Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

Barrack Obama has chosen Joseph Biden as his vice presidential running mate. It appears he has found a fellow traveler.

Biden is a six-term United States Senator. He is the senior senator from the U.S. state of Delaware. He has served in the Senate since 1973 and made his third run for president in 2008 election as a Democrat.

Biden is against the Bush administration's tax cuts and would "take back one year of the tax cuts for Americans who make over a million dollars a year, and put this money in a dedicated Homeland Security and Public Safety Trust Fund to implement the 9/11 Commission recommendations and invest in law enforcement." Biden supports a balanced budget amendment.

Biden was given a 32% approval rating from the United States Chamber of Commerce. He favors taking burdens off corporations to prevent outsourcing. He voted yes on repealing tax subsidies for companies that outsource jobs and yes on restrictions on personal bankruptcy.

Biden was given a 100% approval rating from AFL-CIO.

Biden opposes drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and supports governmental funding to find new energy sources.

Biden believes action must be taken on global warming. He supports the creation of a new treaty on climate change that would require emissions reductions from developing countries such as Brazil, India, China, and Mexico. He has also stated his support for investment in technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the creation of a "cap and trade" system. Biden supports the promotion of renewable energy, including ethanol and other biodiesel fuels.

Biden serves on the following committees in the 110th U.S. Congress

Committee on Foreign Relations (Chairman)-As Chairman of the full committee Biden is an ex officio member of each subcommittee.

Committee on the Judiciary:
Subcommittee on Antitrust Competition Policy and Consumer Rights
Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs, (Chairman)
Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law
Subcommittee on Immigration Border Security and Citizenship
Subcommittee on Technology Terrorism and Homeland Security
Caucus on International Narcotics Control (Co-Chairman)

Biden voted in favor of the invasions of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. He has since said that he believes it was a mistake to support the Iraq war because it has been mismanaged by the Bush Administration. He supports a five-step plan to obtain victory and remove troops from Iraq.

In November 2006, Biden and Leslie Gelb, President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, released a comprehensive strategy to end sectarian violence in Iraq. Rather than continuing the present approach or withdrawing, the plan calls for "a third way": federalizing Iraq and giving Kurds, Shiites, and Sunnis "breathing room" in their own regions.

Biden voted in favor of the invasions of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. He has since said that he believes it was a mistake to support the Iraq war because it has been mismanaged by the Bush Administration. He supports a five-step plan to obtain victory and remove troops from Iraq.

In November 2006, Biden and Leslie Gelb, President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, released a comprehensive strategy to end sectarian violence in Iraq. Rather than continuing the present approach or withdrawing, the plan calls for "a third way": federalizing Iraq and giving Kurds, Shiites, and Sunnis "breathing room" in their own regions.

Biden favors an American deployment of troops to Sudan in order to end the genocide in Darfur. He believes that the mission can be accomplished with 2,500 troops.

Biden is highly supportive of Israel and favors a two-state solution to the Palestinian Conflict. He stated that "the Arab nations have known that there is no daylight between us and Israel." Biden sponsored the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 which set forth the means for achieving a two-state solution in Palestine.

Source: Wikipedia and Joseph Biden web site.

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