Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hillary Would Destroy Sarah Palin in a Matchup in Alaska

Reports Public Policy Polling:
Add Alaska to the list of states where Hillary Clinton, at least for now, might be competitive if she runs for President in 2016. Our new poll there finds just one point separating Clinton from two of the leading potential candidates for the GOP- she leads Marco Rubio 44/43 and trails Chris Christie 43/42. Clinton has a 47/45 favorability rating in the state, including 53/38 with independents.

It's not a match up likely to occur but Clinton would destroy Sarah Palin in a hypothetical match up in the state, 53/37, including a 62/25 lead with independents. There's no appetite among Alaskans for Palin 2016- only 16% think she should run to 78% who think she should not, and even among Republicans just 18% would like to see her make a bid.

To put into perspective just how poorly thought of Palin is in Alaska now, consider this: Congress has an 8% favorability rating in the state. But asked whether they have a higher opinion of Congress or Palin, Alaskans pick Congress by a 50/34 margin.


  1. Where is Intrade on the matter? When do they decide how and when to define new matters of interest?

    Well, I took a peek.

  2. Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton. Wow, what a clown show.

    One of the great mysteries of the universe to me is how Ron Paul was able to stomach being around politicians for so many years.

  3. "Hillary Would Destroy Sarah Palin in a Matchup in Alaska"

    I dunno, but I think that's a race I'd like to see. Hook each one to their own sled and let them run the Iditarod from Willow to Nome. Nine days in -100 degree weather might just chill them out a bit.

    I'm sorry, what? It's not that kind of matchup? Not the kind of bitches I had in mind? Pity, that's a contest I'd pay to see...
