Thursday, August 22, 2013

White House Picks Creepy Panel to Review NSA Programs

ABC News reports:
A group of veteran security experts and former White House officials has been selected to conduct a full review of U.S. surveillance programs and other secret government efforts disclosed over recent months, ABC News has learned.
The recent acting head of the CIA, Michael Morell, will be among what President Obama called a “high-level group of outside experts” scrutinizing the controversial programs.
Joining Morell on the panel will be former White House officials Richard Clarke, Cass Sunstein and Peter Swire. An announcement is expected Thursday, a source with knowledge of the matter told ABC News’ Jon Karl.

Best reaction from Will Reinhart:

I have written about Sunstein before, he is bad news. Sunstein has said, "A system of limitless individual choices with respect to communications is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government." He also believes that the government should control the Internet through the implementation of an "Internet Fairness Doctrine."

As I have said before, nothing good is going to come out of hearings and reviews of the NSA. With Sunstein on the Presidents panel this should now be obvious.Through clever wording any changes in NSA policies will result in the NSA becoming more intrusive.


  1. The more time passes, the more I want to leave the US

  2. Miguel, see
