Monday, July 22, 2013

Cornell West on Obama as a Global Zimmerman

From an interview with Democracy NOW, aside from seeing George Zimmerman as a criminal, some important observations from Cornell West :
CORNEL WEST: Well, the first thing, I think we have to acknowledge that President Obama has very little moral authority at this point, because we know anybody who tries to rationalize the killing of innocent peoples, a criminal—George Zimmerman is a criminal—but President Obama is a global George Zimmerman, because he tries to rationalize the killing of innocent children, 221 so far, in the name of self-defense, so that there’s actually parallels here.


CORNEL WEST: In Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen. So when he comes to talk about the killing of an innocent person, you say, "Well, wait a minute. What kind of moral authority are you bringing? You’ve got $2 million bounty on Sister Assata Shakur. She’s innocent, but you are pressing that intentionally. Will you press for the justice of Trayvon Martin in the same way you press for the prosecution of Brother Bradley Manning and Brother Edward Snowden?" So you begin to see the hypocrisy.
West then goes down hill and blames "white supremacy," rather than government regulations, put in place by white and black government officials, for the problems of the black poor.


  1. I love the video of peter schiff vs Cornell west. Cornell didn't know what hit him.

    1. Do you have a link? I've never seen Peter Schiff win a debate before.

  2. Broken clocks come to mind when it comes to that jackass West

  3. I wonder what crime West thinks Zimmerman is guilty of. Profiling? Racism? Murder?
    The murder charge only makes sense if you deny that Zimmerman was acting in self defense. This can only happen if you assert that Zimmerman was the aggressor.

    West, and others of the same opinion, have made it a crime worthy of death (for, it follows, Martin was certainly justified to use deadly force in his retaliation against the aggressor Zimmerman - who was not justified in fighting back), to follow (or profile?) a black teenager.

    1. well since your bringing up the subject again, Zimmerman is the aggressor, the prime mover if you like, I understand why he shot martin but the law says stand your ground, not go following trouble. However the jury saw otherwise and so...shrug.

    2. So you believe that Martin was justified in using force to repel Zimmerman?
