid as possible, literally and figuratively. Consume less and get used to living with less, because like it or not, the day is coming when we will all be forced to live with less.
So, my advice would be to build local networks of like-minded citizens that are interested in living under the constitution. Working together, being truthful and compassionate with one another, we can reform our local communities into bastions of freedom - becoming shining lights - free of the never satisfied hunger of our massive kleptocratic government. Our government has become a corporate whore, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of massive corporations, banks - and especially the central bank.
Set the example of truth in your personal life and demand truth from our leaders. The main problem we have throughout this country is an almost complete vacuum of real, true, HONEST leadership. It all starts at the top folks, and we must insist on nothing but truth and reality.
Relocalize, network, consume less, learn a new skill, get out of debt (getting out of debt is direct resistance to the debt-money system that is destroying us), be truthful with yourself and your community and demand the same from your leadership. In short, be a fully actualized adult with a solid understanding of good government and the importance of your place in the community. Hope that helps.
How is that change working out?
ReplyDeleteThe madness will stop. Let them say what they will. Talk to people who are normally NOT paying attention. Don't waste time with those who have bought in to the Marxist crap. They feel the world owes them and they shouldn't ever have to earn a living. Continue to work hard and be a good American. November is coming. Vote all the progressives out, Democrat or Republicans. Get all your friends registered to vote and show them the men behind the curtain. There are enough good people left, my friends. Don't give in, that's what they want. We will be fine. God bless America for we will rise to the occasion and this will set the Marxist back decades.
ReplyDeleteAmmo up people, the coming trouble can not be avoided!
ReplyDeleteFood, ammo, guns, water, medicine, fuel, and a way out of the city if things get really bad.
The have not's will come to take your stuff and will kill you to get it.
Local stores only have 2 weeks of food on the shelves, get a manual can opener.
Have a plan people or you will be the victim when it happens.
am I stupid here HOW can they borrow money from a country that has NO Money and is borrowing from other countries that soon will have no money? I live in MI SHAME On us for doing this..
ReplyDelete> This bill (33 billion dollars) for war
ReplyDelete> reparations had the immediate effect of causing
> ruinous inflation in Germany. ... And by
> November, 1923, it took 4,000,000,000 marks
> to buy a dollar.
So why didn't the Germans give the French ten bucks and call it even?
ReplyDeletethe end is near
ReplyDeleteI live in California. I wish the Feds had not given CA any money. CA will never give it back or probably even pay back even a bit of it. This loan just lets the Pelosi type of Dems continue their spending ways with no consequences.
ReplyDeleteRedistribution of wealth at it's finest! Congratulations slackers! You've made Obama very happy. How's that hope and change working out for ya!
ReplyDeleteobama in charge. Just remember the only other black in the crowd is his wife, the rest are all little red book carrying bolshiveks.
ReplyDeleteHey America, lets riot and raise disambiguation like Greece! It won't solve a darn thing wrecking stuff and demanding somebody pay for us sitting on our behinds but it will fun! Whooooo!
ReplyDelete99 weeks of unemployment is not a benefit -- it's straight welfare!
ReplyDeletelets consider the total population of each state and you will see the difference of who gets more per person....
ReplyDeleteMountain Song said
ReplyDeleteWhoever "Anonymous" is has to be the most ignorant commenter I've ever read on ANY political/economic blogsite.
All of us who posted under "Anonymous" are just "undocumented bloggers" and we have rights too. You are just one of those racist bloggers denying us our social blogger justice and human rights. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A BLOGGER BIGOT MOUNTAIN SONG!!
It's time to legalize pot already.
ReplyDeleteI mean come on.
I did the math: 15 Blue States; 11 Red States and 7 purple states in all got these illegal loans. Definition of R/B/P taken from Wiki. Corrections welcome.
ReplyDeleteWith very few exceptions, all governments have *some* socialism. Unfortunately, nearly all of them have some corruption as well.
What this country needs are polticians who passed math in grade school. Knowing the difference between right and wrong wouldn't hurt either.
ReplyDeleteThe easiest way to get the economy moving and I mean MOVING is for Freddie and Fanny to forgive all mortgage holders and give them their houses! This will release a zillion dollars into the economy!Then there is no longer a need for 200 thousand federal workers to keep track of the money they print.Boy would this be a blast!
ReplyDeleteMountainSong said...
ReplyDeleteWhoever "Anonymous" is has to be the most ignorant commenter I've ever read on ANY political/economic blogsite
Mountain Song, you forgot to tell us where "Anonymous" is factual incorrect???
I really think President Obama needs to step in and do something to stop Mountain Song. I don’t know if he can legally kick Mountain Song off this blog, but he should try. People are outraged at his comments regarding "undocumented blogers". There have been protesters outside of this blog, since his comments were made. This is not the first time that Mountain Song has been overly racist when it comes to blogging. Mountain Song was one of the last bloggers to accept "Anonymous" on this website and would not have done so unless drastic economic boycotts were imparted by other blogs. Some blogs are already refusing to allow Mountain Song on their site, and groups are already beginning to boycott all Mountain Song comments.
ReplyDeleteI'm an Engineer.Before layoff on Jan 1 2010, I was at 96K/year. I put $79K in the "salary desired" space on the form, in order to get interviews. I sign an authorization for a background & credit check. They'll see my salary history. Game over. If I protest "I'll work for less!!" The standard response is "When the economy turns around, you'll just leave for more money" And if you go into how intangibles count (interesting work, opportunities for advancement, short commute) they refuse to believe you.
ReplyDeletebush and obama = fail
ReplyDeleteMake it here and sell it here.
ReplyDeleteIf you pay people not to work there will be more people not working. Taking money (taxes) from hard working people and giving it to non productive people (welfare) is not wise. I have never met a person who looked for a job until the unemployment checks either ran out or were about to run out. Unemployment for two years+ is crazy!!!
ReplyDeleteWell Said, Russell!
ReplyDeleteOnly a Democrat would not understand you can't have 40 million on food stamps. You can not have 47% not paying income taxes as the rest are getting raped. Only a moron would not know spending to solve a spending problem is just stupid. If you can't run a business and decide to be a politician, then just sit back and pray someone much smarter than you will work to support your lazy rear. Time to chop pay, benefits, and perks for all that even think of not abiding by the Constitution to the letter of the law. Time to get rid of the slime in Washington once and for all. Vote them all out in November and make sure the replacements support the Tea Party movement. The other Party is over!
ReplyDeleteAll incentive for unemployed folks to go out and find work is gone. Why? They can make more money by just sitting at home. Our country will never be the same, except for a new distrust of Democrats.
ReplyDeleteSo much for the Arizona boycott.
ReplyDelete'AZ jobless rate falls after April spike'
Notice how the BILLIONS are mostly RED States?
ReplyDeleteThink it's a coincidence?
For those that think it is, please contact My real estate office at
I have some OTHER good news for ya!
Robowang, are you sure the Billions are mostly Red states? From what I can see, it seems to be the opposite. They are mostly Blue states. As always, correction welcome.
ReplyDeleteIf Congress lowered our Frikking TAXES, then maybe businesses could afford to hire new workers....only a Communist would try to bankrupt America like Obama is doing.
ReplyDeleteWho authored this? Sources please...
ReplyDeleteTo whom are you referring when you say "...the Fed"? The last time I checked, the US Treasury is flat broke and can't lend a plug nickel to any state. Surely you don't mean the Federal Reserve. If so, you need to correct your headline. Of course we all know they aren't the federal gov't.
Somebody please tell Obama that his laser needs a little more focusing.
ReplyDeleteAmerica is a nation of about 312 million people. Out of this ammount, only around 100 or so million actually work and pay taxes. Now, instead of bailing out the big banks with all those trillions of dollars, wouldn't it have been much simpler to make millionaires out of those 100 million tax-paying workers? Afterall, it was the housing crash that was suppose to be the catalyst that crashed america's economy.
ReplyDeleteLet's see, 100 million opposed to the trillions spent? Hmm? This would have left plenty of room for the toxic "obamacare", but the real reason that the tarp bailouts were done were to protect the retirements of all the politicians and other federal workers because AIG is the facility that holds all the accounts for the feds! Also, the global gov't that's coming is another reason for the crashing of the american economy too! Hello new world order!
Can we stop fighting g-dd-mn wars now at least?
ReplyDeleteMy state has both a balanced State budget and NO borrowing to pay unemployment. Learn something from Utah, America!
ReplyDeleteWe have created a black hole of debt, and the day is coming when its going to suck us in! Best prepare quickly, America, because an economic calamity is a certainty!
The states who borrowed the most are filled with High Illegal Aliens populations and African Americans .
ReplyDeleteWhere are the jobs, we did this to ourselves, and its only get worse...this problem has been going on for about 20 years or more...its building up for class warfare...
ReplyDeleteWho is John Galt?
ReplyDeleteHow can that international dipshi t in the white house even come close to speaking about economic recovery when both the states and the Fed are up to their respective ass es in red ink!!! This administration has done nothing after almost two years, now we see the stock market correcting again as we find ourselves going through another "rough patch" who are these jack asses trying to fool? If this is the best they can do...time to get the hell out and let someone else give it a shot, someone whos actually worked a real job before they became a politician
ReplyDeleteWorried about money? Its only paper, print more! What no one is realizing is that the USA has been foreclosed on already, silently and without announcement. The Dems gave our country to the world bank, and first you'll see Mexico and the US merge, then a 'global tax', a 'global president', forced microchip implants, millions of people imprisoned underground, the beheading of Christians, etc. The US dollar is the least of your worries!
ReplyDeleteMaybe North Korea can start a real war to help with the unemployment problem.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia leads the list, we are bankrupt. Every level of Government has it's hand out for extra money, from parcel taxes for schools, to incessant fund raising, to increase in "fees" for everything, to record income tax increases that didnt make a dent, to large sales tax increases that didnt make a dent, to constant attacks on Prop 13. Meanwhile sanctuary city dolts like Mayors Villaraigosa and Newsom dole out the cash like there is no tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteNote: Ca has been out of compliance with work to welfare for years, as benefits are amongst the highest in the nation and are paid for unlimited time periods.
We will be the next bailout and will make Greece look like nothing.
Obama got the Nobel peace prize...why?? who knows?? he should have gotten th Nobel Prize for chemistry for turning the Dollar into shit.
ReplyDeleteFederal Tax Funds Act!!!
ReplyDeleteStates need to pass this act immediately. It diverts all tax revenue to the state dept of revenue, which then assays the Constitutionally due amount and remits it to the IRS.Then states can use the other funds to take care of education, transportation, health & welfare, etc. Any funds left over could be used to fund projects within the state or refunded to taxpayers in the state. Cut off Leviathan's blood flow: it's money.
How about a new law: every time a tax goes up, somewhere a politician dies.
ReplyDeleteHow did this happen? A view from Europe:
ReplyDeleteYou are in a war since several years (Afghanistan, Irak). A lot of your money is going there. A lot of your products are coming from china or elsewhere. Money for this leaves your country. You have a monstrous fincancial sector thats all.
Sorry guys but your government killed your economy by not watching wall street.
But europe isn´t better at all.
This is great. This will put paid to Obummer and the lefty liberals. When it all goes bankrupt, they cannot pay the cops , firemen, national guard. At that point, put your gun on and we take our country back over.
ReplyDeleteWe can help though;
Apply for welfare and sue them if you do not get it so it cost them money.
Sue every public body for everything. Cost Them!
the u.s. is a sinking ship, just like the titanic. taking on water faster than it can be pumped out, meaning it's only a matter of time before everything collapses and sinks.
ReplyDeletenice knowing you america, it was fun while it lasted.
We're all pissed off and unhappy. Truth is, we deserve what's coming and it's as inevitable as the rising of the Sun. And the political class will not allow us to fix it.
ReplyDeleteWhat can you expect when the aunt of the President not only comes and lives here illegally, but lives in government housing, receives food stamps, government checks , gets help with her utilities, and HE and his wife has millions with sales of his books and he does nothing to help her. Now she is a citizen she can get all this help legally. I think she and her nephew should have to pay back to the citizens of America the government funds she took for 7+ years.
ReplyDeleteAnd where is the Federal Government getting the money it is giving the states? This is corruption at a level we have never before seen. It is time to get a bunch of prison cells ready.
ReplyDeleteAt least in California we're still number one in something...........
ReplyDeleteWho is John Galt?
ReplyDelete**Face it people, Capitalism lost the election and Communism won. The people spoke and we are ready for change. No longer will the rich people with 50k salaries look down upon the rest. We will all be equal soon and you'll have to live with that. Your system broke the country and now Communism will save it.
ReplyDeleteThis poster is spot on...
ReplyDelete"The reasons there isn't rioting in the streets all across the US now is because of the unemployment bennies. When enough people are out of work and have no money or a house or food in they're belly, look out."
"Sucking government tit leads to havoc."
And this is exactly what the "Government" wants. As long as people are dependant on the government for their sustenance- they are easier to control and more compliant. Plus, they have to make sure tthe people have enough to pay for cable and electricity to keep their t.v.`s running. When people stop watching their lying propaganda machines and actually wake up to whats really going on- the government will then lose control.
I think the Communism guy is spot on. He's just states what we all know .
ReplyDelete"And where is the Federal Government getting the money it is giving the states?"
ReplyDeleteUhm, it`s borrowing it from the Federal Reserve (ie foreign banksters) who are printing it out of thin air. But it too will expect to be paid back with interest. This is how they bring down countries, pumpkin. They`ve been doing it for centuries or probably millenia.
Another bloke here for Commie boy.
ReplyDeleteThe US failed and it's over. Praying to God didn't help and I'd say that it is indeed over.
Screw it, why not just accept Obamanisim and just everyone be the same. At least I don't have to work hard
Communism won`t "save" anything. Communism spawns scarcity. True free market capitalism is the way a country and its people becomes prosperous. It create an abundance of stuff from which to chose. But our system is anything but. The merging of State and corporate powers is called fascism and that`s what we in the U.S have been living under for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteTime to Stop paying your tax's.
ReplyDeleteWe are screwed.
ReplyDeleteThe big question is can we make it to 2012 without civil unrest or a revolution??
Obama's morally hazardous policies are starting to bloom!
- 1 in 7 not paying mortgages; why shold they??
- 40 million on food stamps; hey it's free food, even for the morbidly obese and now they can get that extra six pack!
- indefinite unemployment extensions; why work!?!
- illegal immigration destroying the jobs and lives of CITIZENS; why play by the rules, Obama's aunt does not!
The Republic is in CRISIS!!!!
Entitlement mentality. Our minority brothers want the same lifestyle as the hard working. Our so-called urban poor have a better lifestyle on the backs of productive Americans than productive people in Asia. Impossible to sustain.
ReplyDeleteLook Virginia, Elections do have Consequences.
ReplyDeleteIf you are unemployed. To collect for one (1)week of pay you must work for (1) week (40) hours prior to recieving your weekly payment. Where? at either of your local, state, or National Governement. What are your duties? Whatever needs to be done locally to improve the quality of life and happiness for all.
ReplyDeleteEverybody should view this video and then pass it on to concerned friends and family.
50 years of politicians buying votes with borrowed money finally coming home to roost! A generation that purposely indebts their children with an impossible burden deserves to be cursed by their children.
ReplyDeleteNice economic recovery plan Mr Obama. The Dems are purposley trying to tank this country so they have no choice to raise taxes. Bastards
ReplyDeleteMy sister-in-law is from Belarus and knows Communism. Communism leads to owning nothing. Her family owns nothing, they have no goals or future due to government owns everything. They rent land from government to grow food to last them through the harsh winters. Her Dad has Parkinson's disease and gets only the care government allows, which is poor. So you better think twice before asking for Communism.
ReplyDeleteThe best unemployment insurance isn't based on wealth confiscated from business by the government to be doled out.
ReplyDeleteThe best unemployment insurance is one's work ethic, skills, education and ambition. If you have all of those attributes, you will find work in any economy.
This is about a power shift from the states to the feds - plain and simple. Once the states become dependent on the feds totally, then the value added tax will be implemented and the U.S. ceases to exist as we know it forever.
ReplyDeleteStates will be bought off by the Feds and pitted against each other until they capitulate. There is no Ronald Reagan around this time to pull us out of this mess - perhaps Governor Christie comes closest.
40 million people in the US on food stamps how many are citizens?? Also if you can qualify for food stamps it means you don't make enough (if any) money to pay taxes. That's 40 million ought of 300 million population.Then the question is how many people left over in the 240 million work and pay taxes? Not many I bet..the old story about 20% of the people pay 80% of the taxes propbably should be changed to 20% of the people pay 90% of the taxes now days so that says that 90%
ReplyDeleteof the people don't pay its no wonder we are $15 trillion in debt
You pay into these insurance programs your whole life but when you need them, they're bankrupt. SS, Medicare, Unemployment, the list goes on and on.
ReplyDeleteIf a private corporation ran itself like this, the owners would be behind bars.
I'm really offended that my hard-earned dollars are being forcibly taken from me and given to others so that they can live in more comfort than I can. I enjoy giving to charity, but, when force is involved, it only differs from robbery in that the government claims the right to take your life's energy, as represented by the money you earn, simply because it is more powerful than you. This only differs from outright slavery in that the government doesn't tell you what you must do. (Yet.)
ReplyDeleteWopners' on at seven...
ReplyDeleteAnd when California and the others all default on these loans, the U.S. taxpayers are left holding the bag. The Obama Administration needs to explain to the taxpayers how it justifies lending billions to States, who like Greece have been fiscally irresponsible for decades and are on the verge of financial collapse, when the Federal Government itself is up to its eyeballs in debt and forced to borrow from the Chinese to cover the costs of running government. If California needs $7 billion, tell it to pick up the phone and call the Chinese. CUT OFF California and the rest of them and make THEM accept responsibility for their own financial excesses - just like the average American has to do. Enough is enough, we need to stop this madness!
ReplyDeleteThe whole financial system around the world is nothing but a giant ponzi scheme. Real money is gold, silver, and other hard assets. Paper currency is fiat currency.
ReplyDeleteThis is nothing compared to what the Fed is doing to us. Free money for big banks on the backs of savers.
ReplyDeleteIts really a bad situation all around with no easy fix.....I feel bad for those ho have lost jobs. I myself prepared for this when the construction business evaporated in Florida and am living on savings and investments....I feel lucky.
We will get out of this, but I dont think it will be with this administration's help, or lack there of.
"Magic Johnson for Mayor of L.A."
ReplyDeleteYes, both Sacramento and Detroit elected old basketball players mayor.
Both are dumps with no jobs.
Change We Can Believe In...
ReplyDeleteNo, I am afraid we will not get out of this, this time around without a meltdown. China is schooling us and we are left dividing up a shrinking pie. What makes matters worse is the young making conscious decisions to further this economic demise with the pro socialist/ anti-capitals views and votes.
ReplyDeleteWe have not had the free market reign for decades. This whole mess has been caused by the entitlement programs set up decades ago. The attitudes that have developed since these programs have come into being have been unAmerican at best. Since when can capital be stolen from one to be given to another? How long can this endure?
What a fascinating plot? Kind of like the current Tv Series programs. And it makes you wonder if whoever is doing the programming has an ending in mind or is just making it up as he goes along. Too bad we cant find out who he is and ask him. So all we can do in this situation is use historical references, like Will Durant, as to what is likely to happen and pray for the optimistic results, and vote accordingly.
ReplyDeleteI would like to point out something to that poster from Utah. You are in just as deep as someone from California. Your state represents what population % of the U.S.? Your share of the total debt is the same as someone from the socialist state of California. Where do you think the money being lent to that state is coming from? How long before your state starts to think why shouldn't it run up deficits too since you are being penalized for being prudent?
ReplyDeleteThis is the problem with a centralized system where the Feds control the purse strings.
That is what you can come to expect when you have a Democratic Congress & President controlling the purse strings of the national treasury. They cannot wait to spend YOUR money extending unemployment benefits which have already been extended 99 weeks!! They have effectively taken away the incentive for people to look for work..
ReplyDeleteReally a sad commentary...
I'm one of the "minority brothers" as indicated above.
ReplyDeleteIf someone will give you food each day, why would you make any or grow any?
We have 235 a week in EBT cards, I get $556 unemployment and we also get section 8 housing, our rent is $900 and we have to get 20% of that. So our rent is $180. I live in Carol City Fl (miami) and probably half the people I know don't work and why should we?
All we have to do is register to vote and vote the right way and we'll always betaken care of.
I have a Jr College degree in communications and can't get a job, but even if I did why would I?, I can just hang out at the rec center and go to the club every few nights and most of what I do is paid for.
If I'm a semi educated "minority brother" and think this way, what do you think my less educated friends and neighbors think?
Your only chance is to vote the people out, but you haven't done it in decades and we know that you won't.
It's also not just us "minority brothers", there are plenty of white people that do the exact same thing, especially in rural areas. They also vote too.
Keep on letting those illegal aliens coming in Mr. President.
ReplyDeleteAdd more burden to social services, more jobs lost. 1,000 illegal aliens a day are making it accross the Arizona border every day. Coming to a city near you.
I suggest that both the Right and the Left review WHY we are where we are. Your political system is corrupt, and until you change that this nation will continue in it's spiral.
Jack Lohman
B.O.declared at a campaign rally under his administration there will be no poor people.
ReplyDeleteIt can endure only as long as a complacent society allows it to. Without a citizens uprising, it will continue.
ReplyDeleteWe will all be poor by the time B.O. is done with us!
ReplyDelete"Now let me be clear. Change has come to America."
ReplyDeleteA big thank you goes out to Wall Street and all of the Big Banks and Big Insurance Companies, that have truly gotten us into this mess. Lies, coverups, financial smokescreens, and home loan brainwashing. CAPITALISM at its best. Come on people! They are doing exactly what they want us to do. Tear each other apart. Left vs. Right. If you are mad about the bank bailouts and spending your tax dollar money on bailouts, and health care. Look at the root cause of these issues. Home loan lies, sky rocketing healthcare costs, and fake money. BIG BANKS, BIG INSURANCE COMPANIES, BIG WALL STREET! Now go after ALL POLITICIANS that continue to allow this to happen and are beholden to "BAD CAPITALIST" and vote them out! REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT. Now go take a look at who is supporting reform, smart capitalism, personal responsibility, and standing up for the small people, the REAL AMERICANS, and the CONSTITUTION.
ReplyDeleteI suggest that Arizona should advise that they will not cut their power, water or housing of their criminals, however all services provide by Arizona to California will be paid in ADVANCE ON A CASH BASIS ONLY no IOU'S.
ReplyDeleteThe civilized world has at times been WAY more bankrupt than it is today. Yet it has gone on and prospered. Why? It is a typical cycle.. whereby things are so great for so long that nobody notices or cares that dumb people have taken over. They (losers) will run it into the ground as they always do and then... smart people will take notice and band together to fix everything again. We are in that period where stupidity rules and we are about to fall down. But after that saner heads will prevail. Not to worry...
ReplyDeleteThis is simply welfare to placate the masses while socialism is instituted. Many people collecting unemployment are sounding too much like welfare junkies...they can make more just staying at home and collecting from the government.
ReplyDeleteThey shouldn't have to borrow. it should just be transferred. Take it out of the baby butcher's budget. Shut down the goddamn military industrial complex.
ReplyDeleteHouse of cards. Hyperinflation by July, Marshall law by November.
ReplyDeleteobama will be another war president soon - right now huge arms build up in middle east by all players - us, isreal, syria, lebanon, iran, palestine, russia, turkey, etc. price of oil and gold will go to moon - prepare
ReplyDeleteThe "civilized" world may have at times been more bankrupt. People have been more brutalized etc...This is why the U.S. constitution was drafted by the founding fathers. Things should not be as they are today. Forget what happened under the Roman Empire. The U.S. has prevailed, and it has because of this wonderful constitution. The U.S. was the last beacon of hope for this "civilized" world. Freedoms are being eroded and citizens are now wards of the state - or are being taught to becomes wards of the state. This is not reversible without major pain and hardship.
ReplyDeleteBoys and Girls, we're beating the milk cow to death with our empty buckets. Folks are coming in here by the thousands to get those jobs that that the Americans won't work. The lazy Americans sit on their butts and take money from the rest of the folks that do work and pay their taxes. All you lazy folks better get off your butts and get to work before Jose is running the company. People that won't work don't deserve a country like this, so I hope Jose takes your job and buys the houses that walked away from. Pitiful. Go get it Jose.
ReplyDeleteEveryone here is complaining about the government. However the government is made up of individuloas who are known. The Federal reserve is made of known individuals. The big bonus bangsters are known individuals. The solution is to get rid of these people and their families, through legal means, of course. In other societies brutal means would be tolerated but we are a civilized society and murder, torture and the like are neither achievable or desirable. But the problem is caused by human beings and not amorphous concepts such as government, races and relious affiliatioons.
ReplyDeleteSuitable means of eliminating these people from influencing society ave either available or aquirable.
I see Arizona is not on this list, so far. This most definitely will occur if the Feds are successful in voiding SB1070, and we have to continue spending another 2.5 billion on ILLEGALS in our state.
ReplyDeleteI was walking down the street with my grandson and was stopped and asked for my papers. All I had was my check stub for my unemployment benefits.
ReplyDeleteOnce the "Retrofit Industry" takes off, unemployment will PLUMMET. This new industry is a BIG DEAL...the bill just made its way through the House and is now in the Senate. The "Retrofit Industry" could create MILLIONS of retrofit jobs over the next twenty years and has the potential to be as big as the I.T. boom of the '90's. The future is brighter than some would like us to think...
ReplyDeleteRetrofit industry? Isn't that energy? Like big electric wants to give over to big wind farm or solar? Why are decent solar cells so expensive??? Here's an idea: Instead of putting wind farms on Nantucket Sound or other beautiful unspoiled areas, why not put them in with high tension wires (towers)? Right on top of each tower!! The land was already disfigured and its out of site mostly.
ReplyDeleteThe problems our country is experiencing didn't happen overnight and didn't happen on accident.
Lets reduce government to what it should be - very little. The president, whoever it is, can do things like visit schools and lead recital of the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America...
Anon (May 22, 2010 3:28 PM),
ReplyDeleteDude, do you even know what you're talking about? The Retrofit Bill has absolutely nothing to do with wind farms or solar cells. You should read about it before commenting (you looked kind of stupid with that post:)
I, too, have been following the upcoming Retrofit Boom with interest -- could be interesting, from an investment perspective.
Its been said the 'people get the govt they deserve' unfortunately a lot of intelligent, hard working people are stuck with it too. As Margaret Thatcher said, 'The problem with socialism is you run out of other peoples money'.
ReplyDeleteQuestion not counting New Jersey do to Cristie juist being elected how many of the states that have borrowed in the billions are run by the Dem's.
ReplyDeleteFind conservative (i.e they adhere to the Constitution, limited gov't etc.) candidates and support their campaigns---even if they're in a different state. This is a national problem and needs a national solution.
ReplyDeleteHow is that hopey changey workin out for you now.REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER
ReplyDeleteOn June 8th Californians have a chance and maybe the last chance to halt the madness in Sacramento. We need to replace the career politicians with people like KC Dickson who is running for State Senate. If we can find more people like him, men and women who have the voters best interest at heart, we may be able to turn this around. is Ken's website. Check it out and research your candidates NOW and start supporting them.
ReplyDeleteGod help us all...
Peace through Strength
There are a lot of good posts and like minded people here. It's time for us to band together and actively counter the destruction of our country by this domestic enemy. Virginia is ready.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia is destroyed and living on borrowed time. There are only 35 tax paying rersidents left. The rest are unemployed or illegasl aliens.