Friday, January 28, 2011

Geithner: I See Nothing

Sergeant Schultz Treasury Secretary Geithner on climbing food and gasoline prices:
 I would not put inflation at the global level on the high list of concerns.


  1. "I would not put inflation at the global level on the high list of concerns."

    Of course, not. Because then, you'd be telling the truth.

  2. Of course he doesn't. If he did, he might have to actually try to understand why, and he's smart enough to know that the answer most likely will not be favorable to his employer.

  3. What grade is the little shaver in now?

  4. Geithner's comment reminds me of Mohammed Saïd al-Sahaf's(AKA "Baghdad Bob") proclamations prior to and during the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

    High comedy in the midst of tragedy.

  5. You don't but the poor people do. Geithner is an elitist terrorist who realizes that the riot in Egypt is because of his money printing causing global inflation in food and energy. Let them eat cake, huh Timmy?

  6. Another example of "nothing is confirmed until officially denied"?
