Thursday, February 21, 2013

Murray Sabrin Has Had It: "Enough is enough. This is the line in the sand!"

Murray Sabrin sends a link to a WSJ story that says:
Key senators are exploring an immigration bill that would force every U.S. worker—citizen or not—to carry a high-tech identity card that could use fingerprints or other personal markers to prove a person's legal eligibility to work.

The idea, signaled only in vaguely worded language from senators crafting a bipartisan immigration bill, has privacy advocates and others concerned that the law would create a national identity card that, in time, could track Americans at airports, hospitals and through other facets of their lives.

The lawmakers haven't committed to the "biometric" ID card, and are wary of any element that might split the fragile coalition of Democrats, Republicans and outside organizations working toward agreement on a broad overhaul of immigration laws.

But at least five of the eight senators writing the bill have backed biometric ID cards in the past. At least three of them—Sens. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), John McCain (R., Ariz.) and Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.)—have said they support requiring the cards under the new law but are open to other options, aides say.
Writes Sabrin in his email to me:
[I]f the monsters in DC impose a national ID card, I will not comply.  Enough is enough.  This is the line in the sand!


  1. You will comply. We will all comply.

    1. There's always a choice, Ryan.

      And, no. "We" won't.

      Sorry you can't see that.

    2. The key to noncompliance is to reach a critical mass that prevents The State from using violence in retaliation. Let's hope we reach that number.

  2. So, illegal immigrants working is a major deal?? Oh, yeah, I feel so threatened. What a stalking horse. I got into it with the vastly overrated ACLU way back, because I had to "Prove" citizenship to retain my job. I called them up (ACLU) and they gave me the brush-off big time. I told my employer to go ahead and fire my ass if he was frightened by the notice. He valued my services more than the comfort of ratting me out (I was and am a citizen).
    At what point do we rebel???

    1. That's what I want to know...when is it right to rebel? I'm all about non-violence, but there is a point where that isn't enough.

  3. It sure is. The line should have been the bank bailouts, the molestation of kids and infirm older folks. It also should have been,"Dang, those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere," as the idiot, George Bush, looked under his podium.

    But the American people get angry at peaceful immigrants rather than our welfare system or central bank.

    They don't get angry at the senseless wars or our overseas presence. Then they blame the blowback on "crazy" foreigners or simple possession of guns.

    Suuuuuure. It's not the fact that they like having a shitty, decaying society reinforced by Washington assholes who make the worst of it.

    They'd like to blame it all on that dirtbag Obama. But many of our problems are as old as human existence, and they're not going to be beaten back without self-education and personal conversions to belief in freedom.

    1. "without self-education and personal conversions to belief in freedom. "

      Is that another way of saying People have to learn the hard way, one by one?

      Seems that's the only way.

      Why else is it called a crack-up-boom?

      - IndividualAudienceMember

    2. From anon@8:40

      Yes. I guess it is whatever it takes to personally outrage each individual in their unique circumstance. For millions, it might be their Washington D.C. check bouncing. So far, kid-touching has helped empty millions from the Catholic church, but it hasn't dissuaded enough from flying. I don't get it myself. If I had kids, road trips would be the way to go.

      A national ID card will piss more people off undoubtedly. Yet I don't think enough people are aware of the danger this presents. I can see a plausible reason they wouldn't be alarmed: we already have SS numbers. It's a little bit like being in a concentration camp without having the tattoo. A little bit.

      If I removed my knowledge of conspiracy about the 20th century, I would still believe that the "experiments" launched around the world, including Communist China/Russia, etc., gave future parasites great lessons on how to rule over people.

      I am merely a second-hand dealer of ideas, but I think that the great American wealth built from freer (but not free) markets gave our masters far more to pilfer, enabling an imperial expansion that dwarfed everything before it.

      Of course, I'm not arguing against the creation of wealth. I'm peacefully against government, murder, theft and rape.

      It's tragic that people don't realize government shouldn't be doing what they, in their heart, know is wrong for them to do personally.

      I don't wear a government police costume. Even if I did, I know it would be wrong to drive around extorting money from people because they drove too fast, made a mistake on the road, or carried a substance/object the government doesn't like. We need retribution for accidents, property damage, and death; not punishment for conducting our daily lives. If people don't care about the punishment of innocence, at least they should care about how much prisons cost them. And who knows what those non-violent prisoners could have accomplished if they weren't locked up for weed and the like?

      I fear the state too. But very honestly, what I fear also in standing up to the state is the abandonment of my family. I am the only person in my family who can truly call himself a libertarian. I have tried to drop educational nuggets, because I know they could not wrap their heads around Rothbard.

      We do what we can, where we can.

    3. The pathetic swaths at entitlements and support programs are ONLY postured to keep Americans busy defending the helpless, and defending or misdirecting anger at the already outsourced/outpriced/tax burdened dependent, citizen. Forcing instability is the m.o. When these proposals are tabled, PLEASE respond by addressing who IS NOT taxed or regulated, who destroys our competitive edge, destroys buying power against Constitutionally Chartered protections, and who FORCES DEBT into our economy. THEY are who will support our needy, AND GOVERNMENT. THAT is where the conversation WILL go. We must not let malignant, played out leeches determine THEIR right to our economy's generated, held and (fed) originated wealth. Do not legimimize these drags on the world's economies by entertaining the idea that our businesses, commerce, and citizens should bear more wrath of their untaxed, debt driving rackets.

  4. I work for myself and don't see myself requiring myself to have some Washington-imposed ID card to work. Sorry, DC, but you can eat my ass.

    1. That's very cool, Anonymous @ 9:06 PM.

      I envy you.

      Regrettably, you are certainly their next target. That kind of american attitude cannot be allowed to thirve. Where is your grovel?

      - IndividualAudienceMember

  5. Go Sabrin!!

  6. Real ID rears its ugly head again under another name

  7. Graham, McCain and Schumer?

    "You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

  8. If this gets passed it will be a devastating blow to The Constitution. Sure, we will still have some superficial rights. The courts will throw a few bones limiting certain things, but it will be ignored when D.C. feels its "necessary". We will gain a few converts from the neo-cons and liberals, who will finally wake up and see that government is inherently evil no matter what kind of restraints you put on it. However, judging from past reactions, most people will find some way to justify, through some sort of Orwellian Doublethink, this assault on our rights. Oh well, this has always been a long term battle. If you ain't in it for the long haul, you ain't in it at all.

    P.S. When did ain't stop showing up as an incorrect word on spell check?

  9. This is already done here in India using the Aadhar card. Initially it was an optional card, and now slowly agencies are making it compulsory for receiving any sort of government benefits. But India being India, most of the people I know are getting cards based on fake data (they send other people, put gum on fingers before fingerprinting etc.).

  10. Well, it will create lots of jobs, increase the deficit and at the same time invade privacy - all in line with the play book of politics these days.

    Look no further than to what happened in the UK a few years ago (except for the privacy bit as it was scrapped in the end).

  11. Americans will comply, in the main. They'll also be enthusiastic about the exciting, new, government chip in their pockets which promise to open up a whole range of convenient government services.

    That's how the Labour junta tried to sell ID cards a few years ago. Fortunately the plans collapsed because government is so bad at IT projects, but it'll be back at some time.

    At the time I repeated the arguments for freedom ad nauseum on blogs, but some can't wrsp their heads around it. It's like arguing in a foreign language.

    The Tories weren't particularly opposed either. Sixty years ago this week Winston Churchill's government scrapped the ID cards which were introduced during WW2: "to set the people free". But the real hero was a man called Clarence Willcock:

    "Clarence Willcock, a 54-year-old dry cleaner from suburban north London, must rank as one of the unlikeliest Davids ever to take on a Goliath.

    Mr Willcock was stopped on December 7 1950 while driving his car along Ballard's Lane by uniformed police constable Harold Muckle, who demanded to see the motorist's identity card.

    Mr Willcock refused. Pc Muckle told him to produce the compulsory card at the local station with 48 hours. "I will not produce it at any police station," Mr Willcock replied.

    With this act of defiance, Mr Willcock brought crashing down a giant bureaucracy which had, since the outbreak of World War II in 1939, forced an identity card on every civilian in the UK - man, woman and child.

    When Willcock v Muckle eventually reached the High Court in 1951, Lord Chief Justice Goddard said the continuation of the wartime ID card scheme was an "annoyance" to much of the public and "tended to turn law-abiding subjects into law breakers".

    Mr Willcock was sent on his way."

    I think I'll make 7th December Clarence Willcock Day on my blog.

  12. This technology was perfected by the U.S. military in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Mexico over the last 5 years, and the photographic proof is easy to find on Google. Men, women, and children have been subjected to the latest technology, and used like lab rats to hone several generations of this monster before it is turned loose on the Tea Party voters in America.

  13. The people, whomever they are have got to get out from their computers, day jobs, life as we know it and engage the tyrants in OUR GOVERNMENT. We have two choices, submit or resist. I say we resist. How say you? First we must engage the local politicos on their field, ie. County Committee, Assembly, Senate. Then with Patriots in place, we wrestle the control back to the liberty minded Patriots, guided by God and the Constitution. Let's face the reality, this sounds like a novel right? Well if that tact doesn't work then we have to engage the Politicos agents, ie. Police and National Guard, the choice is still OURS. But not for much longer. So get out there and get involved. TODAY! RIGHT NOW if you can!
