Monday, December 6, 2010

Tuesday is the Big Day for Ron Paul

On Tuesday, House Republicans are expected to name the chairmen of Appropriations, Energy and Commerce and Financial Services committees and various subcommittees when the GOP takes control in the House next year.

Will Republican leadership attempt an end run around Ron Paul? Or will they name him chairman of the monetary subcommittee, which they should technically do because of his seniority on the subcommittee?

Americans are watching (as is probably Ben Bernanke).


  1. If he makes it, I will be surprised.

    If, as chair, he gets ANYTHING done because of the constant obfuscation, engineering, and derailment by the hacks in both parties, which I am sure will happen, I will consider it a miracle.

  2. How is it that Ron Paul is the most senior member of the Financial Services committee, yet Spencer Bachus is the ranking member? Shouldn't Dr. Paul be chairman on the entire committee, not just the subcommittee for domestic monetary policy?

    I have a bad feeling about Dec. 8. Hope I'm wrong.

  3. ■Liberty Defined (2011)
    ■End the Fed (2009)
    ■The Revolution: A Manifesto (2008)
    ■Pillars of Prosperity (2008) – Free PDF
    ■A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship (2007)
    ■Freedom Under Siege: The U.S. Constitution After 200 Years (1987) – Free PDF
    ■Mises and Austrian Economics: A Personal View (1984) – Free PDF
    ■The Case For Gold (1982) – Free PDF
    ■Gold, Peace, and Prosperity: The Birth of a New Currency (1981) – Free PDF
