Everywhere you look these days, there are terrible stories. I live in a very sheltered world, yet I know young people just out of college who can’t find jobs, men in their late 50s who have lost their jobs and can’t see how they’ll ever find another, families barely scraping by and terrified by what might happen if anyone gets sick.This is Krugman stealing the Obama act. The idea here is to state, or imply, that anyone against higher taxes is against charity and good will toward men.
Meanwhile, wise men tell us that we all need to make shared sacrifices — especially with regards to Social Security, of course; gotta keep those manual laborers working until they’re 70, you know.
And in this world people with secure jobs, with incomes of around $450,000 a year, are feeling very sorry for themselves over the possibility that they might end up paying somewhat higher taxes next year.
I really resent when people like Obama and Krugman pull this act. Yes, my taxes will most likely be higher next year and I won't like it. But it has nothing to do with my attitude about charity and good will toward men.
I perform my own acts of charity in my own way. Just because I don't want my money going through the Washington D.C. politicized rip-off machine has nothing to do with my views on charity.
For Paul Krugman to insinuate otherwise is uncharitable and a terrible, vicious stance against men of good will. What a first post to write the day after Yom Kippur.
I like how Krugman furthers his Free-Lunch Economics by implying that people have some "Right to Retire". God forbid a "manual laborer" (does SS only apply to manual laborers or something? Where does he come up with that hyperbolic distinction?) still be working when he's 70! And woe unto all the past generations of human beings who stalked and farmed this earth, for not being in better touch with their "Right to Retire"!
ReplyDeleteOf course, many didn't live that long back then because the division of labor wasn't intense enough to permit kind of productivity necessary to result in major quality of life advancements that permit people to live into "old age" but, meh, minor details.
Freedom always seems to be a minor detail with tyrants, authoritarians and socialists.
This blog itself is a highly appreciated act of charity for those of us interested in the truth. Thanks Robert!
ReplyDeleteThis is such the truth! I donate my time and money in spite of the Governments efforts to restrain my good will towards men...
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work Robert!
To all of the above: It has to be exhausting to have to keep denying the elephant in the room. In order to have the above average of any thing or body, you must also have the below average. It does not go away by pretending it's not there or casting aspersions upon it. A large percentage of us are never able to get jobs which pay at least a living wage even if we are doing vital work. Think of a garbage company without the guys on the back of the truck. Our system demands these jobs but rewards those controlling them for paying as little as possible for the work. Don't make me wretch with your claim that you want to help this permanently-needy group, just not through the government. These programs came into being because charity by itself was leaving millions sick and hungry. Be honest. You want your money and you don't give a damn about paying to lessen the suffering of others.
ReplyDeleteSelf-Righteous Goon,
ReplyDeleteDefine, precisely, the term "living wage."