The recent G-8 meeting in Lecce, Italy produced the Lecce Framework. It's another step toward global rule. I found particularly interesting that executive compensation was at the top of the list:
The Lecce Framework recognizes that there is a wide range of instruments, both existing and under development, which have a common thread related to propriety, integrity and transparency and classifies them into five categories: corporate governance, market integrity, financial regulation and supervision, tax cooperation, and transparency of macroeconomic policy and data. Specific issues covered include, inter alia, executive compensation, regulation of systemically important institutions, credit rating agencies, accounting standards, the cross-border exchange of information, bribery, tax havens, non-cooperative jurisdictions, money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and the quality and dissemination of economic and financial data.I think they have figured out that if you control most men's compensation, you control the men.
On a happier note, there are still hold out governments that aren't in to one world rule, which appear to be an irritant to one world rule planners. That would be the reference in the Framework to the "issue" of "non-cooperative jurisdictions". And money still talks, since another issue is bribery.
One World Government coming to a world near you.