Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Walter Block World Tour Q1 2010

Walter Block writes:

“Economists like Carl Menger, F.A. Hayek, and Ludwig von Mises were devoted to getting their ideas out. They accepted as many travel invitations as possible in the hope of reaching new audiences. Mises himself was particularly aware of the need to teach outside the academy. Rothbard’s own desire to reach the multitudes — by writing for every possible venue — left us with an immense literary legacy.” (Source: http://mises.org/daily/4027)

Well, I don’t like to brag, but (whenever you see a sentence like that, just ignore everything that comes before the “but”) when it comes to traveling around the world by airplane to give speeches on Austrian economics and libertarianism, I kick Menger’s butt. Here are a few of my upcoming talks. If you are in these cities during that times, please, c’mon by.

Feb 1. Central Islip, New York 11722; Touro Law School, noon – 2:00pm; 225 Eastview Drive, topic: Legalizing Drugs; room number: tba, contact Yan Katsnelson 917 495 7002, yan-katsnelson@tourolaw.edu; 917 495 7002

Feb 1. New York City, NY. New York Law School, 185 W. Broadway (between Worth and Franklin Streets, 5:00-7:00pm; street address; room number; topic: Legalization of Consenting Adult Behavior contact: William Daks; william.daks@law.nyls.edu; Ian Kaplan or William Daks (347-531-7452)

Feb 2. New York City, NY. Fordham University Law School, 12:30-2:00 pm, 140 West 62nd Street, between Columbus and Amsterdam. Room 302, debate with Fordham Law Professor Richard Squire, http://flslive.lawnet.fordham.edu/faculty/1144.htm; topic: “When Should Government Intervene in the Financial Markets?” Walter Block: “never”; Richard Squire: “never say never”; contact: Reuvain Borchardt, fordhamfedsoc@gmail.com; The moderator will be Fordham Law Professor John Pfaff; http://law.fordham.edu/faculty/1130.htm; Profs. Squire and Block will each deliver a 12-minute presentation, followed by a 5 minute rebuttal from each, followed by Q&A.

Feb 2. New York City, NY 10012 New York University Law School, 40 Washington Square South; accessible to the ACEBDFV subways, which are one block west at Sixth Avenue and Third Street; 4:00-6:00pm, room number, tba; topic: rent control; contact: Andrew Kloster, arkloster@gmail.com, 847-544-8651

Feb 2. New York City, Columbia University, Alfred Lerner Hall, 8-10pm; topic: Austrian Economics and Libertarian Political Philosophy, plus, my life as a student at Columbia in the late 1960s, reminiscing about the people I met then: my teachers at Columbia: Gary Becker, Jacob Mincer, Phillip Cagan, Arthur Burns, Albert Hart, Jagdish Bhagwhati, William Vickrey, William Landes, Roger Alcaly; from NYC: Murray N. Rothbard, Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden, Robert Nozick, and Ludwig von Mises; if you do not have access to Columbia University ID, contact: John David Fernandez, Columbia College, Vice President, Columbia University Libertarians; djf2125@columbia.edu; 718 300 8149

Feb 15. St. Louis, MO 63130. Washington University Law School. Corner of Throop Drive and Snow Way, Noon – 2p.m. topic: “The Male/Female Wage Gap”; room number, tba; Contact: Stephen C Cassarino sccassarino@wulaw.wustl.edu, 860-384-9374.

Feb 16. St. Louis, MO 63108. St. Louis University. 3701 Lindell Blvd. (intersection of Lindell and Spring); noon – 2pm, room number, tba; Topic: “The Cause and Cures of the Current Economic Crisis”; contact: Luis Hess, hesslf@gmail.com, 281-954-4377; Joseph Blewitt, jblewitt@gmail.com

Mar 11–13. Auburn, AL. Austrian Scholars’ Conference; http://mises.org/events/114

Mar 16. State College University Park, PA. Penn State University. 7:00pm. Topic, The Libertarian Philosophy and Drug Legalization; room number, tba. Alex Weller [mailto:aweller@psu.edu] 267-566-2440, ‘Nicole Lee Ritschel’; ‘Nate Emmons’; ‘Bob Eckhardt’ Robert B. Eckhardt [mailto:eyl@psu.edu]

Mar 16. State College University Park, PA. Penn State University Radio Free Penn State on the LION 90.7 FM, WKPS State College at 5 pm

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