Thursday, May 15, 2014

BREAKING: Infowars Reporters Detained By Army Base Police

Alex Jones calls the public information officer for Fort AP Hill, Bob McElroy, to find out the whereabouts of Infowars reporters David Knight and Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs who were both detained after investigating the army’s secret asymmetric warfare base.

According to Infowars, the U.S. Army built the base to look just like a typical American town in order to practice military occupation scenarios. The fake city includes a sports stadium, bank, school and an underground subway spread across nearly 300 acres.


  1. I haven't seen the one at Fort Hood, but I saw the one at Fort A.P. Hill recently. The one at A.P. Hill was literally a small town, including a Christian church (steeple and all), Mosque, subway station (with passenger cars), high-rise apartment buildings, etc. I was there about a year or so ago and it wasn't there, so this facility is fairly new. It's extremely eerie when you're standing there taking it all in.

    I normally dismiss Alex Jones as a nutcase, frankly, but this is real folks. They aren't just training for urban combat in the Middle East anymore (as if that's not bad enough).

    1. Ego driven, belligerent, radical as default, Straight laced Christian.... yes. But "nut case"??? Where are YOU coming from?

    2. Nutcase as in he often comes to really convoluted conclusions. He usually gets the beginning of the story right, but then departs into nonsense towards the end (usually fueled by his ego). This is one of the rare cases that he stayed the course all the way through. I would advise you don't hang on his every word, lest you be mislead.

    3. They are training for national defense as the Constitution requires. Of course in your childish mind, they are training to invade a small red state town and enslave everyone who is white and has a Bible in their house.

  2. “RW rests in his tower while real Americans confront government directly.”

  3. Oops, I misread the article and thought it said Fort Hood. Either way, when you see this training complex it's eerie as hell.

  4. practice military occupation scenarios?

    Hahahahaaha........more like practicing how to prevent a military occupation. Thought the libertarians at least recognized the need for the military to protect the borders. Apparently in Libertyville there are no nations out there who want to invade and occupy the United States.

    1. Jerry, you're a laugh riot.

      Please tell us who is going to invade the US. Are the Canadian Mounties forming on the border? No worries about the Mexican invasion. That seems to be the only one Washington ignores. Lots of Democrat voters, Jerry. I'm sure you approve.

      I'm thinking we really need to keep an eagle eye on those Somalis! Those crafty devils have boats, don't you know. They could be traversing the ocean right now in the dead of night, preparing for a D-Day type invasion. And the occupation! Oh, the humanity! Should I start learning their language, Jerry...just in case?

      You're such a putz.

    2. That's true Jerry you are absolutely right, as usual. I can think of no other country in no other time period where the government turned on its citizens. It has never happened. We have nothing to fear. We have the rule of law, and much like the laws of motion, the rule of law is not subject to anyone's interpretations and cannot be changed in any way. They are defending borders by staging military exercises inside a city. That's it. Done. Nothing to see here citizen. Next subject.
