There ought to be T-shirts. Walter Block’s World Tour 2009 speeches:
Sept 12 Bellevue, WA, Mises Institute, Mises Circle, “Ticka, ticka, ticka, you need good timin’”
Sept 22 Baton Rouge, LA. Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law Center, near the intersection of Highland & Dalrymple, room 110, from 12:40 to 1:40pm; topic: free market environmentalism, contact: Andre Collins Gaudin Jr, 504 669-2125,,
Oct 1 Newark, N.J., Rutgers Newark Law School, 123 Washington Street, room 125, Baker Trial Courtroom; 8-10pm, topic: socialized medicine; contact: Steve Link,, 201-788-5108
Oct 2 Newark, N.J., Seton Hall University, 1109 Raymond Blvd; small moot court room on the first floor, 1pm– 3pm; topic: socialized medicine; contact: Alessandro Di Stefano –, 617-894-5436
Oct 5 New York, N.Y., Cardozo Law School, noon-1:30pm; 55 Fifth Avenue (corner of 5th Ave & 12th St), room 206; topic: socialized medicine; contact: John Safarli,; 206-909-9963
Oct 6 Baton Rouge, LA., Southern University, Room 129 in AA Lenoir Hall at noon – 2pm. Contact: Cindy Manuel, Barry Manuel,, Ross LeBlanc,, 504-236-2451; topic: medical socialism
Oct 21-24. Salamanca, Spain. Mises Supporters Conference.
Oct 31. Grove City College, Grove City, PA. Mises Lecture Austrian Student Scholars’ Conference “My 41 years as an Austrian economist;”
Nov 4. Williamsburg VA 23188; William & Mary Law School, 613 South Henry Street, 1-3pm; room, tba; contact: Amanda DeVuono,, 571 970-7725, topic: “Is the market racist? Sexist? No.”
Nov 4. Richmond, VA 23173; University of Richmond School of Law, Moot Court Room, 28 Westhampton Way, Contact: Margaret Harker,, 240 481-1872,
4pm; Topic: welfare state? Topic: Medical socialism? Commentator: Dr. Karen Swisher Professor of Health Law with the Department of Health Administration at VCU/MCV where she teaches in the MHA (Masters in Health Administration) Program.
Nov 5 Charlottesville, VA 22903; UVA School of Law, 580 Massie Rd, room #: tba;. Contact: Alex Cox,, 517 614 0473; noon; Topic: drug legalization
Nov 5. Lexington, Virginia 24450; Washington and Lee University Law School, 5:15pm, Sydney Lewis Hall. AKA “The Law School,” room A or B; Topic: The Market is NOT Sexist nor Racist: the Black-White, the Male-Female Wage Gap and the Glass Ceiling. Contact: Robert Merting, Email and phone number for Merting have been removed at his request
(Thanks to Alessandro Di Stefano)
Does he have some aversion to visiting a state that doesn't touch the ocean?