Thursday, March 13, 2014

One Lesson We Can Learn from the Commies...

Jay Stephenson emails:
How to deal with the Daily Show clowns:

Gorbachev Threatens 'Daily Show' Reporter...


  1. Good idea. Instead of facing facts and admitting you are wrong, throw a punch.

    Let's all pretend we're on the verge of hyperinflation and that the slave states seceded over a tariff.

    1. First of all, I know it isn't worth my time to respond to JW as he is a drive by commenter. Be here goes.

      1. Not all slave state seceded. Maryland, Delaware, and Kentucky remained in the union.

      2. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclimation didn't free a single slave in the slave states that remained in the Union.

      3. Slavery was a huge reason why most slave states seceded from the Union.

      4. Lincoln's war was fought to forcibly bring the seceding states back into the Union and not fought to eradicate slavery.

    2. Jerry....go buy a house or put your life savings into the NYSE. You'll see the downside of where the inflation is soon enough.

  2. Honestly I'm surprised Gorbachev didn't just out right punch him. Also I would like to make a comment that at this point I don't see the benefit of libertarians of going on the Daily Show. Napolitano said in an interview with Jesse Ventura that him and Stewart are friends so when Napolitano agreed to go on it might have been more friendly than political because of the friendship who knows. Maybe it would've made sense (probably not) when Bush was in power but not with Obama in charge.

  3. In this case, the jackass jokester wasn't on home turf. Lesson learned, right?

    The Daily Show is another fine example of the phenomenon noted by Daniel McAdams yesterday. Jon Stewart is smart, and his audience considers itself well-educated, but he is more than happy to pander to their basest instincts, and they love nothing more than the smug superior feeling that comes from seeing someone with whom they disagree smeared and ridiculed.

    Despite his intelligence, Stewart's show is unquestionably another indicator of America's intellectual decay.

  4. Wow. Here are three words I thought I would never say, even at gunpoint. But here goes:

    Good for Gorby

  5. Steve Sailer (I think) mentioned that the only joke that doesn't offend liberals seems to be any version of "haha, look at how dumb that guy is. We are so much smarter and superior."

    Very primitive, in a way.
