Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why Tom Woods Set Off Mel Watt's Voltage

The Tom Woods' congressional testimony last week Friday in favor of the 'Audit the Fed' bill had two very curious turns, he set off extremely hostile questioning from two congressmen, by the hearings Committee Chair Barney Frank and Representative Mel Watt. Every other Congressman that questioned Woods, and Fed General Counsel Alvarez, was seemingly concerned about where the money the Fed is printing is actually going. But not Frank and Watt.

I discussed Frank's hostility, here. Watt was even more hostile. It looked like he was hit by a lightning bolt everytime Woods tried to answer a question that Watt posed. He interrupted Woods everytime, as though Woods was taking food off of his dinner table. But, maybe that's exactly how Watt's saw Woods testimony.

Most of the top industries donating to Watt are major beneficiaries of Fed money printing. His top industry donors are at #1 the commercial bankers industry, at #3 the building trade unions (All that Fed money printing benefited the building trade unions probably more so than anyone else), and at #5 the securities and investment industry. The current #1 corporate donor to Watt is Citigroup Inc.

During 2007-08 his top contributors were:

#1 Bank of America

#2 Wachovia Corp

#3 American Express

#4 American Bankers Assn

Overall in 2007-08, he received $187,359 from the Finance/Real Estate sector, more than double the amount of money he received from any other sector. Outside of North Carolina, his home state, Watt received the most contributions from Washington D.C. and New York City. Hmm, NYC donations for a North Carolina boy.

I wonder if the good people of North Carolina know what master their representative is really serving? Representative Watt's high voltage act during Woods' testimony suggests that Watt knows all too well where a tiny bit of the money the Fed is printing is ending up, and he is really making sure that tiny money flow doesn't stop, above anything else.


  1. I watched some of the testimony and was shocked to find Mel Watt defending the Fed at every turn. The world's gone flippy floppy.

  2. The world's been flippy floppy for a long while...where have you been. What would lead you to expect a tool like Watt to join in the criticism of the Fed? He's Barney's lap dog.
