Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Drones as America's "Wunderwaffen"

At an earlier post, an anonymous commenter left the below note. I am far from an expert on weaponry or Wunderwaffen, but the note does provide food for thought:
Drones have been over sold as America's "Wunderwaffen" - what the nazis called Wonder Weapons. In the German case the expectations always outstripped their performance and they diverted scarce military resources from more established and reliable programs. We need to treat Wunderwaffen claims with skepticism. They promise a quick solution to a complex military problem that is seductive but often misleading and sometimes self defeating. Drones are not magic bullets. The rate of loss of drones to date has actually been quite high - so the loss of one over Iran should not really come as a surprise. Between 1994 and 2003 the USAF lost 50% of it's Predator drones. (There is more on drone losses here.) As the US expands it's drone program, the number of downed drones increases and along with that so increases the risk of reverse engineering by rival powers. Sometimes caution in the short term allows a temporary advantage to be preserved for a longer period


  1. I think you meant to say that you're "by far NOT an expert..."

    I'll let it slide just this once, Mr. Wenzel. If you do it again, it is off to the gulag with you. LOL

    BTW, no need to post this. I am just helping out.

  2. "They promise a quick solution to a complex military problem that is seductive but often misleading and sometimes self defeating. Drones are not magic bullets. The rate of loss of drones to date has actually been quite high"

    What more perfect military hardware is there to push if you're a M.I.C. member than drones?

    They get to make a continual supply and don't even need warzones to see them being used up/shot down.

    Very astute comment by Mr. Anonymous.
