Friday, April 15, 2011

Latest Poll: Trump Far Ahead of Other Republican Contenders

The latest numbers from Public Policy Polling show that among likely Republican primary voters, Donald Trump leads all contenders.

PPP in its monthly poll has Trump with 26% of the primary vote,  Huckabee at 17%, Romney at 15%, and Newt Gingrich at 11%, Sarah Palin, at 8%, Ron Paul at 5%,  and both Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty at 4%


  1. Which demonstrates that Republicans only talk about government being too big or ruining the economy when it's a Democrat led government. They'll happily accept a politician that does all of the same things if he puts an "R" next to his name.

  2. Trump would probably be an Eisenhowerish chief executive, which is to say mildly liberal. The country would slowly mend itself under that stewardship.

    Of course if Sarah announces The Donald will immediately lose the lead.

  3. It's not hard to figure out why this is. Agree with him or not, Trump is plain spoken and people LOVE that. They are sick of the political two step that every one of those hucksters does when they are on camera. The only time you get the truth is when you catch them when they didn't know they were being watched. I'm sick of all of it - we need some decent people in DC who aren't in it for themselves...but good luck with that.

  4. I suppose if you are naive enough to believe a "survey" conducted by an organization like PPP this might be interesting. Even then all it shows is that name recognition and entertainment value comprise a large fraction of any public figures political viability. Mass Humanity is a very shallow and superficial creature. Like H.L. Mencken said "No one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the american public".

  5. Trump appears to be a helluva sprinter. Let's see how he looks at the ten mile mark.

  6. He may not be Ronnie, but he sure is heck of a lot better than Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and that last nominee - McCain.

    Trump is not beholden to anybody. He speaks up and is a businessman.

    That's what we need.

  7. Assuming the jackasses elect this jackal the silver lining would be that he is intimately familiar with bankruptcy...which would be good for the country.

    The dark cloud is the various trade wars he'd kick off and potentially more military incursions if he gets further bent out of shape about oil prices....

    While the bankruptcy would help I'm not sure it's worth the other two problems...

  8. Media attempting to identify a suitably beatable obama opponent.

  9. Trump is the only individual on the scene that can beat Obama. He has charisma with a populist approach. That is very appealing to many. He will pull Dem's unhappy with Obama, moderate Republicans who are unhappy with the party takeover by the religious right and tea baggers, Independents, who will run as far from the religious right and tea baggers as possible. Trump is the only politician withe cogs to talk about our failed free trade policies and that they would have to be revisited to become fair trade agreements.He is aware the climate to bring back industry is a necessity if America is to keep the worlds largest middle class and remain a great country. The rest of the candidates are losers, they are free traders and that is the path we have been on since Reagan and the Maquidora plants in mexico. That was the beginning of our off shoring. Trump says if the world wants us to be their policeman, they must pay. Trump is a winner. Tea baggers can't beat Obama. The other Republican that might stand a chance is Romney but he is carrying baggage health care, and being a Mormon. If the party base of far right denies Trump the nomination he should run third party. He will win if the Republicans run a tea bagger Dem's run Obama and Trump runs third party. GO TRUMP
