Reports indicate that more than 300 addresses that disparage BofA and its officials, by using variations on “sucks” and “blows” have been registered by MarkMonitor, a San Francisco-based organization that attempts to protect the identity of large corporations.
Web addresses registered include those disparaging of BofA CEO Brian Moynihan, Charles Noski, the chief financial officer, and board member Charles Rossotti, including., and
As Henry Blodget puts it:
Who on earth would want to go to No normal people even know who Anne M Finucane is. In case you're curious, she's Bank of America's chief marketing officer.Well, BofA just created a lot of additional focus on the WikiLeaks email dump about BofA, due out after the first of the year. And if you want to see how creative the internet is, watch the BofA related internet names that will be registered now by the public.
Assange hasn't done a thing yet, but BofA is scrambling, spending money and man-hours out of (perhaps reasonable) paranoia. That's called " living in their heads rent free..."