Monday, February 3, 2014

Matt Damon's Miami Waterfront Home

For a save the earth type guy, Matt Damon sure does use a lot of wood in his bathroom and bedroom.

And the quality of his acting has gone down hill since this performance in Good Will Hunting:


  1. This has to be a hoax.

    Matt Damon, being so concerned about manmade global warming, would never be so foolish to buy a home on the Miami waterfront. The sea levels are going to rise and wash his home away.

    1. You sure? These Hollywood types are some of the most hypocritical bastards out there. So if it is true it doesn't surprise me in the least.

    2. No problem. Government provided subsidized flood insurance covers the whole thing. Boom! Just rebuild at taxpayer expense. Damon's hardly alone in that racket.

  2. Maybe he planted trees to compensate for the used-wood. Or, donated money to plant more trees for the used-wood.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. It's the Arnold Schwarzenegger loophole. Live a lavish, self indulgent lifestyle like a gilded age millionaire and when confronted with the hypocrisy just claim to have purchased carbon credit offsets. It's like the environmental elite's version of papal indulgences. Hey look at me, I'm rich, famous and hypocritical as hell but I can still by my way into eco-heaven with carbon credits.

  3. I thought Damon was really good in 'Rounders'. Also, when he got his head blown off for being a rat cop in 'The Departed'.

  4. I'm sure it doesn't take much carbon to cool and dehumidify that tiny volume of space in temperate Miami.

  5. It's always entertaining to expose Hollywood stars' hypocrisy, but seriously, stop the presses...
    Aside from pathological sycophants, who really takes the political opinions of entertainers seriously?
    I used to get pissed at them; now i just pity them.
