Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Ford Foundation and the CIA

A commenter to my earlier post suggesting CIA ties to the Ford Foundation wrote:
I am considered by most people who know me as being to the right of Genghis Khan. I worked or the company many years ago. I often laugh at the assertions you make. There is no basis in fact for what you propose. Most organizations like the Ford foundation wouldn't allow themselves to be used in this manner for fear of getting their folks killed or injured, not to mention the embarrassment if found out. I don't like Obama either but when you make inane comments like this you hurt us and make the voting public think we are crazy.
First, this has nothing to do with right versus left, it is about liberty versus the interventionist state. Second, the CIA does use businesses and foundations as front groups. A business friend of mine who has significant branches overseas has been approached more than once by the CIA. They wanted to use his business as a cover for some of his agents.

Third, in discussing the mysterious deaths of Nicholas Deak and Edmund Safra, with a very high level Citibank executive who was in charge of the global superwealthy,  I expected him to begin shooting down my theory of a CIA connection to the murders, once I finished my story. Instead, he looked up to the ceiling and said, "Well, I can tell you for sure Safra wasn't murdered the way it was reported in the papers. The superwealthy think about security, especially outside the United States, the way we have hobbies. Safra would have never left himself exposed alone with such a person (the alleged murderer)." Then he stopped and added, and remember this guy handles Citi money for the global superwealthy, "Sometimes I think Citibank is part of the CIA."

As for the CIA not working through the Ford Foundation. You have to be kidding! There was a damn congressional investigation about it:
The CIA uses philanthropic foundations as the most effective conduit to channel large sums of money to Agency projects without alerting the recipients to their source. From the early 1950s to the present the CIA's intrusion into the foundation field was and is huge. A U.S. Congressional investigation in 1976 revealed that nearly 50% of the 700 grants in the field of international activities by the principal foundations were funded by the CIA (Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War, Frances Stonor Saunders, Granta Books, 1999, pp. 134-135). The CIA considers foundations such as Ford "The best and most plausible kind of funding cover" (Ibid, p. 135). The collaboration of respectable and prestigious foundations, according to one former CIA operative, allowed the Agency to fund "a seemingly limitless range of covert action programs affecting youth groups, labor unions, universities, publishing houses and other private institutions" (p. 135). The latter included "human rights" groups beginning in the 1950s to the present. One of the most important "private foundations"

Does make it kind of interesting that Geithner's father was in charge of microfinance funding in Asia for the Ford Foundation and that Obama's mother was in charge of microfinance funding in Indonesia, doesn't it?


  1. "Sometimes I think Citibank is part of the CIA."

    I need to go back and check my Mike Ruppert but I'm pretty sure the Iran-Contra cocaine money was laundered through Citibank.

    1. Yes, you are correct, JFF. And Citi just failed a recent Fed "stress test"...wonder if they'll ask for some cocaine back to bolster their asset base for the next b.s. 'capital cushion checkup'?

  2. Speaking of the CIA working through fronts... Aussie billionaire Clive Palmer came out yesterday suggesting that the anti-coal, anti-development, left wing green groups waging war against major coal mine expansions are funded by the CIA via the Rockefeller foundation in order to harm Australian projects and by proxy harm China.

    Typically the corporate media and government media couldn't look beyond the false left/right dichotomy and ridiculed him for suggesting the 'capitalist' CIA would ally with leftist groups like Greenpeace, it wouldn't surprise me if he was on the mark though it's a shame he didn't use his vast wealth to unearth some real evidence before coming out with such claims.

  3. Speaking of CIA using foundations as fronts:

    Aussie billionaire claims the Rockefeller foundation, which has given open support to powerful anti-coal 'green' groups is a proxy of the CIA in a deliberate attempt to benefit American mines and harm China via Australia.

    Not surprisingly the vapid media mocked him but I wouldn't be surprised if he was on the mark, very brave of him to come out IMO.

  4. The FEDS are getting scared! The people, via the internet and blogosphere are starting to uncover the truth. So now they pay people to go out on blogs and communicate the boilerplate "YERR-AAALLL CRAZY!" message.

    OH, I guess cause you said we're crazy, we must be!! I'm convinced! (BTW, govt goon - tip to improve your craft: "right of Genghis Khan"?? - this dumb statement makes you look ignorant/non-credible in many ways)

    Personally, I will never trust the government in anything it tells me ever. This is a matter of survival. I will consider every conspiracy I hear as a "possibility", until I myself or people I trust see otherwise.

    Like the printing press revolutionized the relations between the corrupt state and the people, the internet is going to change things to. Keep sending diversionary flare emails you clowns! We're going to make you work really, really, really hard to keep your power.

    1. I don't think you need to pay people to perpetuate any mythology. That under nurtured circumstances its growth is organic and self sustaining seems to be its strength.
      It is easy to fall prey to all sorts of conspiratorial theories. That doesn't mean there are not conspiracies. It's just not a healthy mental exercise to always make an assumption that there is one I think.

  5. Indicted state lawmaker cruises to primary victory,0,1719356.story


  6. Its a very small club of NGOs and non-profit (what we call em in the US) or also referred to as humanitarian organizations that are used to bank roll people involved in black ops. Its a global cabal from the UN/IMF down that essentially take mills or in some cases huge chunks out from every transaction ”legally” to run this vast network of 3rd party, extragovernmental entities. Banks have to be involved. In fact, most bankers hold stake in numerous for profit and non profit organizations to funnel said transactions.

    All very nice and legal but it feels like extortion when your cut of the business shrinks drastically.

    It reminds of a saying about successful drug dealers. A successful drug dealer needs ten million dollars to get out of the business and retire. Nine of those millions is paid to make peace with your enemies and to bribe the right officials. In the 90s, when I first heard that story one million dollar was good money...I wonder with inflation how has that equation changed?

  7. I'm with Wenzel on this one. My father was the target of the Macedonian intelligence agency in the 1990s and we have parts of his dossier. ( My dad was a businessman, importing to and exporting from a bunch of foreign countries from Eastern Europe. The dossier is replete with comments talking about how he is of interest to the agency because of his foreign connections, which the agency would have liked to have used for its own purposes. That said, most of the operative connections that are mentioned in the dossier are in fact businessmen of some sort. Since, intelligence agencies are more or less the same all over, I can see the CIA using the same sort of tactics as did the Macedonian intelligence agency.

  8. There is no such think as an ex-CIA agent. This guy is just continuing his disinformation work.

    1. There is no such think as an ex-CIA agent. This guy is just continuing his disinformation work.

      I just assume the guy was lying.

  9. Bob, you are a clear thinking fellow, and you are spot on with your stories on CIA tentacles in lots and lots of places, seems to me.

    I read lots of history, daily, mostly from the old, pre 'P.C.' days. It is amazing to contrast what folks said happened, real-time, with what we are taught and is parroted today.

  10. M: It's more like the CIA is a proxy of the Rockefeller Foundation.

  11. Dont stop there.....remember carefully that Stanley Ann Dunham worked for the Ford Foundation in NY.....

  12. One question that nags at me. His step father was a military officer involved in a right wing CIA backed coup. Yet, Chicago's hard left never thought to wonder about trusting the guy. Based on that fact alone, OB should have been persona non grata, but he wasn't. He weaseled his way through their ranks to the very top. Things just seem to fall in place for this guy in ways that would block anyone else throughout his entire life.

    1. Excellent observation. True "lefities" would have distanced themselves from the Obama family, not embraced them.

    2. At the highest levels, the left vs. right paradigm can be seen as just another control structure.

      Who was it that said,"If you go far enough left, you end up on the right?"

      You know, like a mobius strip... or a hamster wheel.

  13. I guess this is the appropriate place to mention to those that may well have not been informed of Mr. Norman Dodd. Specifically an interview he conducted with G. Edward Griffin. The real "kicker" in this interview, is one Mr. Rowan Gaither of the Ford Foundation, when he mentions quite frankly to Mr. Dodd, that fact of the OSS, prominently figuring in the equation.

    From the overall context of this interview, one with a little more than average intelligence, can deduce just who runs things, at least in the western world. Now the fact of a COO, does not necessarily make it a CEO ["O" in the third position representing -- organization]. That belongs to another institution, possibly more ancient than most wish to rap their synapses around. For clues to that, I would look into Col. Fletcher Prouty, USAF (ret.), and one F. Tupper Saussy.

  14. Ever wonder who these super-powerful tree huggers are who are more powerful than the entire world oil industry in getting US refineries shut down and preventing US drilling, yet who are powerless to prevent Iraq from being covered over by depleted uranium?

  15. Dont stop there.....Stanley Ann Dunham worked for the Ford Foundation.....for Geithner's father.....who is Stanley? ummmm, c'mon, obama's alleged mother.

  16. oh yes the cia has all the perks too no limit credit cards

  17. Thanks for the article. Please update on facebook.
