Thursday, November 11, 2010

"I May Strip Naked for the Perverts":

Scott emails:

Opt Out!

I did this the last time I flew. I told them they had to "feel me up", and yes I did use these words!

I grinned at the bastard the whole time. If everyone would opt out this would bring this nonsense to a halt immediately.

Next time I may just strip naked for all to see. See how modest I am!

I will remember to clap next time.Good advice.


  1. Great post. I travelled internationally twice this year alone, and through major airports, but backscatter scanners and junk-groping wasn't in place yet.

    I plan to travel more next year, and I can assure you I will also be opting out.

  2. Related: LRC just posted the following video from a protest by the German Pirate Party

  3. I'm going to scream "oh, yes!" repeatedly while getting groped.
