The IMF has long been a bought, and paid for, muscle arm of the U.S. government and the banking elite.
The play goes like this. Banks loan money to third world countries that have no chance in hell of paying the money back. The IMF comes in with "austerity" programs that include heavy new tax burdens on the working class. The revenue from the new taxes will, of course, go to payoff the banking elite. It's a sick game, but the elite seem to get their jollies by pulling this scam in country after country.
It appears the elite appear to want to up the ante. It appears they are getting set to turn the guns inward and go after the hard earned money of Americans.
WaPo reports:
The United States recently opened itself to the most intense scrutiny yet by the International Monetary Fund, and on Thursday was offered a bitter pill when the agency criticized some well-defended aspects of American culture -- cheap fuel, subsidized housing, and a government retirement check.The U.S. opened itself up to "intense scrutiny" by the IMF? This is like David Rockefeller opening himself up to intense scrutiny by his chauffeur.
In a broad call for U.S. financial prudence, the agency also said the Obama administration was overestimating U.S. economic growth and needed to trim government deficits by hundreds of billions of additional dollars if its announced budget targets are to be met.
The IMF is a bought and paid for U.S. operation. There is no "scrutiny" unless the U.S. government wants it as cover. Cover for what? Here's more from the WaPo report:
Cut Social Security. Ditch the deduction for interest on home mortgages. Tax gasoline...Not good. It appears there is a serious play in motion, by the elite, to tax the hell out of Americans. The IMF is obviously the front muscle organization that is going to lead the charge. Once the mid-term elections are over, American tax payers are going to be muscled, the way the IMF now muscles third world peasants.
The recovery is going reasonably well in the United States, the IMF said, but some of the tougher decisions remain to keep it on track.
"The risks are tilted to the downside," David Robinson, deputy director of the IMF's Western Hemisphere department, said as he presented both the IMF's annual assessment of the U.S. economy and its first-ever review of the country's financial sector....
...the agency argues that the United States needs to move more aggressively to both cut spending and raise revenue, to the tune of $350 billion or more above what the administration now plans...
Allowing homeowners to deduct their mortgage interest payments from their income taxes, for example, is a staple of U.S. housing policy, considered a way to make homeownership more affordable. The IMF came out harshly against the deduction, saying that it was part of a homeownership system that was "costly, inefficient and complex," did not demonstrably increase ownership rates compared with similar countries without the same tax incentives, and mostly benefited "the better-off."
And now the Fed has made the Fannie/Freddie balance sheets $4 trillion worse off. Whose numbers would the IMF use--the quasi-GSE's or those of the Fed?
ReplyDeleteI agree that the IMF is bought and paid for by the U.S. government. However, you cannot fault the IMF for its recommendations. The problem has long been the complete dereliction of duty by the federal government in their oversight and management responsibilities.
ReplyDeleteThe Fannie and Freddie disaster is but one glaring example.
The lack of meaningful, practical reform of Social Security and Medicare is another. The building structural deficts were obvious a generation ago.
Dont mess with social security!! Period. To do so would be a serious mistake!! Best Wishes, Doug
ReplyDeleteSure, cut everything that benefits the people. They couldn't possibly touch the almost trillion dollars a year mostly wasted on military bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI don't see why the gobbermint should be subsidizing housing - so ditching the interest deduction I am perfectly fine with. Also, SS is a Ponzi, so benefits will be cut one way or another. Taxing gasoline - mixed feelings on this one. Definitely wouldn't be good for Hummer sales.
ReplyDeleteCome and get us. I am eager for you IMF bastards to get Americans so agitated that they decide its you IMF and international bankers that need to go. You are evil beyond belief and you will be taken down. The account is due for the balance of your crimes against humanity.
ReplyDeletesocial security, has been toasted, by clinton, when he took all the funds to balane the budget, and left an IOU in the social security fund. We need to rid ourselves of the war machine and save humanity. Get rid of all grovenments, and let the people rule themselves. If they want to play war, they can buy the game called Risk, and play it on another planet like the sun.
ReplyDeleteNice breakdown of the IMF's "business model" - how does the CIA fit into it?
Anon @ 3:44PM,
ReplyDeleteGranting an interest deduction on tax-returns "acts" as a subsidy to housing, but is not actually one. It is ALWAYS better to have tax deductions, whatever they may be, and allow individuals to keep more of their own wealth, than to close such "loopholes" and squander more wealth as tax revenues for the federal government.
A step closer to the NWO!
ReplyDeleteI can't take it too seriously, because if they increase taxes any more the economy is going to roll over and die completely.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to it. Tax increases will help the financial elite buy up more things on the cheap from the impoverished sheeple.
ReplyDeleteSo--why not! The masses wanted socialism, they got...socialism. What did they think would happen? Elvis was going to swoop down in a UFO and hand out gold bricks?
Good luck taking you sassy little liberal arts degrees into the world to earn a living, America...the world doesn't need it!
This ain't about winning arguments. The Banksters must be stopped. The QUESTION is HOW! The AWAKE people are only few!
ReplyDeleteInterest deductions on mortgages were a sop to the banking interest for their outrageous mortgage products that the sheeple were forced to pay/endure for their entire working/adult life to own a home
ReplyDeleteThe people not only of this country but the world have contracted (voluntarily)with these bankers/elitists...through the social security trust and the debt/credit system. There is a remedy in the security must be revoked, it is voluntary. Social Security resides in Baltimore, Maryland not Washington D.C. Nearly 100% of the people in the country have unknowingly entered the trust through deceit. It also puts us in a different legal jurisdiction outside the constraints of the Constitution. All these IRS taxes,sales taxes, property taxes, registration, licensing, fees, fines, tolls are attached to this trust and the bankruptcy since 1933 (HJR 192) "created" by the bankers in the first place to pay for the phoney "national debt" that can never be repaid. No politician, no attorney, no congress is going to help us, they protect the trust. Mortgages: mort=dead, death, gage=pledge is a "privilege" of being in the trust. We are debt slaves and have NO rights. Does a slave have rights? It is up to the people to save themselves. Until we revoke SS and those credit cards can we claim Constitutional protection. See to understand how we got here and we can do to save ourselves thereby saving our country. Only "we the people" can save this country. wj
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, you got it half right...
ReplyDeleteAccording to the the Social Security Act of 1933, all SS payments were supposed to go into an intertest bearing account. It was not to start paying out for a decade, and the idea was that the intertest would accumulate and pay the rewtirement payments of those that paid into it perpetually, without tapping the principle.
The problem is that Congress has taken the money as general income since the beginning, illegally, and filled the 'trust' with IOU's, which don't accumulate interest, so the payments come out of the general fund.
As far as income tax goes, the Grace Commission study that Reagan ordered studied income tax and what it was spent on in 1984. Their conclusion was that it ALL went to the Federal Reserve for interest on the National Debt. NONE of it went to pay for roads, defense or anything else. It is quite simply a ripoff by the private Federal Reserve banking cartel.
The USA owes 102 trillion dollars for Social Security & Medicare , their Federal Government has plundered between 57 and 63 trillion from other trusts , borrowed another 25 trillion by private bankers allowed to print US currency out of thin air , and according to the US GAO last month, the cost of Federal Government sans Health Care over the next 9 years is another 45 trillion, the US Banking & Finances industry holds between 1 and 1.5 Quadrillion in outstanding counterfeit derivatives, and that the USA is about to face a Tsunami of retirees, (note: medical costs double every 8 to 9 years).
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the rest of the world is forming ad-hoc currency baskets for trade in order to get away from the contamination, which is the US dollar, (Chiang Mai Initiative & Bank of the South to replace the IMF & World Banking Cartel); & setting up for a new World Order Currency; despite the invasion of Iraq, even the Arabs have signed on!
The fact is this demographic is not rational – But rather a bewildered herd guided solely by their inner subconscious fears and desires . Their judgments are based upon childhood experiences that have shaped their living narrative. It is impossible in their mass societies, whose members – by and large are incapable of lucid thought or clear perception, are driven by herd instincts and mere prejudice, and are frequently disoriented by external stimuli – to make decisions or engage in rational discourse . Over the course of their lifetimes their minds have been molded, tastes formed, their ideas suggested, largely by corporate sponsors and governmental propagandists – Influenced and controlled by an unseen force that pulls the wires which controls their public mind. This “managerial aristocracy” quietly determines what they buy and how they vote and what they deem good or bad.
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ReplyDeleteThere are so many people being fed by the government and the numbers continue to grow that whose gonna sqawk......the declining middle class is slowly moving to the other side of the fence......welcome to socialism....inyo face.
ReplyDeleteintercoursing booty orfices they are destroying us.
ReplyDeleteFor a snapshot of the IMF's work in Turkey and how it helps globalists, like The Carlyle Group. The last paragraph of the article highlights the IMF's role:
It is only reasonable for the IMF to highlight the unsustainable debt of the US if the US Congress does not act in a responsible fashion
ReplyDelete. . . as it is for China to downgrade the US credit rating if the Moody's credit rating system is amiss. Otherwise, it would be the responsibility of the American people to hold career politicians accountable. But the desire for ever more political power that accompanies an excessively growth-oriented government outweighs the ability of the people (to hold politicians accountable) . . . until the markets deem the US fiscal and monetary path is truly unsustainable and the US is not too big to fail.
I don't understand what all the fuss is about. The Int'l MoFo's are your friends. They are only looking out for your best interest. Their hearts break when they see debt free self-reliant societies, all alone in the wilderness. Come on, they say, join the debt party and hook up the IV and see how good it feels to surrender to the strength of the money suckers. If you get into trouble, no problem, we will relieve you of your burdensome sovereignty and natural resources. We will provide you with jack booted thugs to keep you from hurting yourself. Doesn't it do your heart good to let yourself be protected and know firm austerity measures are being handled by a higher power? Yesssssss....
ReplyDeleteI am so sick and tired of hearing about hearing citizens should hold 'career politicians responsible'. RIGHT / Look at the choices! NONE. No sooner do they get into office than they're FUND raising again. $8.3 mill just to become a Senator!! Look at Obama (check online - lies of Obama) people believed all the hockum about change/ reviewing NAFTA - SINGLE PAYER - reviewing all trade treaties INSISTING on labor/ enviornmental protections on and on LIES. They all lie - get elected, that's what counts. Check Hacking of Democracy. WHO in their right mind allows (our politicians do) private corporate entities to control and count their votes, NO oversight! No way to do a recount. Diebold etc. How do you think that guy Greene won ( a nobody) in S.Carolina or Lincoln (corporate vote control) in Ark got elected. Wake up.