Friday, June 11, 2010

Analyst to Money Managers: Take Your Cell Phones with You on Vacation; Greece Could Default in August

Greece will eventually default on its debt because the country is highly indebted, Carl Weinberg, chief economist at High Frequency Economics, said on CNBC this morning.

A restructuring of Greek debt could happen as soon as August, when Greece is due to receive another tranche of funds from its lending agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union, according to Weinberg.

You can't take a country that's over-borrowed and make it more creditworthy by lending it more money," he said. "They're throwing Greece further and further and further in the hole by not addressing the problem directly and properly."

Asked when a Greek default could happen, Weinberg answered: "at High-Frequency, we are advising people to take their cell phones on their August vacation."


  1. the bastards feds are going to be killed some day , when the king returns , they will live in hell burning and yelling and screaming , help , help me!!! they cry out for mercy but there will not be any , flames will consume them over and over forever and ever

  2. “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.” – Noam Chomsky, American Linguist and US Media and Foreign Policy critic.

  3. The World Cup as Maximum Weapon of Social Control

  4. New Japan Prime Minister Warns Country May Default

  5. nader paul kucinich gravel mckinneyJune 11, 2010 at 9:02 PM

    remember all the money they paid for the olympics

  6. Let me explain briefly what has been going in Greece. For the last 20 years or more, the goverment has been stealing funds from the treasury and this has been going on for so long that the country is financially ruined. Making the Olympics there made the situation worse.

  7. Sounds kinda like the mob....

  8. These devils of the new world order antichrist beast system that concist of the International Bankers/Bilderbergers/Illuminati and those very evil and deceptive Freemasonry devils will be screaming and yelling their heads off in the greatest agonies imaginable because of the many wars and genocides that they have unleashed on the Earth.

    And I am afraid that they will also have a World War to further engulf the whole world in economic upheavals. For their god is money and power. And their evil lord Lucifer has taught them well how to commit genocides and world domination through lies and deceptions.

    And after they cull the masses through more wars; they will force everybody to take their mark of the beast chip in their foreheads or hands. And if you don't take it; they will kill you. For that chip (mark) will eventually turn you into their soul-less and unemotional and monotoned talking slave.

    Because it will be an RFID chip that will transmit into your brain what they want you to believe and do. And you will worship their antichrist beast leader as your god and lord. And that will mean that God will forever reject you and throw you into hell because you have deliberately made Lucifer's child and son your god and king and master.

    But serve Jesus instead and reject their coming beast chip that will have you giving up your family and even your children to the antichrist beast leader.

    For Revelation's 14:9-11 says that if you take their mark and number; that you will forever be cursed by God and thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone forever.

    But those of us who are killed and martyred for not taking that cursed chip; will be greatly rewarded because we stayed with God and Jesus and gave our lives inorder to stay true to God!!

  9. "Greece could default"

    Why don;t you say the the Banksters? This is the gov. of Greece.

    I'm sick and tired of the Grassroots in any country, being blamed for everything that happens. They are innocent and are NOT at fault.

    In fact, it is the very Grassroots, that are struggling to put every to rights, and are hampered by the ptb.

  10. Good! Go ahead, Greece and default. refuse to pay the banksters and may other countries follow your example and default too.

    Also, I hope & pray Lord Jesus will come and sort out this evil mess soon.

    Meanwhile, the Greek workers and people, as well as those in other countries should revolt too.

  11. It'not only Greece but the whole WORLD is coming down in all the way..........
    signed: Seggfej

  12. Where does money come from? Answer - it is created out of thin air, if your currency happens to be fiat in nature. So dollars, euros, pounds, etc - are all nothing. if money comes from nowhere, then there is an infinite supply of it. We call that credit. If you take the time to find out how banks work with franction reserves, and what that means - and factor in the inter-bank lending, it doesn't take a genius to see that banks have in infinite supply of money. The bailouts were not necessary, and the whole point is to plunge people into debt - because in that position, they become dependant upon the state, and are thus easier to control and manipulate, and force to work or war. All countries should take back control of their own money creation. This act alone will change the face of the Earth - all without the revalations or return of the Christ. It can be solved without God's divine intervention, it just needs the people to recognise the solution, by which time the powers that be can't deny the simplicity or the inevitable result. Going further, banks of the people could have interest payments (profits) pay for all the services we come to expect our taxes to pay for, instead of ending up in the bank account of some seriously rich people, who really don't need more money. i call this "the NHS Bank". (UK)

  13. Someone explained to me recently about what is called the 70 year Bankruptcy cycle. ie That the western world is in bankruptcy administration and has been in Europe since the Napoleonic war when the Rothchilds took power.Every 70 years the west comes out of bankruptcy only to be sent back into the cycle by the starting of a world war. The last time we came out of bankruptcy was in the late 1930`s then WWll was started.We have come out of bankruptcy now. Is WWlll on the way?

  14. Whineberg should leave predictions to Astrologers and instead pay more attention to whatever worthless desk job that he has instead

  15. Greece in debt? Gee, for a moment I thought you were talking about the US, which borrows money from a private Central Bank called the Federal reserve. Doesn't that in and of itself negate that we are a democracy? How long can this private bank continue printing money that is worth nothing before we become like Argentina did? I guess when the government disappears people over the ocean like Argentina did. Still as long as we continue giving our non-money to Israel, who cares what happens to us as long as Israel is strong enough to murder foreign governments at sea? Didn't Israel disappear a few Turkish corpses overboard?


  17. WHerever there is government debt-or debt to any bank for that matter- the debt DOES NOT EXIST since the money did not exist before it was lent!!!! So the bank cannot prove it will lose anything if the debt is not paid because it never had the money in the first place! So the solution is simple: Declare all debts to banks INEXISTENT, so they never have to be paid back; and no interest is due on it either. It is all a con game supported by corrupt politicians. Mark my words: It won't last! Governments and central banks all over the place will make money so worthless that their police and military and tax collectors will be paid with worthless money and as such not want to work for them anymore since they won't be able to buy anything with worthless money. That will be the start of the new beautiful beginnings.


  19. Where do these religious nut-jobs come from? The wood-work must be full of them. To clarify...their use of the term NWO was originally coined by Edgar Casey a christian visionary when he used this term to describe the world in a very positive way. He coined this phrase in the 1920's to describe a new spiritual socialism to come. You nut-jobs, please use some other terms to describe your paranoia.

  20. BOOM, BUST, WAR!
    © 1991 - 2010 Christopher D. Day

    Rap Verse 1 Intro

    Congratulations! Look what you’ve done,
    We live your corruption, are ya havin’ fun?
    Your puppets deceive on the flickering screens,
    We could not resist the “Master of Dreams.”

    Chorus 1

    Keep ‘em entertained, and keep ‘em poor... said,
    How do you plead? It’s been decreed!
    Justice? Hah! It's called “The Rule of Law.”
    “In God’s Name” we proclaim,
    When we ring the bell, you better sell... said,
    Created by the SUPER rich to keep us poor.

    Rap Verse 2

    Well it’s plain to me, where there’s more than three,
    We talkin’ ’bout a conspiracy.
    The boys up top have got it down,
    Their funny-money makes the world go round,
    Create the credit, get em’ hooked,
    Gangster banksters, corporate crooks.
    Redraw the globe with digital borders,
    Serfs unite... It’s a New World Order!

    Chorus 2

    Keep ‘em entertained, keep ‘em poor... said,
    You’re a number not a name,
    In Big Brother’s terror game... said,
    Barcode the kids, put an eye in the sky,
    We’ve got your numbers so don’t even try... said,
    Created by the SUPER rich to keep us poor.

    Rap Verse 3

    Interest and inflation, the two sides of the one,
    Give us all your money and you might end up with some.
    They say it all began when interest was demanded,
    When banks create more money, very few can understand it.
    Seeds become more flowers, beasts create more beasts,
    Money grows on TV screens, miracles never cease... Hallelujah!

    Chorus 3.

    Keep ‘em entertained, and keep ‘em poor... said,
    How do you plead? It’s been decreed!
    (off-mic) Justice? Hah! We call it “The Rule of Law.”
    “In God’s Name” we proclaim,
    When we ring the bell, you better sell... said,
    Created by the SUPER rich to keep us poor.

    Rap Verse 4 Finale

    United in global division, the Dark Force appears supreme,
    The living dead celebrate its power,
    Until soul wakes from the dream.


  21. Greece is the least of my worries. the gulf oil volcano is unstoppable. it is americas chernobyl as will lead to the end of the U.S. as surely as chernobyl led to the breakup of the soviet union.
    wait and see the results of that oil washing up on spanish, english and french beaches next year.
    beside we all know the financial collapse is coming in sept. no matter what ANYBODY does. so jump ahead of your stupity curve for once in your life.

  22. Homosexuality, pornography (in nearly every home movie now), feminism (the destruction of the female character and family), contraception, immodesty (near every woman now dresses themselves and their daughters immodestly), sins against the first three commandments ( using the Lords name in vain is worse than murder - as it is a sin against the Majesty of God himself ), fraud, theft, usury, abandonment of Christian principles and the natural laws, corruption of near all authority. We have to pay for our transgressions; God will let our enemies punish us: Atheism, Judeo/Freemasonry and Mohamedianism are all enemies of Western Christian culture and they laugh at our weakness and inability to oppose them. So don't blame others, blame ourselves for our sins and letting our enemies in our gates.

  23. The right wing bimbettes who are trying to seize political offices that pay a days worth of their income want to get their hands on public pension raid them and move the money to Wall Street to the banksters who are anxious to shore up their bets..this is a disaster..we have crazy people in control of the world economy.crazy people..insane gamblers who are bent in their minds..

  24. we migth be living in the end times for real

  25. We ARE living in the end times.

  26. I would be more than happy if Greece defaults. It will be good for Greece and it will be good for whole people of EUSSR. Hopefully this will lead to the end of the euro and by extension would free people of European countries from dictatorship of unelected officials who impose their rules without asking anybody. EUSSR have turned to horrible dictatorship where citizens have become slaves to the ruling elite without a way for recourse. All freedom lowing people should call for the demise of euro and independence of their own countries. An end to the European Union equals freedom for it's people from socialist/fascist embrace and slavery to the unelected elite.

  27. I wish you were right. But the opposite will happen. The euro will crash taking down other currencies at the same time because ALL central banks helped in the bailouts. They will never get paid and default themselves.

    Then, the elite will have to create a new currency, a one world currency enslaving the whole world

  28. America's time is coming. Obama just asked for another 50 billion.

  29. What was that popular song during World War II? Wasn't it, "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition"? Get ready for the mother of all roller coaster rides folks and may God bless and preserve you and yours!

  30. I'm Greek living in Greece,
    what is happening here is not just an economic crisis, its a general crisis...
    In the past 20 years a country consisted of 10m peole whas mixed with another 2m foreign people (mostly muslims), a country has lost every aspect of its tradition and has adopted every sick and reverse point of view,
    our goverments never invested in people's prosperty.
    Unfortunately as far as we know country's dissociation started by adopting "Kallikrates plan" which will divide country in 7 basic provinces, wheereas in 3/2/2010 the autochthonity law was voted and every stowaway can now vote in every election (next provinces elections in November).
    Our own goverment spread rumors of Greeks being lazy and stupid,about a needed world new global goverment and about our poor economy, in the meanwhile they kept telling us that we will overcome problems on our own no national bank will participate...Noone of us was asked of these laws, the bizzare is that there are anly few people that still dispute noone still resists.
    What we live here is just an experiment i hope God bless us all

  31. "The right wing bimbettes who are trying to seize political offices that pay a days worth of their income want to get their hands on public pension funds.." I think you been watching way to much TV. That sounds more like Hollywoods version of history. The acutal facts point to the left, people like NObama. Do just do a simple search on the social security. Who opened the funds and started spending the money? Who levied a tax against social security? You will find a democrat president and democrat controlled congress. Who has purposed taking over 401k, IRA, and other PRIVATE retirement accounts? There have been around 10 attempts in the past 30 years, every single bill written by a DEMOCRAT. Glad to bust your socialist bubble with facts!!

  32. Please... it's not just the Banks, or the Government, or even just the Fed. It was two guys in a Pub in England.
    Really. Not sure just who, and I'm sure their decendants will deny everything... but I'm very sure it was those two Guys.
    Seems they were just drinking a pint and discussing the latest "fool and 'is money" to take sail to find his fortune. The discussion evolved into a bet that the poor bloke wouldn't even make it back. Soon the money was on the bar, which of course caught the barkeeps attention. He said he would keep their money (smart barkeep) and post a note on the wall to keep track of the bet. (probably took a cut too)Anyway, the guy with the boat made it back... but by that time there were more bets. (there were a lot of fools and boats back then) so the barkeep put up a blackboard. Well... to make a long story shorter... the action got so hot a group eventually began meeting in a private room off the Pub.

    So... anyone know the name of the Pub?

    Yep... It was Lloyd's Pub... Lloyd's of London in fact. Eventually the action drifted into the local goldsmith's offices... and with the help of an American (Webster) interest got mixed in... and the Show began. Mix in paper "notes" the concept of not holding a group of investors responsible for the inevetable failures (Corporations) and mix liberally with some common greed (a couple of senators late at night in the still "active" EMPTY US Senate chambers... the night before christmas) and you get a central "bank".
    The rest was inevitable.
    No falling fire. No end of the world. Just two common blokes sitting in a Pub drinking beer.
    But you all just knew it... right?

  33. Its Greece now, and it will probably be the United States next at the end of the year. As the New World Order Antichrist beast system is marching on in their plans to collaspe the economies of the world so they can bring about their One World Government and their New Economic Order.

    Is War next!? Probably!! World War 3 is on the horizon to cull (depopulate) the masses so they can demand that 2 billion take their coming mark of the beast chip and not 6 billion which would be very hard and tedious.

    And if you don't take their zombie making mark of the beast chip that is spoken of in Revelation 13 and 14 chapters of the Holy Bible; they will martyr you or put you to death. For it will eventually make you a slave and autonotomic zombie of the antichrist beast leader; who will demand your total worship and obediance. And he will even take your spouse and children and make them his. And you will be glad to obey him with that brainwashing chip in your hand or forehead.

    But in the end; the Great God of Heaven will have them in 42 months of Great Tribulation; where even their trillions and trillions of dollars in stolen loot won't be able to save them or secure them.

    And then Jesus will return with His Great Heavenly Armies and wipe them all out in hours. And then they will be judged and sentenced to the Great lake of fire and brimstone where they will be screaming and yelling their heads off fore trillions and trillions of years!!

  34. These greedy and avaracious International Bankers will be screaming and yelling their heads off for all of those wars and genocides and the chaos and great poverty that they have created throughout the whole world. For every soul that they have murdered in wars and assasinations and other means will be shown to them by the angels of God; who records every single evil thing that they have done!!

    And they will be in the greatest agonies forever and ever and ever. And their children who took their zombie making and brainwashing mark of the beast chip will be in hell too. And all those who died without Jesus will be in hell too.

    But not in the horrible levels that the International Bankers and the Bilderbergers and the Illuminati and the Black Nobility Families of Europe and the Freemasonry devils who have infiltrated every religious and political organization throughout the whole world.

    Yes, the New World Order Antichrist Beast Systems workers and minions will be in tormented 10 times worst than your ordinary sinner who dies without Jesus!!
