Saturday, March 5, 2011

Understanding the Koch Way of Winning

In an NYT profile on David Koch, Koch claims that he had never even heard Gov. Scott Walker's name before the brouhaha that broke out after a fake David Koch called the Governor for a long chat.

Given that there is no question Koch operatives are on the ground in Wisconsin (Walker even acknowledged they were in his conversation with Fake Koch) and that Koch has donated to the Walker campaign, what's up with his denial of knowing Walker's name before the fake Dave episode? 

I believe Koch. While many libertarians think Koch is doing a great thing by supporting Walker, in the world of Kochopoloy, Walker is a minor pawn. He's not some biggie pro-freedom guy that Koch is all excited about. The NYT piece explains how Koch plays to win, even win it comes to horses:
Mr. Koch explained [his strategy] to bet on the winner of the Kentucky Derby. “I bought a ticket on every horse in the race,” he said
That's how Koch bets on horses and politicians. For Koch , Walker is just another politician to bet on, like Herman Cain. He admits he hardly knows the names of who he is betting on. Is Walker a big freedom fighting hero of Koch's? Puhleeze.

The NYT article, certainly inspired by one of the many PR firms Koch has hired, is primarily focused on the fact that Koch is donating a lot of money to cancer research, ever since he developed prostate cancer. In typical elitist fashion, though, he gets treatment with an experimental drug, Abiraterone, that is cut off to the rest of us. According to NYT, Koch says it works like a miracle. Of course, if you have prostate cancer, but are not an elitist, donating millions, the FDA says you can't use the drug just yet. Call back in a few years, if you are not dead.

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