Monday, January 13, 2014

Top Minimum Wage Increase Advocate to Retire From Congress

George Miller, the California Democrat who wrote legislation to raise the federal minimum wage to $7.25 an hour and now wants to link it to inflation, announced he will retire from Congress.

How clueless is he about the destruction caused by minimum wage laws, especially to the young?

In his retirement announcement, he said:
 I'm proud of what I have been able to accomplish on behalf of children, working people and the environment, in my district and for our country, especially passage of national health care reform[...]I came to Congress to help children of all backgrounds in America get a healthy start in life, have opportunity to get a good education, and eventually have the chance to work hard at a job with dignity.[...] and the most recent bills I've introduced would expand early childhood education and raise the minimum wage to lift families out of poverty.
And, he also hinted in the release that he will go revolving door crony:
 Now, I look forward to one last year in Congress fighting the good fight and then working in new venues on the issues that have inspired me. What a wonderful experience this has been.
Good riddance, George.


  1. "Good riddance, George" .... what an understatement! I've looked forward to his leaving Congress for a very long time.

  2. Great, now what are we going to do? I don't see how the Republic can stand such losses.
