Anthony Fry, senior managing director at Evercore Partners, said on CNBC this morning, “The current problems will be with us for 5 years or more and uncertainty is very high."
“Look at the current situation. You have Greece, now you have Hungary and huge issues surrounding Spain and Portugal,” he said.
“You can have lower rates and deflation, higher rates and higher inflation or the nightmare scenario of higher rates and deflating asset prices,” he said.
“If the nightmare scenario plays out as I suspect it may then the debt situation gets worse. There is currently no exit strategy and the reaction to the crisis of policy makers remains a big worry.”
“I don’t want to scare anyone but I am considering investing in barbed wire and guns, things are not looking good and rates are heading higher,” he said.
Higher rates and deflating assets prices come about because of stagflation, a problem faced in the U.S, during the late 1970's. Any replay of such a scenario would likely be more extreme, given the current sovereign debt problems.
Evercore has handled over $1 trillion of merger, acquisition, recapitalization and restructuring transactions and is headed by Roger Altman, a former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury.
I've already covered the guns/ammo part,but barbed wire?
ReplyDeleteBy Ponce.........being there and done that, got the barbed wire three years ago that will go ten feet away from my home and all around it.....
ReplyDeleteIf you are an X military you can make booby traps to placed between the barbed wire and your home.......carefull with the kids and pets.
LOLOLOL what are guns and barbed wire going to do against Mother Nature or better armed gangs? Guns? Really? The problem with this sort of thing is that there is ALWAYS someone better at a thing than another person. My whole family is ex-military. Trust me when I say guns and barbed wire are NOTHING against the weapons you can buy-elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteThey got the title wrong, it should of read:
ReplyDeleteAnalyst: Buy products from companies my hedgefund holds stock in so I can get my bonus and buy Ferarri for Xmas.
"there is ALWAYS someone better at a thing than another person"
ReplyDeleteTrue, and I'm sure they'll eventually get my stuff as well as yours, but at least in my situation, there will be much fewer of the bad guys left afterwards to carry my stuff away.
Yeah, you might be outgunned at some point but at least you go out fighting like a man and not wait to get slaughtered like a sheep.
ReplyDeleteHere's a line from a: song from the Clash
ReplyDeleteWhat are you gonna do when they come for you?
Are you gonna go with your hands on your head or the trigger of your gun?
Watch Defcon 4. Vinny had it made till he trusted someone. Trust no one and die alone. If you believe in Yahweh so what if you die. What's so special about life on Earth. With him is Glory.
Good point about someone being better armed. The Thing is though, when Gang X knows that you are armed Gang X will take on one of the sheep and that will be that. There will be so many sheep/walking wounded/IT zombies etc etc, the marauding gangs of "Humongous" and his band of merry men will have plenty to choose from while you are better able to bug out or hold.
If you're that worried... just study the tactics of the Taliban fighters... they've destroyed several empires including the U.S. (you just don't know it yet)... using a combination urban warfare, guerilla tactics and wilderness survival... pretty damn impressive record... better than red neck Joe's survival school of barbed wire... too funny.
ReplyDeleteIn California, to a large extent I think we'll be looking at a summer of rage. Unemployment is over 20%, no further extensions to unemployment compensation, a massive underclass with entitlement expectations, and a willfully ignorant liberal mindset at all levels of government. It should get ugly......
ReplyDeleteonce Pandora's box tips over and America's 7-way civil war gets underway....the ensuing melee will not stop until a lasting cease-fire is called so the surviving parties can move the millions of decayed corpses out of the streets.
ReplyDeleteBarbed wire means you're trying to hold a specific piece of ground.
ReplyDeleteInstead of barbed wire, invest in guns, a ton of ammo, and lots of surplus web gear, canteens, water purification tablets, etc. etc.
Then become the biggest, baddest mobile group in your area.
Don't hold a specific piece of dirt. Move as you need to.
10 feet of barbed wire vs. 1 flaming arrow. You're cooked.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anon 8:15PM - be mobile. I would add a couple of mid 20th century vehicles to the mix with non-electric, easy to maintain engines and power trains. Gas will be everywhere for a long while. People in fear won't be moving too much. Get mobile, head for the western plains, then find some high ground to hold.
Or dig yourself a bomb shelter, make it really hard to spot, and when TSHTF and it looks like your neighborhood is systematically getting looted / raped, burn your house out and go under ground and only come out at night. Inside 10 years the Chinese will roll through and set up the collectivist unigovernment the leftists so desire... along with forced labor, forced sterilization and lots of other fun things.
Three words--75 Round Drum
ReplyDeleteYou guys are so optimistic.
ReplyDeleteHow about we vote in God fearing constitutionalists,
who will coin real money, protect our borders, and WE start educating our children. Borders, language, and culture.
Close wall street it's only a rigged casino anyway, close the Federal Reserve and place all its principals in jail, eliminate fed debt by executive fiat, kick out and replace all congressmen and have them swear sole allegiance to the US, no second citizenship or foreign allegiances. Remove and replace all Justices. Replace the President that owes nothing to anyone but his duty to the US and its people. Remove all Zionists from any government position. Place crucifixes on all schoolrooms hospitals, government offices. Re-introduce the Inquisition to assure all government employees, teachers, lawyers, military personnel, politicians and anyone having to do with public well being are True Christians meaning Catholic. Then and only then will we have a just and fair government under God. Not under Satan as it is now. Sancta MarÃa, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus.
ReplyDeleteYou are what you eat and it seems a lot of people here eat nuts.
ReplyDeleteThe Anonymous stating "Close wall street it's only a rigged casino anyway, close the Federal Reserve and place all its principals in jail" has no idea by whom Wall Street and the Federal Reserve is owned. Or WHO they own...for that matter. They are called Bilderberg Group and they own nearly every government in the world, which has been their goal for more years than any of us have walked on earth. Do a bit of research re: this evil bunch of extremely wealthy individuals. See how many U.S. Presidents they've owned and controlled, including this present mess. Most of the former POTUS, FDR forward; at the very least it begins to put much of our history into focus. Scary information, especially how easily we've been led - sheeple? you bet!
ReplyDeleteStock pile for a year, food, ammo and guns. Mobile is right. Move away from the city. Can you make it? I can.
ReplyDeleteWe need to start in Nov. elect the folks who are conservative and believe in only the Constitution.
I have no doubt that it will come to a shooting situation unless we vote out all of the DC crowd.
We can take back our country if we work together and not have unruly small groups that are in it for themselves. We must think about our country first. Remember only 3% of the citizens acutally fought in the Revolutionary war.
Everyone wants to point out that there's always somebody bigger or stronger who can take your stuff away from you. Thanks for stating the obvious.
ReplyDeleteHowever true this might be, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't TRY to protect yourself, your loved ones and your stuff.
Or are you saying that we should just give up at the first sign of aggression?
We have friends who still believe in "one person, one vote"-- so did the Communist Chinese, for that matter. But that's a dead end. There are no governments, borders, or nations. Such are known as 'enduring fictions'. There are only banks and the corporations they own. All sections of the US government are already incorporated entities, as are virtually all states and cities. Look up 'Barrack Obama' on Dunn & Bradstreet and you'll see that in addition to being that guy in the White House, he's also a publicly traded corporation, like Ebay or Microsoft. Once you understand it's simply business,and "nothing personal", the depth of their callousness and depravity becomes clear.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the finest, most practical book I've read on real-world urban survival is Cody Lundin's 'When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes'. He outlines how and why people really survive disasters (man-made or otherwise). Hint: it's not because they had a cabin in the Rockies and more guns than Noriega.
Join the Militia!
ReplyDelete"LOLOLOL what are guns and barbed wire going to do against Mother Nature or better armed gangs? Guns? Really? Trust me when I say guns and barbed wire are NOTHING against the weapons you can buy-elsewhere." Well said, I believe the Jews in Europe circa 1940 thought the same. I mean look how their passivity turned out. You Sir, may choose slavery over death. But don't choose for me or mine. I am not ex-military I am former military as well as my family. So if dying violently is my karma, I for one intend to go out fighting, not meekly walking to the ditch.
ReplyDeleteBarbed wire is action response to the law of diminishing returns. Risk vs reward. Cost/benefit analysis at street level. In order to remove a threat, one must remove the threat/s, everything else is calculated deterrence, nothing more.