Monday, October 29, 2012

Detroit: Homeowner Forced to Live with Squatter

Be prepared, regulations and the lack of respect for private property means things are getting nuttier and nuttier.


  1. This is very disturbing. It's hard to believe this is still the United States. "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave." Yeah, whatever.

  2. Her home has been reallocated as part of share the wealth redistribution program.

    Heidi has been treated like a Cherokee.

  3. She should get a gun, throw that woman's stuff out onto the street, and shoot her if she tries to get back in.

  4. My ex mother-in-law foolishly bought a house in the "Boston-Edison" neighborhood in 1980 in anticipation of Detroit's promised "Renaissance". That neighborhood was home to the rich and powerful 80 years ago and you can buy a decent size mansion for $80,000. Except you are in Detroit which means being "protected" by the city government, aka "the black power structure". I cannot believe that the police don't drag out the "squatter" as a trespasser. But then again, it's Detroit.

  5. Boston-Edison homes in Detroit:

  6. $23,300?!

    That must be one bad neighbourhood. In London that house is £1.5m

    But yeah, I agree with anon: sling her out, replace the locks and argue about the legal niceties afterward: "Oh sorry officer, I didn't know. Ah well."

  7. It sounds like the police in Detroit are nonexistant anyways, so I would lay a beating on this woman and kick her to the curb.

  8. Market forces at work. Those seeking justice will look elsewhere for it. This is why the mob will always be with us. She could just call Guido and her problem will go away. And yes, there is a price, a steep and lasting price which collects again and again, just like the gov't.... but with justice.

    Or you could just do it yourself in the middle of the night.

    Leeches with an entitlement mentality to this degree need to meet a Darwinian solution for the good of the species. And that is why we should all be rooting for a complete collapse. No more legacy costs, union contracts, lucrative pensions, welfare state, warfare state, etc. Just a pure economic jubilee and the rebirth of the individual.
