Friday, March 8, 2013

A History of Gold Confiscation


  1. This is how the Barbarous Relic was confined to the ashbins of history. You'll notice it was entirely spontaneous and voluntary on the part of acting market participants.

  2. And when asked by Ron Paul why the FED even kept gold, The Bernank said "I dunno... tradition?"
    Seems like those folks went to a lot of trouble to confiscate something that just had sentimental value, doesn't it?

  3. This is what happens when you trust pirates in $5000 suits. They no longer fly the Jolly Roger and wear eye patches, but they plunder, rape, and murder just the same. They've simply traded their galleons for private jets, and the brute force of swords and cannons, for the brute force of corrupt legal/political systems and drones.

    See them for what exactly what they are...

  4. Next time the government asks for your gold, you tell them to get it from the Rothschilds.
