Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A $5 Million Bitcoin Hit Contract Has Been Issued Against Glenn Greenwald


  1. Hmmmm....if I was a Fed troublemaker that just recently got my hands on a ton of BTC through a bust...what evil things could I craft to kill two proverbial birds with one stone?

    1. That would stick out in the blockchain: you'd see transactions totalling the equivalent of $5m emanating from the BTC address the feds are keeping Ulbricht's coins in.

    2. That assumes that Fed trouble makers find Greenwald's journalism objectionable. Though this does seem like a two birds with one stone type situation. If I had to guess bird one is a timely crackdown on bitcoin, and bird two is to drive home the point that Greenwald is an "adversarial" (to use his word) journalist. It is pretty apparent that no hitman is going to take an anonymous bitcoin offer to assassinate a high profile celebrity journalist.

      Keep in mind that the movie version of the Greenwald saga is already in the works and there has already been clear theatrics (, so it may be that the script needs some fine tuning and perhaps a bit more thrills before its ready for the big screen.

      Further, I find it instructive to note that the book All the Presidents Men followed AFTER plans for the movie was developed. From IMDB:
      "Robert Redford was in contact with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein before their book had been written, and encouraged them to write more about how they conducted their investigation and less about the events they were reporting. (Vanity Fair article, 04/2011.) "

      So basically the "authentic" was itself a proto-screenplay that established a fantasy version of the truth that in turn would be further strayed from in the actual screenplay, but forgiven its transgressions as-"its a movie after all, read the book."

      Also interesting:
      "Washington Post boss Katharine Graham, who was initially very apprehensive about the film using the paper's name, loved the film and later wrote a letter of praise and approval to star and co-producer Robert Redford."

      If you know anything about Katharine Graham, or "Katharine the Great," then you know that her seal of approval means the movie attained the highest level of truth and authenticity.

  2. That's just stupid.

    Assuming you are a hit man - If your client is anon/pseudonymous, how can you be sure you'll get paid?

    1. Someone set up a Bitcoin assassination market on the deepweb a few months ago. Not sure if this one's on that market, though.

      (Finally - assassination politics! Jim Bell - what a visionary! Anarchists rejoice!)

    2. Assassination politics? Ever hear of "regime change"?


  3. Oh dear. Do you guys believe this? It's all theater. More hits for Greenwald. Now he gets back some credibility.

    1. Truth! Sibel Edmonds and Corbett must be gaining ground...

  4. I thought this was going to be a commentary on how even the hit-men are translating bitcoins into dollars...


    If NSA can monitor computers not connected to the net, do you think BTC can remain uncracked for long?
    All this is just drama to sell BTC.

    1. 1. Bitcoin encryption cannot be cracked. Only personal wallets stored on cloud drives (DROPBOX, SkyDrive, etc) (with encryption) or private computers (with encryption) can be cracked or hacked into. They will probably just lift your password with a keylogger rather than attempt to break the encryption. Much easier.

      2. NSA can attack machines using various methods. Thanks to Snowden's revelations we know what these methods are... you can look them up. There are many ways they do this.
      In order for NSA to "monitor" computers not connected to a network, they first have to install a piece of hardware inside the machine. Such as a magic USB+NSA-micro-radio-port which can also communicate to a NSA-briefcase-access-point located within a short distance of the implanted radio device to send and receive data from the implant.

      You suggest that the NSA has every computer in the world bugged with such radio listening devices? Highly doubtful! However, if they want to get on the inside, they can target specific machines. Greenwald is probably a target of NSA. Merkel is a target NSA? Etc.

      TIP: If you think you are a target, make sure you weigh your non-network-connected laptop which has your Bitcoin wallet or secret documents with a highly accurate scale to detect any new "extra" hardware that may have been installed BEFORE typing in your password.

      And you could buy stock in aluminum (ALCOA) which will surely be made into tin-foil hats for laptops, rather than peoples heads to prevent those evil radio waves from getting in.

    2. Anything can be cracked. Never say never. but then again, shitcoins are just a useless fiat currency and really not worth anything. The dollar is the same but at least it's universally accepted everywhere. I'll stick with buying gold. REAL currency.

  6. this is how you rip off the assassin. you pay them $5mil in shitcoins after they complete the hit. then when they go to cash in they realize their shitcoins are only worth $2.5 now.

    On another note, someone should look into Honey badger since he owns practically all the shitcoins in the world and must be worth billions. haha.

    buy gold!

  7. A badge of honor, to be sure..

    1. Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!
