Friday, October 2, 2015

Power and Privilge

The real problem isn't "white privilege" it is privilege related to government power.

I discuss at Target Liberty.


1 comment:

  1. you mean this privilege?....
    CAPITOL GAINS Investigation: Candidates enrich themselves with campaign cash, gifts, travel

    Out one pocket, into another

    Another practice that's ripe for abuse: Lawmakers spend thousands of dollars in campaign cash to hire each other's companies.

    One beneficiary of this practice is Jim Merrill, the representative of Daniel Island, and his public relations company, Geechee Communications.

    Since 2008, state lawmakers from both parties spent more than $215,000 to hire Merrill or his company. Lawmakers often describe the spending merely as “campaign expense,” “consulting” and “mail.”

    Murky ethics laws

    Taken together, this information provides the most comprehensive look yet at how state elected officials and candidates receive perks and spend millions of dollars in campaign cash.

    A joint investigation by The Post and Courier and the Center for Public Integrity also found state lawmakers and candidates used this cash machine to hire their own companies, pay parking tickets, purchase an AARP membership – and even buy a used BMW convertible for “parades.”

    The money funding this political cash machine comes from candidates' campaign accounts, reimbursements from state government and outright gifts from special interests.
