Sunday, January 24, 2010

Release the Hounds!

Bob Murphy sends me an email to a link on some preliminary investigative work he has done on Congressmen who changed their vote from "no" to "yes" on TARP, and then lost their bid for re-election in 2008.

His focus at this point, and he is looking for help on this, is on whether any of these vote changers, who have lost their re-election bids, have gained any type of subsequent benefit from the financial sector.

If you are in an investigative mood, here is Murphy's preliminary work.

1 comment:

  1. Look no further than ex-Sen. John Sununu (R-NH). He didn't switch his vote, but he has been taken care of since he went down in defeat probably due to his YES vote on TARP.

    He was given a seat on the Congressional Oversight Panel (COP) for the Troubled Asset Relief Program funds.

    He was then appointed to the Board of Managers of ConvergEx Holdings, a holding company for BNY ConvergEx Group, an affiliate of Bank of New York Mellon, which holds a 33.8 percent stake in BNY ConvergEx Group.

