Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is Timothy Geithner Depressed?

What's up with the Treasury Secretary?

The man use to have back to back meetings and a full public schedule. Now his public schedule continues extremely light. This is what the Treasury is reporting as Geithner's public schedule today:

On Wednesday morning, Secretary Geithner will attend the President's Economic Daily Briefing at the White House.

Is Geithner plotting behind close doors? Is he having trouble getting going in the new year? Is this a new non-disclosure, secrecy policy the Treasury Secretary has implemented? Is he depressed and simply locking himself in his office?


  1. OK, Murphy just made me spew coffee all over my keyboard and display.

  2. Maybe that high he gets from being a self-righteous interventionist isn't working for him anymore.

  3. The Podesta machine seems to be gunning at Timmy.

  4. The Podesta site just suggested Chris Dodd as a future Treasury Secretary under Obama.

  5. "The Podesta site just suggested Chris Dodd as a future Treasury Secretary under Obama."

    If something that stupid were to actually take place, it would be a real kick in the teeth to anybody that's not a politically connected Wall Streeter-- Meaning pretty much everybody in the country.
