If I had to guess, twenty five cents, this would be exactly that. Homegrown maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.There is so much anger in the world, a government can really be confused as to who is after it.
Consider the range of anger right now. Completely different philosophies, completely different views of the world, but the Times Square bomber, the Tea Party movement, the Ron Paul movement and the protesters in Greece have one thing in common, a rejection of control by the global plotters.
Ron Paul is in most ways as far as you can get from the Times Square bomber. Paul is non-violent and wants to work through the system. The Times Square bomber planned to express his objections to the global plotters by bizarrely attempting to blow up an SUV in Times Square, but triggering all these actions is a rejection of multi-national government attempts to force their will on the people.
Governments have been slowly moving towards global this and global that, well the one thing they have succeeded at is global anger. People are pissed off in Toledo, Islamabad, Athens and Des Moines. The degree of anger is different, the justification for the anger is varied, but around the globe the anger is there, all in one way or another traced back to multinational-government actions.
In Greece, it's multinational-government actions via the EU and the IMF attempting to push "austerity programs" against the people. In Pakistan, it's anger against the multinational-government military actions in the area.
In the United States, its anger against the global banksters that brought panic to the financial system and then raped the taxpayers and paid themselves huge bonuses. The U.S. global banksters are, of course,the puppeteers that are behind all these multinational-government actions.
The banksters have created a world that is in revolution. How all this plays out I have no idea. The genie will not be able to be put back in the bottle. The anger appears to be deep enough that the banksters may have to decide how evil they really are. Will they give the order to crush the revolution, and I mean crush, resulting in millions dead, or will they pull a Gorbachev and choose the noble and wise way and let the flawed bankster built system collapse, the way Gorby did the Soviet Union?
I don't think the people of the world have figured out yet that they are all protesting, in one way or another, the same one world government/banksters, but if they do, I would hate to be a bankster or a tool of the banksters.
Good post, Bob. Just one thing. Gorby wasn't noble, he simply realized it was better and easier to have the global bankers doing his dirty work of fleecing the people.
ReplyDeleteIn retrospect, that's what it might look like. At the time, he did not use the military at a number of key points, without knowing what the ultimate outcome would be.
Don't forget about the Austin Plane pilot
ReplyDeleteIt's the Empire Strikes Back as follow on to Star Wars. Buy the manufacturers of truncheons, tear gas, gas masks, riot gear, and long-range acoustic devices.
ReplyDeleteIt is clear to me that under the pretext of 911, the globalist have been accelerating a plan to bring about world governance. But it isn't a governance of democracy, but a new serfdom, using IMF “austerity" and "restructuring”.
ReplyDeleteIMF “austerity" and "restructuring” (the post 911 plan) is antiseptic, technocratic jargon for the life-shortening, killing impact of gutting income, social services, spending on health on hospitals, education and other basic needs; the selling off public infrastructure to buyers (global oligarchy) that turn nations into “tollbooth economies”, where everyone is obliged to pay access prices for roads, education, medical care and other costs of living and doing business that have long been subsidized by progressive taxation in North America and Western Europe.
ReplyDeleteHow do YOU think an industry earns enough money to pay 50-100,000 of its' employees salaries starting at $400,000.00 a year? The base starting salary of an investment banker is $400,000 a year plus full medical benefits of $45,000.00 per year and bonus equal to salary or greater. Is the idea that a magical, secret is known only by bankers? Or perhaps you must engineer a "market" so that the majority of its' revenues go to the engineers. Why do anything else for a living when you can make most of the money from everyone else labor? Did the average American think that these people are super geniuses employing legitimate strategies? They are doing the EXACT SAME THINGS THE ITALIAN MOB HAS DONE FOR CENTURIES. The real enemy is the government control of your right to earn as much money as you want.
ReplyDeleteYou are dead on my friend! My dad is from Greece and I have spent a lot of time there. While they may not have lived up to their ancient glory, the modern Greeks have done and admirable job of making a mockery of centralized government fiats, whether its through paying doctors on the side for treatment above what they would normally get through their single payer system, or blatantly ignoring smoking bans - God bless the Greeks! The EU deserves to be fleeced and hopefully this will be the beginning of the end for them - too bad the other EUnuch nations aren't more like Greece, then they really could bring this experiment in massive government to a rightful end. Though I have my doubts, I hope that the Greeks will bankrupt the EU.
ReplyDeleteThe Greeks alone may not bankrupt the EU. But Greece + Spain + Portugal + Italy + ...
ReplyDeletemarx's dream of world revolution realized!
or wait: subversion of the central national banks/socialism he called for.
I recall a few years back listening to the rather esoteric Alan Watt, and he would often talk about these Pentagon policy thinktanks like the RAND corp. that foresaw 20-30 years of civil unrest starting in 2010 due to the world being dragged into the supposed new world order.
ReplyDeletewelcome to year one.
The tool that the global banksters use to enforce their will is fiat currency. Those of us who love liberty must secede from the governments that the global banksters own, and establish currencies based on precious metals. This is the most effective method we have to cut the head off the snake.
ReplyDeleteNo one expects the spanish inquisition...
ReplyDeleteI agree with what was said but i think there are other players besides the bank.
ReplyDeleteBy the way Gorbachev did not do the right thing. He created perestroika and glasnost to as a whistle blowing system to catch who ever was ripping off the profits socialism should theoretically yield to society. The theory was wrong and so the whistles started blowing the other way, focussing on party perks. That killed party membership off. Then Chernobyl went and millions decided that they were all going to die, their fear of the state disappeared over night. Siberia was suddenly the safe place, far away from the radiation. The KGB lost control instantly. The army had proven no match for gorilla warfare in Afghanistan so there was little hope of the army holding together the Soviet Union. Gorbi was trapped. He could not keep the state and the revolution going at once. He switched to Fabian Socialism; joining the environmentalists on pushing their greenhouse policies. Now that to has failed.
The problem with these myriad groups is, many of them are often swayed by the Oligarchy's Corporate mouthpieces that constantly try to divide & conquer. Libertarians = Right-wing nutcases, Democratic Socialists = Maoists, Minorities want to kill the white middle class. All whites are racist demons, etc. And, unfortunately, people fall for this propaganda more often than not.
ReplyDeleteIf the Common Man could get his act together, the Banksters & their political puppets would be heading towards the doorway within a week.
Actually, Gorbachev sold out the country to the Western banksters. It wasn't until Putin that the 'shock therapy' imposed by the banksters was ended and the oligarchs created by the banksters were driven from dominance.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it will take ten years for Europe and the US to catch on.
The Banksters and the Little Girl Killing Govts are one in the same, They enable each other -- if you pidgeons want free healthcare and free roads you have to have the little girl killing Govts, the banksters and the military triumvirate or you have the little girl killing govt, citizen killing military and starving citizen triumvirate--its the only way that property can be stolen from the productive segment of society to enable all the freebies
ReplyDeleteA revolution, even a peaceful one, is long overdue. Taking a cue from the signers of our Great Declaration, our repeated petitions have been answered with repeated injury. Our national government is doing everything they can at this point to take the money and run. All peaceful means have not yet been exhausted, but the people better keep waking up, and fast. It's a race to the finish line now. I fear civil war in the U.S., but if this trend continues many on both sides will be sacrificed unnecessarily.
ReplyDeleteThis revolution will not be crushed by force of arms. It is the survival instincts of mankind that are against the global puppeteers. They are contained in the different ways of survival that the worlds cultures have learned over the lifespan of the human race. Some of those cultures are adapted to the particular geographies where they live. Others are based on sets of ideas that those cultures have decided are good. Then we have the differences in language and religious beliefs.
ReplyDeleteThese forces are being opposed by men who have pathological desires for more power. They are sociopaths. Every culture has had to develop methods of dealing with sociopaths. Once they identify these men as what they are these cultural defense mechanisms will kick in. They are doing that now. The powerful are in big trouble. We far out number them and are the true source of their power. We are withdrawing our consent for them to continue to use it.
This revolution will not be crushed by force of arms. It is the survival instincts of mankind that are against the global puppeteers. They are contained in the different ways of survival that the worlds cultures have learned over the lifespan of the human race. Some of those cultures are adapted to the particular geographies where they live. Others are based on sets of ideas that those cultures have decided are good. Then we have the differences in language and religious beliefs.
ReplyDeleteThese forces are being opposed by men who have pathological desires for more power. They are sociopaths. Every culture has had to develop methods of dealing with sociopaths. Once they identify these men as what they are these cultural defense mechanisms will kick in. They are doing that now. The powerful are in big trouble. We far out number them and are the true source of their power. We are withdrawing our consent for them to continue to use it.
The anger is growing but the politicians still don't understand it. They don't understand the Ron Paul movement and the re-awaking of the American people to the Constitution. They don't understand we want a non-violent revolution.
ReplyDeleteThey don't understand that the media gatekeepers may be guarding the gates, but the walls are falling down around them via the internet.
They're only talking to themselves, while still thinking they don't have to listen to the people.
If they continue their willful refusal to listen, what starts as a non-violent revolution will become violent. They only have themselves to blame.
I hope it doesn't get that far, but I'm not optimistic.
The common root of most of this is the railroad lawyer Abraham Lincoln and his prosecution of a total war on enemy citizens. Early in the war the south offered to free it's slaves and pay for it's debt under it's legal right to secession, Lincoln ignored them.
ReplyDeleteHe ended up killing 25% of his "enemy's" adult men under 40, and left corpses of women and children piled in the streets of major southern cities.
Mostly this war accomplished a federal dictatorship over the formerly free states, and required them to render taxes and fees to the now tyrannous president and congress. It allowed railroads, to be built anywhere in total disregard of individual property rights. We in no way tower morally over Saudi Arabia or North Korea or whoever. Most of our success comes from that vast natural resources and the willingness of individuals to harness and master them.
America has 19 countries under sanction. There are various pretexts of terror, and drug wars.
An international dictatorship over formerly free nations is indeed sought by many of these banksters and their statist thugs. Reconsider whatever you learn in the youth concentration camp of a public school you were forced to attend.
They are the pied piper and whatever good they have do is always overshadowed by their retributive anger at not being paid and worshipped enough by us commoners.
Anonymous--You are absolutely right about the tyrant Lincoln and the War of Northern Aggression. The Republic died in 1861. One can only hope the American Empire devolves as peacefully as the Soviet Empire, although I am not that optimistic.