Thursday, July 28, 2011

Very Cool: Rothbard Reading Hayek

Richard Ebeling emails:

Dear Bob,

I don't know if you recall or have a copy of the enclosed interview with F.A. Hayek that appeared in the June 1975 issue of the "Gold and Silver Newsletter." But on the off-chance that you do not, I thought I'd send it along.

It is noteworthy for Hayek talking about his "prediction" of the coming of the 1929 downturn, why the Great Depression occurred and was prolonged due to misguided government policy, his views and interpretation of Keynes, and then giving his "read" on the status of American and European economic problems in the middle of the 1970s. He also talks about the role of gold in economic and international affairs.

Sorry about the underlining and marginal doodles. But this is a photocopy of Murray Rothbard's copy of this newsletter, which I borrowed from him at the time. And all the markings on the pages are Murray's.
The full Hayek interview is here.

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