Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Will Ron Paul Vote Against His Own Bill?

Gary Bourgeault at American Banker News says that's exactly what is going to happen:
Washington has been so out of touch with principles and reality for so long, that they probably think voting for the bill initiated by Ron Paul to edit the Federal Reserve would be political feather in the cap of Ron Paul. But it looks like that isn’t going to be so, as it wasn’t allowed to stand alone, and has been tacked on to another bill which Paul couldn’t allow himself to vote for, so it looks like he’ll be voting against his own bill, which of course, has quickly become something more.

Having said that, the bill itself, assuming it remains as it is, will be a very positive step forward to reining in the Federal Reserve, which has become an unaccountable, secret organization which make deals with foreign governments and foreign central banks with impunity, while making decisions which go far beyond its charter; things like bailing out whatever industry they feel like bailing out, even if they’ve never been delegated the authority to do so. Sectors like the insurance and auto industry, which aren’t in any way under the umbrella of the Federal Reserve.

What the Ron Paul legislation will do, is subject the Federal Reserve to a full audit for the first time in history, via the Government Accountability Office. Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier, it has been grouped together with a finance reform bill which Paul doesn’t believe in. So being a truly principled man, he’ll vote against it, even with his legislation included. The good news for Paul’s bill is, more than likely Paul will be outvoted and the bill will pass, with Paul’s legislation included.

Note: I have a call into Congressman Paul's office, if I have any further information after hearing from them I will add an updated post.

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