Friday, May 16, 2014

Pope Francis Says He Would Baptise Aliens: 'Who are we to close doors?'

The Independent reports, Pope Francis has said that he would be willing to baptise aliens if they came to the Vatican, asking “who are we to close doors” to anyone - even Martians.

Describing how, according to the Bible, Peter was criticised by the Christians of Jerusalem for making contact with a community of “unclean” pagans, Francis said that at the time that too was “unthinkable”.

“If, for example, tomorrow an expedition of Martians came to us here and one said ‘I want to be baptised!’, what would happen?”

Clarifying that he really was talking about aliens, the Pope said: “Martians, right? Green, with long noses and big ears, like in children’s drawings.”

Great now, if we can only get him to accept capitalists and entrepreneurs with open arms.


  1. This nutcase is willing to baptize martians but has a serious problem with the market economy? Damn, this guy is bat shit insane!

  2. If aliens arrive on earth it can be assumed with confidence that they are wealthy. It is obvious therefore that Francis wants to baptize them only in order to confiscate their wealth for redistribution to poorer earthlings and the poorer inhabitants of the alien world. He will soon be demanding leveling action by the governments of Xarxes 3.

  3. "Aliens" are a deception from satan and the Catholic church has been eating this crap up/propagating it for years. The fact of the matter is there are no aliens, but deception and fallen angels. This quest to find extraterrestrial life is really just an attempt to find yet another excuse to treat your fellow human beings like crap. But mark my words, wittingly or unwittingly, this Pope is setting the stage for the final deception. Study your Bibles while you still can, Christians. You're going to need that buckler of God sooner than you may think.

    1. "The fact of the matter is there are no aliens, but deception and fallen angels."

      Glad you got it all worked it dude. It all sounds like fact to me, I don't even need proof it was so convincing.

    2. Agreed. When Pope Francis utter thinks like "I think God will save everyone if they follow their conscious and try to good works" he is basically taking Christ out of Christianity. Accord to the Pope, God respects what you do not what Christ did for you on the cross. This is promoting trust in self not trust in Christ. This is the work of the Spirit of the Anti-Christ.

  4. People are F'ing INSANE! Looks what's happened lately:

    1. We have a pope who wants to baptize aliens.
    2. A stupid frog who thinks capital is the enemy.
    3. People want some guy destroyed because of something he said in the privacy of his own home.
    4. A so-called libertarian who thinks libertarianism doesn't involve eliminating government agencies.

    There's of course many more but for GEEZ! Come on....Do people stop for even ONE SECOND to think just a little? These people are complete, bran dead, worthless zombies.

    Tom Woods, please cue Interview With a Zombie. Every time I see sheer stupidity rears it's head I think of that video. Racism....slavery....neoconfederate.

    Capital sucks, socialism is great. Really people? REALLY? The 20th century taught you people absolutely NOTHING? Seriously? 150 million DEAD means nothing? Starvation, poverty, persecution means nothing? Grow a pair of intellectual BALLS and THINK people. QUESTION the shit you've been indoctrinated with you pussies! Your livelihood and maybe even life DEPENDS on it! Sheesh!

    1. But this is what I really want to know: If Paul Krugman is busy organizing the defense of Earth from a Martian invasion, but the Pope baptizes the Martian's first, will the Keynesian multiplier still be effective? Or, will we need the help of R2D2 and C3PO for that to be the case?

    2. If Paul Krugman ever tries to organizing the defense of Earth then we may as well just give it to the martians. :P

  5. Maybe we should accuse the aliens of being terrorists and waterboard them. That way both Sarah Palin and the Pope will both be happy.
