Friday, March 4, 2011

Total Blockian Chaos

Professor Walter Block's expectations of government chaos from the standoff between Wisconsin government unions and the Governor continue to surpass my expectations of just days ago.  Not only do we have the legislature jammed, but, now, we have police tackling government employees.

A Wisconsin Democrat was tackled by Capitol police as he tried to walk through a door in the state legislature, reports CNN.

According to CNN, Nick Milroy, a Democrat assembly member, tried to enter the building Thursday night when police officers blocked his path and hauled him to the ground before the lawmaker could produce an official identification that permits him access.

"This armed-palace environment created by Gov. Walker has everyone feeling very tense, and emotions are running high," said Milroy of the incident, captured on camera by Milwaukee-based WISN-TV:


  1. Nice seeing a G-Man getting treated in a way usually reserved for us mundanes :-)

  2. There will be more. Scott Walker appoints Scott Fitzgerald [father of the Assembly Speaker and the Senate leader] Superintendent of the WI state police, and there are only arrest warrants and denial of entry? I am surprised there wasn't a SOF-style "hygiene raid" and interrogation/detention of the "runaways" family members.

  3. A union rep on Milwaukee TV explained their three pronged attack. First protests, then lawsuits, then mobilization, for which I read strikes.

  4. Unfortunately this is being portrayed as a liberal vs. conservative clash, rather than thug vs. thug. The media and pols are still playing the game of "good cop-bad cop" with us.
