Monday, March 10, 2014

Former-NYU Keynesian Economist, Accused of Stalking Citigroup Keynesian Economist, Cuts Deal

Heleen Mees, 44, has taken a deal that will result in a stalking charge against her being dropped if she stays away from her married ex, Willem Buiter, 64, and undergoes 14 counseling sessions and doesn't get arrested.

"We are delighted," her lawyer, Ira London.

The New York Daily News reports:
Buiter, the chief economist for Citigroup, complained that Mees has sent him hundreds of emails over a two-year period, some of which were come-ons, like pictures of the Dutch woman masturbating, and some of which were threatening, such as a picture of dead birds.
The spurned lover also reached out to 63-year-old Buiter's wife and children...
Judge Steven Statsinger is allowing Mees to have contact with Buiter through her lawyers going forward, and Mees is planning on suing the alleged womanizer for trashing her reputation..
"She had come to the United States by herself and built a career" that included teaching at NYU, writing for a Dutch newspaper and doing consulting work, said her civil lawyer, Olav Haazen. "All that's been taken away from her by allegations that were not viable," Haazen said, and Buiter should be held accountable for that.
He said he plans on filing legal papers on Monday demanding information they believe will show some of Buiter's claims were bogus.


  1. So one could say that she was digitally creating out of thin air additional "pieces of paper" (i.e. emails) to stimulate his demand for her? Keynesian ideas: as absurd in dating relationships as they are in economics.

  2. She served her country more and did less harm than her dad the doctor did.

    1. Please explain. What did her dad do? Was it not her mother who was/is a doctor?

      Why did she change her last name, from Nijkamp to Mees?

    2. "She served her country more."

      Red flag.
