Saturday, March 5, 2011

Another Pawn of the Elitists Sacrificed in the Face of Gadhafi Atrocities

PEU Report/State of the Division writes:
In her Daily Beast column Judith Miller offered Harvard Prof. Michael Porter up for slaughter for dealing with Saif Gadhafi. With Sir Howard Davies of LSE already roasting, that means two Western capitalist educators will pay for dealing with Libya. Porter and Davies are Lyndie England. The true elites bargaining with the Gadhafis remain unnamed by mainstream media.


  1. The State Department's David Welch escorted Saif Gadhafi to the Carlyle Group sponsored dinner at The Washington Club in 2008.

    Welch left government in 2009 to take a job with Bechtel, which had a role in building a massive Libyan power plant. David Welch isn't commenting.

  2. They got 50 Cent:

    50 Cent is the latest artist to make a donation to charity after it was revealed he performed at a 2005 Venice Film Festival event linked to the clan of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.
